Azure whistles tunelessly to himself as he sits up in the second floor window,busily installing new (well, less used) shutters to the windowframe on a brightsunny day. The smell of smoke from the recent fire is still heavy in the air. He occasionally looks down at the passerby; he's expecting his new 'partner'sometime today.
Azure thinks morosely to himself about whether this was a good idea; he'd beenhoping to make this a self-owned and operated business, but the second storycoming available was too much of an opportunity to pass up.
On the street below, a creature walks along, tending to stay as much aspossible on the shaded side of the street. It is dressed head to toe inmuffling gray robes, their color peculiarly mottled. Dragged behind it, acrude sledge clatters over the cobbles, heaped with cloth-wrapped bundles. Thefigure pauses just across the street from the inn, turning its head to inspectthe place.
Azure leans waaay out to reach for the sign hanging beneath the window; thething reads 'The Tied Tail' and is hanging by one hook. As he gets a hold ofone edge, the remaining hook gives way, and the sign drops. "LOOK OUT!"
Iaskafa's head snaps up to the upstairs window in time to catch sight of thefalling sign. Shah watches it plummet to the ground, but a few paces away, andthe few pedestrians nearby scatter.
Azure catches himself on the iron signpost, which creaks ominously but holdshim up. "Everything okay down there?"
Iaskafa watches the dust clear, returning shar gaze to the upstairs window. "Bad for business, mebbe, to squash customers on the front steps", the k'hu'ancalls. "'Specially if is owner as falls on them, no?"
Azure chuckles and levers himself back to a safer position. "That's the legacyof the old owner. I'm re-renovating. Should be safer once I'm done, thanks."
Azure says, "… if you could put that sign on the bottom of the stairs there I'dbe grateful. Lest some Imperial Guard type trip over it and fine me forlittering.""
Iaskafa gently lowers the pulls on the sledge and rights the sign, leaning itagainst the side of the building with a bit of a struggle. Strength was nevera particularly strong suit for the k'hu'an, and Iaskafa is a bit smaller thanmost.
Azure watches the process, and frowns a little. "Thanks. Tell ya what, come inany time after about a week or so, and I'll give ya a drink on the house foryour trouble."
Iaskafa looks up. "Now would be best, mebbe." Shah looks back toward thestill-visible pall of smoke that hangs over Darkside. "My home, it burned. But no worries… I saved what I must, pay my share, yes? You have place incellar for me, as we agreed in the letters?"
Azure blinks. "You're Iaskafa, then… I believe we have much to discuss. Beright down." He thanks the architects of the place yet again for the largerdouble doors in the first floor; the sledge should be just able to fit inside. Wouldn't do to have his new partner's last worldly posessions stolen while wewere yapping.
Azure unbars the double doors on the darkened first floor 'common room, openingthem inward, squinting at the light of the sun now illuminating the room. "Here. Let me help you with that… "
Azure picks up one of the handles and lifts, thankful again that he decided tosave money and not invest in carpeting.
Iaskafa nods, already hefting one of the staves that make up the sledge.
Azure looks down at his 'partner', a full foot taller is he. "Tell me, how isyour name pronounced? Letters don't convey pronunciation very well."
Azure nudges the sledge a little to the left; it's a tight fit, but it'll work.
Iaskafa glances up. "Iasakafa" shah says quietly. Ee-ah-skah-fah.
Iaskafa looks back at the sledge. "Be careful, mebbe, of that basket there,yes? We do not want what is there having free run… "
Azure flicks his ears at the pronunciation. "Eeyah-skahfah.", he nods slowly,committing it to memory. "Liquids or powder?", he asks, looking over hisshoulder at the basket. "Or something living?"
Iaskafa says, "Is my namesake. It lives."
Azure frowns inwardly at the swathed-completely nature of his companion; theAeonian doesn't like mysteries too close to home. 'I see. Hmm. I don'tremember seeing a mention of any animals in your letter… '
"Mebbe I show you in little", the k'hu'an murmurs between tugs on the sledge.
Iaskafa says, "And Kaiyoneko, he is in this basket here. He is cat… I wroteof him."
