Elamoore, Jailhouse
Elamoore's jails are slightly more comfortable than the dungeons of the Rephidim temple in one respect: they have barred windows looking out onto the city and its domes and minarets and towers. Garbage has been piled into the alley behind the jailhouse, presumably to increase the discomfort level for the prisoners and discourage casual visitors. Prisoners are quartered four to a cell, the bathroom accomodations are dismal even for those used to outhouses, and there's no running water the best it gets is walking when being carried by a guard. Chains clink somewhere in the distance.
It has been a month since Jarik's incarceration… A length of time not unusual for Elamoore's overtaxed jail system, but still disturbing when he thinks on how close that sword of his is, locked away as evidence, and yet how far away. Cellmates come and go, brought up on more trivial charges or without the attention of nobles to see to it that they are given legal assistance, and the latest are three scruffy sand-bandits from off the Himaat desert they chose the wrong caravan to attack.
A month since he sought his sword, mysteriously tossed hither and thither about Elamoore, since he was wounded in combat in Elamoore's slums against greedy Kavis, then healed by the Lady Callie, promised aid by her mysterious father, Beryl Melodilanar, and arrested on charges of assault against an 'upstanding Elamoore citizen'. Who knows what has happened outside? It seems like forever since he last saw a friendly face…
Now it is night and the Procession casts its glowing light across Elamoore, lanterns burning brilliantly across the vastness of the city. Guards' footsteps regularly thud against the stone floor as they patrol the corridors.
A voice calls out, "Hst. Jarik, are you in there?" from the barred window.
A raspy voice calls out from the darkness, "Yes, I'm here… Who are you?"
"A friend," the shadowy figure outside responds. "Names are dangerous. You need only know that my lord finds it inconvenient that you are arraigned in order to embarrass him. Do you want freedom?"
A glint of amber shines in the darkness, "Embarrass… ? *chuckle*" The voice strains a bit, " Freedom… heh, I haven't known that in this world. Pardon my cynicism, but, what will that cost me?"
"You are said to be a man of honor," the shadow outside says. "At one time, you led other men beneath your banner. Is this true?"
One of the prisoners stirs in his bunk mumbling in his sleep about the food and generally making a racket.
"*Cough* A long time ago, yes. In a world where honor had meaning." answers the darkness.
A small silence. Then the shadow whispers to Jarik, "Perhaps you may yet restore meaning to the word. My lord finds the conditions of the Himar lowlands… Deplorable. Villages are attacked by roving bandits, and fields blaze, peasants starve, but those of Elamoore's justice will do nothing because it is not their business." There is a 'spit' sound. "If one redeemed from the courts of Elamoore were to embarrass them by providing that justice that is so richly needed, my lord would find that of advantage. Needless to say, it is a dangerous task."
The sleeping prisoner finally stops talking in his sleep and begins to snore, louder than he was talking.
… Silence…
"To protect the innocent is my duty, regardless of danger." comes the answer, finally.
The shadowy figure looks both ways, flattening against the wall as a moving lamp comes into view… Then fades again. "The greatest thing you can give someone is his freedom to act," he whispers. "Your command begins here. My lord has seen to it that some were captured and placed into your cell and those nearby who are simple bandits, willing to turn to any for money, and skilled with locks and other tricks of the thief's trade, as well as with weapons. They do not know of this plan, but you must swear them to your service and use what I give you to break out of this jail and begin your new redemption of the lowlands. Do you agree?"
The sleeper tosses and turns as he snores, making a squeak now and then. He is a dirty, raggedly dressed bundle of fur and whiskers going by the name of Squek. Since he arrived with the rest of the bandits he has been Jarik's less than cleanly cell mate.
The sound of a drawn breath, "For the chance to show this world what is possible when people will fight for what they believe in, there is no choice. I agree."
Eyes glint in the shadowy figure outside. "Very well. Fight hard, Jarik. Elamoore justice gives no second chance. I give you three gifts." The first, a leather packet, appears at the window, blocking some of the Procession light. It feels like it has many thin bits of metal in it, and some small knives as well.
A fur matted hand clasps around the bag, the sensitive fingers probing the contents from the outside.
Squek stirrs and wakes just long enough to complain about the noise, then goes back to sleep.
The second turns out to be a rolled up parchment… A map. "There is a cache of weapons, armor, supplies for a few days, and money located in the lands west of here. Follow the map, but be sure that you do not let it get out of your control, lest your followers abandon you. They must know that the wealth comes from you and the lord that backs you. There is a code phrase also, should my lord need to relay a message to you again. It is, 'Black birds fly at morning'."