Azure sets his end of the sledge down carefully, and swings the doors shut asthe back end of the sledge clears their closing arc; he'd reversed the doors inorder to have the hinges on the inside. "Cat. Cats I can deal with; perhaps Imistranslated the letter."
Azure walks to the bar, accidentally bumping a chair in the process, and picksup the single oil lamp there. "Hang on, I'll add some more light."
Azure walks around the room, lighting about half of the dozen lamps affixed tothe walls. "They'll be a bit dim 'cause they aren't very full fireinspection's next week." The lights illuminate a somewhat large room, with afew round tables of different sizes, a bakers dozen chairs, and a stack offolding cots snugged up against the wall, still lashed together with hemp. "There we go. Pull up a chair, take a load off."
Iaskafa, meanwhile, busies sharself over the sledge, and by the time Azure getsthe lamp going, shah is holding a somewhat ragged looking ball of fluff thatpurrs as shah scracthes it. Greenish eyes, a tattered ear, and missing patchesof fur, Kaiyoneko is *not* a pretty cat.
Azure turns around, and hooks one of the big chairs with a cloven hoof,dragging it over to the table. "True. Letting your pets out might be anidea."
Meandering toward a chair, the k'hu'an peers about the room before finallysettling. "It is… better than you wrote."
Azure chuckles. "Don't look in the back rooms- they aint done yet."
Iaskafa glances down at the cat in shar arms. "This is only one is good to letroam. The others… they are part of my other trade."
Azure says, "But yes, it's a bit better than it was when I wrote two weeksago.""
Iaskafa turns to look at Azure. "You care to see, mebbe?"
Azure nods. "I would. I would know what it is you do to pay your share of theinvestment… "
Iaskafa plops the cat down on the floor and heads back to the sledge. The cat,of course, busies itself slinking about the room exploring.
Azure watches the cat interestedly. "Actually, while you're doing that, I'llgo get us something to drink. "Water do, I hope?"
Iaskafa goes first to the smallish basket shah pointed out earlier. "Yes,water… water is fine."
Settling across from the equines seat, Iasakafa carefully lifts the lid on thebasket, peering inside… and, with a dart of shar hand, removes something fromwithin.
The k'hu'an's gloved hand holds a what first appears to be a finely madenecklace of sparkling jade, with twin rubies adowning what looks to be theclasp… and then an orange tongue darts out from just under the "jewels".
Iaskafa says, "This… he is iaskafa, "dance-of-three-steps"."
Azure nods, and leans over the long bar to pull out and dust off two of theupside-down tankards there, and fills them with cool water from the spigot./This thing was a pain to put in, and I still haven't figured out how to getwater upstairs yet./ He looks up, holding the tankards. "A jeweler, I see… but then… " He stops short. "Ah."
Azure strokes his chin. "And just how illegal is that, Iaskafa?", he asksquietly.
"Him, he is best not touched. He bite, you dance three steps, and die, yes?"Iaskafa says quietly, but almost proudly. "Is very rare… "
Azure nods quietly, with an odd smile. "I imagine so. And by my reck, youaren't a breeder of them either… so. How illegal?"
Iaskafa stops short, as if considering the question for the first time, thenshrugs. "Mebbe is not. Mebbe is. Who knows the law? What I take from him,is even those in the Temple mebbe sometimes buy. What is law?"
Azure walks back over to the table, setting the tankards down. "Law is… aset of rules to protect the innocent from the unsavory. Or so they say."
Azure takes a long draw from his tankard. "… personally, I've seen it used asan excuse to persecute folks and get away with it, but that's just my take."
Iaskafa snorts. "Law is what them with power make of it. The scrolls, theysay this illegal. But them that make law buy. So what is law?"
Azure nods with a grim smile. "All too true. All too true. Law is for thepeople to believe in."
Azure gestures at the empty chair with the tankard before it. "Come. Have aseat. Bring your namesake. I am not afraid."
Iaskafa looks back toward the sledge, meanwhile letting the small snake twinein and around shar fingers with no apparent regard to the risk of being bitten. "Is some plants, there, too, that must have sun. And a few other… pets,mebbe bad for curious hands to pet, no?"
Azure nods. "The basement I spoke of has but one accessway; it's through atrapdoor behind the bar. It's fairly cool down there, with the 'front' roombeing the wine storage, and the back room was where the caretaker used to stay. If your pets can't climb stairs, we should be fine."
Iaskafa nods. "It will do, mebbe. Is heat? This one, he likes heat."
Azure says, "There's a wood-burning stove down there. I haven't used it yet. The alternative is where I was thinking of putting your plants; I've got asunbox on the roof I'm busy trying to logic out."
Azure swishes his tail idly against the chair leg. "Are there any other needsyou might have?"
Iaskafa nods, considering.
Iaskafa says, "I can think of no others."
Azure nods softly. "Very well. I have a few questions I would ask of you inconfidence, then. I am a trusting sort, but the closer you get to home, themore I need to know about mysteries that lie there. And this is very much myhome, to me."
Iaskafa looks around the room. "What… duties would you have me perform?"
A few moments silence, and Iaskafa nods. "You may ask what you will. Is nosurety of answers, for some."
Azure nods quietly. "For starters, I would know what your face looks like. Your scent is unfamiliar, but my nose isn't that attentive… "
Azure grins a little toothily. "… because if you're a Kavi, the deal is off.'"
Iaskafa regards the equine with what can only be a flat stare, even hidden asit is behind wrappings and goggles and veil.
"K'hu'an show their faces to noone", Iaskafa says quietly.
Azure nods thoughtfully. "And why is that?"
Iaskafa says, "It is… forbidden."
Azure grins. "Forbidden by law?"
"Forbidden by tradition", Iaskafa answers.
Iaskafa says, "A thing more binding than law."
Azure says, "Tradition is older than law. And I respect tradition.""
Azure nods. "Would touching your face be forbidden as well?"
Iaskafa considers, then emits something similar to a chuckle. "Likely not",shah says. "Noone before has had… courage? Gall? to ask it, mebbe."
Azure chuckles. "I am not afraid of death. But I would know one way or theother if you are, yet will not traverse your traditions if I can avoid it. You see, my friend, I do not trust Kavis farther than I can throw them, andthen I'd prefer to throw them. You would make the right height and build forone, I think, and thus I must know."
Iaskafa regards Azure in silence for a few heartbeats… or perhaps shah iswatching the emerald strabd coiled about shar fingers. "Would a hand do?"
Azure hmms. "Ya got the same number of fingers as a Kavi?"
Iaskafa holds up shar snake-free hand, wiggling five gloved fingers.
Azure hmms. "Do you object to taking the glove off, at least?"
Iaskafa regards Azure in silence.
Iaskafa says, "Is mebbe hard to make like I have one thumb 'stead of Kavi two,even with glove on, yes?"
Azure folds his hands idly. "You may think me strange, but I have cause todislike having a Kavi under my roof as anything but a customer. I like tothink I am working with you on this. It is possible- thumbs, like pinkies,are relatively short compared to fingers, and gloves hide finger thicknessesadmirably well."
Azure says, "Trust me on this, and I will trust your word from that pointwithout cross-examination.""
Iaskafa emits a low hiss that turns into a muttered growl. After a moment,shah murmurs, "You walk fine line with tradition."
Azure smiles a little lippedly. "I have no people, Iaskafa. No traditionbinds me truly, save my honor and honesty."
"My tradition. I need this place, mebbe. Need your trsut. Buttradition… it makes this hard, to do what you ask", the k'hu'an mutters.
Azure nods. "Hard, but not impossible?"
Iaskafa says, "Impossible, and stay strictly with tradition."
Iaskafa muses, "But then… I bend tradition little, just once, and that is whyI wear no knot."
Azure nods. "I know nothing about your people; I admit to some curiosity, butI have quelled it down to 'need to know you aren't hiding a Kavi under there.' If you were seven foot tall, I'd not worry except to wonder if you weren't twoKavi, or one with stilts. They're very clever, you know."