The map disappears into the darkness. "I ask one thing more. If possible, I would like to recover my sword. It's the symbol of my order." A pause, "And tell your lord thank you for me. I am indebted."
Squek grumbles as he wakes again, he says in a tired voice, "I would like someone to be quiet so I might sleep till morning!" He pulls a pillow over his head and goes back to sleep.
And the third… is a long bundle wrapped up tightly in silk. The shadow hisses, "It is already done. Take up your command from this moment, Sir Jarik. I go now. When I hear the clamor of guards, and the news that thieves have escaped the jail, I will know that you have begun."
The hand clasps around the bundled item. "Once again, I thank you. Good travels to you, sir."
The shadow whispers, "Do not fail." The cloaked figure sneaks off into the darkness, leaving Jarik to consider… just what he's going to do with lockpicks, some knives, a map, and his sword.
Jarik glances about his cell. His eyes have grown used to the darkness now. { Now, let's see… }
A guard yawns somewhere down the long corridor, a sound almost lost in the cacaphony of prisoners snoring away.
Squek rolls over, snoring loudly as he finally manages to get comfortable again.
Jarik walks over to the other prisoner and taps him gently, "Wake up… "
Squek grumbles as Jarik taps him; he mutters, "No more of the awful soup… "
Jarik chuckles to himself and kneels close to the prisoner. "Freedom… " he whispers in his ear…
Squek opens an eye lid, peering up at Jarik, he whispers, "You're not pulling my leg, are ye?"
Jarik shakes his head, "Only as much as we have good food… "
Squek opens his other eye and sits up, "And how do you suggest… " he twitches his whiskers, "we get out?"
Jarik glances back to the door before continuing, "It comes with a price, as all things do. Still interested?"
Squek considers this for a moment, then answers, "Alrighty, what sort of payment does this rat get?"
Jarik chuckles, "Amusing. It is a price you have to pay for freedom."
Squek twitches his whiskers, and says, "Ehh well I was getting tired of this dump, you know… So maybe I'll join you… what do you need from Squek?"
Jarik looks back to the door, "The cost to both of us is this: We must give our oath to protect the Himar lowlands from the bandits that are raiding them. You, sir, must agree to follow my orders. I am Sir Jarik Fireclaw, late of Crydon. Head of the Order of Crydon."
Squek considers the fancy talking Jarik, and his offer of freedom. His answer is this, "You speak a lot of nonsense sir… But you got yerself a thief."
Quiet amber eyes look up at Jarik from a nearby cell. They belong to a black-furred Jupani wolfess. "Freedom?" she hisses. "How serious are you with this talk?" Her Rephidim common is accented, but understandable.
Jarik looks up, "Completely serious, M'lady. Do you care to join us?"
Squek looks at Jarik's bag, and asks, "I wouldn't suppose you have, say, somethin in there for old Squek?"
"I do," the wolfess whispers. "I'm Winnowei. Get me out of here and I'll fight fiercely in your cause."
Jarik nods, "The tools on the bag you may find useful." He offers the bag to the rat. His attention now focuses to Winnowei, "Then, welcome. Once we are free of the cell, it will be easier to examine the route that has been planned."
Winnowei eyes the rat distrustfully. "Keep an eye on him," she suggests. "If he's like most of the desert kind, he'll disappear as soon as there's nothing more in it for him." She gets up, pacing her cell like a caged wild thing.
Squek rummages through the tools, making various sounds of approval. He squeaks to Jarik, "You know boss, when we get out of this cell here we might want to think about getting my boys out of their cells… safety in numbers ehh boss?"
Jarik looks to the rat, "Just how many?"
Squeak eyes the Jupani with distaste, muttering, "You outta not talk about Squek like that… " He looks at Jarik, "I got about thirteen of my boys still alive here."
Winnowei gives Squek a narrow-eyed look back. "We'll see, won't we," she hisses.
Jarik looks to Squek, "And what is the guarantee your friends will not harm Winnowei and I?"
Squek ponders, biting a lock picking device then answering, "Aaaand what says your lady friend and you won't be hurting Squek, ehh boss?"
Jarik looks to Winnowei, "As long as you don't rescind on your agreement that you will help, I will guarantee she will not."
"I'll do what my life-giver says," Winnowei says quietly, but firmly. "True Jupani do not back down on their loyalty."
Squek look at the lock and puts it back in the bag, he says, "Then there no problem den, boss."
Jarik makes a note to memorize the map, then destroy it. If he decides to let Squek free them, it would be best to have insurance that no harm will come to them…
Jarik pulls out the map and examines it for a few moments. o O {Let'ssee how the layout of this place is… }
Jarik hms . o O {Shame, no map of THIS place, only out of the town. *sigh* Oh well, we'll be careful… }}
Jarik rubs his chin, and formulates a plan…
Jarik whispers, "Squek, can you pick this lock… ?"
Squek hmms and looks at the picks selected, then to the door, then to Jarik, "Maybe I can and, mm, maybe I can't… want me to try?" he says.
Jarik nods, "In just a moment… " He quiely moves closer to Winowei in the nearby cell, "Okay, I'm going to need you to do something for me… Call over one of the guards after Squek gets the cell open, and keep him distracted… "
Winnowei growls quietly. "Do it or die. No second chances for any of us," she hisses, then looks at the lights from the guard station a long way down the hall and a little past a jog in the corridor, where guards stand by a barricaded door. She looks at Jarik. "Distracted… ?"
Jarik nods slightly, "Yes. I have a plan on how to get out with no bloodshed. But, we need a guard's uniform, for one. Keep him distracted until I can move behind and subdue him quietly… "
Winnowei looks doubtful. "It's hard to think of a distraction that will bring only one of them running," she whispers to Jarik. "What should I do?"
Squek silently moves up to the door and studies the lock for a moment and picks the lockpick he thinks will work. After choosing, he turns to Jarik and waits for his command.
Jarik unwraps his sword and grips the handle lightly, "Simple, ask one of them to come to the cell for a moment." He thinks… "Say you've got something important to tell to one of them. But… if both come anyway, I'm going to need your help in subduing both. It would be wrong to actually harm them, since this is their job… "
"You have strange scruples," the black wolf says. In this dim light, she could be one of the shadows of the jail. Her brows furrow in thought. "I'll try, pack-leader."
Jarik looks at his two new companions, "And we _must_ do this quietly. We can't alert the other guards."
Squek looks around impatiently, wishing the boss would talk less, act more.
Winnowei glances scornfully at her three cellmates, some of them bearing bruises from when they tried to accost her before. She walks to the front of her cell and leans forward against it, trying to single out a guard to distract.
Jarik nods to Squek, "Now… "
Jarik says, "And _quietly_"
Squek makes a single nod and sticks the lockpick into the lock by reaching through the bars and around… It is clear this is going to take a moment.
Winnowei looks back at Jarik. If she starts too early, the guard will see them working at the door for sure.
Jarik says, "Wait just a moment, Winnowei, once the door is unlocked, I'll signal you… "
The black wolfess nods.
Jarik looks at the layout of the walls near the cells… "Squek… is there any oil in tha bag? I'm worried about the door squeaking… "
Squek hmms and nods, "Might squeak a bit boss… no oil either, what do you wanna do?" he asks.
Jarik hmmms, "We need backgorund noise, then."
A guard comes into view at the end of the corridor. He yawns and thumps his spear-butt against the stone floor. His head is aimed the other way, but it surely can't be long before he makes his routine hourly check-through this way. And the prisoners are supposed to be asleep during the night…
Jarik thinks… "Can you fake a VERY loud snore?"
In another cell, one of the rats wakes up, muttering a bit to herself.
Winnowei looks uncertain, then stays at her cell's door defiantly. Freedom comes tonight or not at all.
Jarik looks toward the guard, "We need noise that wouldn't attract their attention. Any suggestions?"
Squek peers down the hallway and see the guard, he whispers to Jarik, "Let me try this boss." he quietly spits on the lock and finishes his picking the lock. The door swings open a very little with only a dull squeak.
Jarik hms, "With Winnowei talking to him, that should be enough."
Squek grins as the door opens; he grabs the door so it cannot swing any farther and motions to Jarik.
Jarik looks to Winnowei, "Now… "
Surinar's ears perk a bit, and she rises from her sleeping cot… edging towards her cell's door quietly.
Winnowei catches the signal. She begins moaning, "Aroooo! Aroooooo… " The mournful howl of a wolf cut off from her pack, who may never see them again. Some of the other prisoners stir at the noise and begin cursing. "Shut up that Jupani!" a nearby raccoon thief hisses.
The guard stops in mid-yawn. "Aww, Dagh take it, not another one." He yells down the corridor, "Shut up! Get back to sleep and don't make me come down there and beat you into silence!"
Winnowei calls back, "Let me out of here! I can't stand another minute in this pile of stone and wood!" She howls again, a little louder.
Jarik grins, "Perfect, get him to come into your cell… " He looks outside his cell for a shadow or some location he can hide in… "
Surinar mumbles, "Rookie." under her breath… though she can't be much past childhood herself. She heads back to her cot and tries to sleep again.
Nearby prisoners stir themselves out of their blankets, watching to see what's going to happen.