The k'hu'an idly taunts the snake with one gloved finger. "Yes."
Azure hmms softly, eyes flicking as he seeks compromise. "Do you shake hands?"
Iaskafa says, "No. But is because few who know k'hu'an touch k'hu'an. Tradition says nothing for touch."
Iaskafa extends both hands across the table, the tiny snake curled around oneof them, tongue idly flicking.
Azure carefully extends both hands, palm up and empty, three-finger thumb andfairly large but delicate, across the table, under yours.
Iaskafa holds shar hands steady for a moment, then, as if just remembering whatshah is holding, withdraws the hand holding the snake.
Azure nods, and closes both hands over the one remaining hand, one above, onebelow. Presses gently, and then bows his head, eyes closed, almost as if aceremonial greeting. "Give you trust by hand, Iaskafa-ahn.", he says.
Iaskafa sits rigidly still, almost as if the k'hu'an is holding shar breath.
Azure releases your hand, and sits back.
Iaskafa relaxes, just a bit. "Would you have me swear oath as well?"
Azure shakes his head and opens his eyes. "No. I am satisfied. Do I owe youa favor, partner?" The last word said with a bit of emphasis.
The k'hu'an leans back and resumes examining shar serpentine pet. "Owe? No… nothing. Mebbe, in time, we two take the stone-oath. To seal trust forthis lifetime."
Azure nods. "Perhaps you could tell me about it sometime; but now is not thetime. You must be tired, and I imagine you'd like some rest."
Iaskafa nods. "Yes. I have not slept since the fire."
Azure turns his empty hand back over, (the one that was face down) and in hispalm is a pair of keys, one steel, one brass. "The brass key is for thefurnace/caretaker's room. That is the only copy. The steel key is for thecellar door behind the bar over there.
Iaskafa nods once again. "My thanks."
Azure sighs. "Finally. A bit of trust, and why I may ask you to run thecashier runs, on my part:"
Azure gets up, walks over to the bar, and returns with a frying pan from thebartop.
Curiously enough, the only thing in there is a single gold coin.
Iaskafa inclines shar head?
Azure taps the handle. "Plate steel over iron."
Iaskafa says, "Expensive."
Azure daintily touches a horned fingernail to the pan part; a thin wisp ofsmoke rises from the contact. Azure doesn't keep his hand there very long.
Iaskafa says, "Magic?"
Iaskafa's voice sounds a little less than pleased.
Azure idly picks a stray piece of mane off his shoulder, and drops it on thegold coin in the pan.
Unlike the fingernail, the part of the mane touching the coin sets instantlyaflame, while the parts on the iron simply smolder. "Extreme allergy, youmight say."
Azure says, "You know how to hurt me now. That is my trust in you; I think Iam the only one of my kind in the city."
Iaskafa pauses, then nods. "I will no longer wear steel in your presence."
Azure chuckles. "Steel is fine. Iron and gold are the trouble."
Iaskafa ahs.
Azure says, "… that's why I had the handle plated. I'd go for steel pansaltogether, but they dent far too easily and are a bit too expensive.""
Azure says, "However, some of the more lavish customers I expect to pay ingold, and while it makes me nervous, I will have to accept it sometimes."
Iaskafa nods.
Iaskafa says, "Mebbe… you should dress as k'hu'an."
Azure says, "… I would prefer to leave much of the cashiering duties to you ifI might." "
It's hard to tell if Iaskafa's remark is intended as a joke.
Azure grins and then laughs. "A six foot k'hu'an?"
Iaskafa shrugs. "It is not as if most know us. We are, to most here, storiesin a book, mebbe, no more. Of course, if other k'hu'an come, you mebbe getasked into kiandal… " This time, there is a hint of amusement in shar voice.
Azure chuckles softly. "My people are probably not even part of stories here."
Iaskafa nods. "You are Exile."
Azure chuckles softly. "Not exactly. My people have been on Sinai beforethere was a Rephidim City.
Azure says, "… 'outcast' is perhaps more appropriate. But by choice, mindyou."
Iaskafa's head inclines the other way. "You are of the Old Ones?"
Azure chuckles softly. "Not that old. But… some of our elders claim to haveseen the First Ones in their youth."
Iaskafa nods. "As say the Yane Sial… the… Voices of my ancestors."
Iaskafa says, "I am not one they've chosen to speak to… else mebbe I beforgiven my challenge to tradition."
Azure chuckles. "Perhaps on a rainy night we can swap tales of our mysteriouspeople. But not today, yane see-all or not, partner."
Iaskafa nods.
Azure reaches deftly underneath the clothless table, and produces a pair oftankards. "You can take apple juice, right?"
Iaskafa pauses a moment, nods, then ventures "Do you mebbe play Stones?"
Azure hmms. "Perhaps by another name, or the same name. Which rules?"
Iaskafa says, "Great House."
Azure nods. "Stones" is slang for games with dice, games with pebbles, gameswith bones. Boardless games, and board games, gambled and not. But 'GreatHouse' implies the board variant, and I play some, yes."
"I have been known to… dabble a little bit, mebbe" Iaskafa says queitly. "Mebbe we play. Later?"
Azure nods. "Later. For now, though, a toast."
Azure lifts his glass. "To a fruitful business trust."
Iaskafa nods, awkwardly raising shar glass as well.
Azure taps it lightly against yours, and drinks.
Iaskafa slips the mugs up under shar veil and drinks as well.
Azure nods softly. "Now. There's business, and there's business… "
Iaskafa nods, settling shar glass on the table.
Azure nods idly at the sledge. "I have already guessed from your comments,your stock in trade. Do you also practice with what you carry, on people withenemies, might I ask?"
Iaskafa says, "Only when… necessary. It is better to sell to practitionersthan to… practice."
Iaskafa says, "You make less enemies."
Azure nods. "Indeed. You may need this, then." With a flick of his fingersthere's a tiny brass key in his hand. "To the left of the door to your room isa ventilation access, with a door to muck out fallen leaves. This will unlockit from underneath; the hinges are on the inside, and the slidebolts go all theway into the stone so it can be stood upon and not give way. I will say that Isaw you go downstairs for an evening and you have not returned."
Azure says, "You might say, a discreet access. I doubt I will have much usefor it myself, but you never know."
Iaskafa nods once again, gathering this new key and tucking into shar sleeve. "A… good fortune, that. Mebbe of use, later. You've no upset over this'trade'?"
Azure chuckles. "Your business is your own. I figure you have to pay yourshare of the bills somehow."
Azure says, "… I have a bit of a private side of business of my own."
Iaskafa ohs?
Azure chuckles. "… but mine is information. Nothing so grandiose as theInquisitors; it is my belief you can learn my by setting a warm fire and a cooldrink, and a place to rest weary feet, than any amount of torture.
Azure smiles. "Information has its uses; it was through your associate Cristathat I received your letter."
Azure says, "… however, I do not exactly sell information- more like collectit, and redistribute it where it seems appropriate. What good is being longlived if you never learn anything new about the world?""
"Yes… " Iaskafa murmurs. "She" the k'hu'an fumbles just a little for thatword "was the one who told me of you. Made sense to send the letterwith… her. Mebbe."
Iaskafa nods, emitting what just may be a whistful sigh. "Yes, to learn issometimes good. But for some, it causes troubles."
Azure nods. "Which is why I learn, but not for profit. Hence the bar."
Iaskafa says, "It is always for profit. Just sometime, profit is not in coins,yes?"
Azure chuckles. "Especially not gold coins. Hmm. I suppose it's to mypersonal gain, yes… "
Azure gets to his hooves idly. "But I must get back to work while it is stilldaylight. Window shutters to install, and all that."
Iaskafa nods. "And I… should mebbe unpack. And sleep."
Azure nods, and finishes his drink. "Good to meet you. And good rest toyou."
Iaskafa rises. "My thanks. I will mebbe be ready to start help in themorning." Shah drifts over to the sledge, absently stroking the twiningemerald strand in shar hand, and begins the task of settling in.