Jarik looks to see if the guard is coming this way… Hopefully there's time to slip out of the cell before he gets into view…
The guard starts thumping down the hall, looking irritated. "Dagh take you, prisoner," he growls. "Can't you let me get through another night in peace?" As he approaches, Winnowei backs slowly against the far wall of her cell. She goes, "Yip yip aroOOOooooOOOooooo… "
Squek is ducked down into the shadows by the door, he's not very big and his black fur makes him fairly hard to see.
Jarik decides to wait out the guard. Let him enter the cell… then he'll move.
Jarik slides the sword into his belt. He needs his hands free for this…
Squek takes this moment to gather his picks and hide them somewhere on his person while waiting for the Jarik's signal.
The guard reaches Winnowei's cell. She continues to howl mournfully, but her eyes flick toward Jarik for just a minute, as the guard looks down at his ring of keys and starts fumbling with them, then testing the key against the lock. It takes three keys before he finds the right one… *click*
Jarik clinches his hands, . o O {Now, I just have to be fast enough… Enter the cell, come on… }
The guard swings the door open slowly with one hand, causing it to squeak loudly.
Jarik waits until the guard is just within the cell. Moving quietly, he tries to open the door without much of a squeak and exit the cell…
Squek silently shadows Jarik out of the cell and keep to the darkness.
Winnowei howls even louder. Except she's protesting now, "No! Don't hit me with that! All I want is to run free… " Perhaps the intention is to convince the other guards that she is being dealt with noisily. The guard looks confused… For a moment, long enough for Jarik to slip out of his cell.
"What are you playing at? I ain't even touched you yet," the gray-and-white peppered Jupani says with narrowed eyes as Winnowei whines. "If you don't shut up soon though, you're going to see what I can really do with a club." He puts his hand on his club-handle.
Jarik moves through Winnowei's cell door… Quietly, he tries to move just behind the guard…
Winnowei whines and whimpers, but her gaze goes past the guard to Jarik. The guard tenses as if about to turn and see what she's looking at…
Squek stays back somewhere behind Jarik in the dark, his whiskers twitch as Winnowei looks past the guard.
Jarik moves with the silent speed he's earned through his years of swordfighting. His left hand quickly comes up aroung the guards head and grabs his muzzle tightly, clamping it shut. It's followed by his right arm around the guards neck, the bones of his arm are levered against the blood vessels in the guard's neck, clamping off flow of blood to his brain. The fox adjusts his position sideways and pulls the guard backwards, arching the guard's back. He hopes this keeps the guard off balance long enough to go into unconsciousness. He whispers in the guards ear, "It's impolite to threaten a lady. You should know better… "
The guard struggles wildly with Jarik, his larger body stronger than the smaller fox's but Jarik has the better position. Winnowei leaps quickly to help Jarik before the guard can buck away, hammering her doubled fists against his stomach to take the spine out of his resistance. *thud!* Prisoners nearby widen their eyes and start getting up to watch. "The keys, gov," one hisses the raccoon. "You k'n get us all out with his keys!"
A moment of resistance, and then the guard is unconscious on the floor.
Surinar climbs up from her cot and back to the cell door. Something must be going on…
Jarik lowers the guard to the floor and takes the keys, "That I can. Will you help us escape?"
"SURE!" The raccoon looks eager to get going and vanish into the alleys.
Jarik removes his shirt and tears it into strips. He tosses a couple to Winnowei, "Help me get the guards clothes then tie the guard up?"
Squek looks over at Surinar from the darkness, he whispers, "Da boss is getting us out of here."
The black wolfess hurries to do her part. As she ties the guard down, cheerfully making sure the bindings are extra-tight, she whispers, "They'll notice he's down soon enough, pack-leader. What are you going to do?"
The brown-tan rodent whispers back to Squek, "Boss? What boss, Squek?"
Jarik examines the guards clothes, "You would possibly make a good guard. 'I'm a bit small for one. But, as prisoner and escort, we could get closer to the other ones and subdue them too… "
Squek calls to Jarik, "You want me to get da boys out, boss?" he turns back to the rat and whispers, "We got a new boss, you still follow me, but I do what he says… could be money in dis."
"I don't think they'll buy that," Winnowei hisses, her ears folding in disappointment. "No reason to bring a prisoner out at this hour, if no one outside called for one… "
Jarik tosses the keys to Squek, "Yes. But, tell them to wait until signalled. There are more guards to deal with." He turns back to Winnowei, "Point taken. But, a guard could still get closer to them. Plus… a guard could get them to come this way unsuspicious. And… " He looks at Squek and his crew, "We have enough help to subdue them."
The black wolfess starts putting on the guard's clothes however. Tall as she is, the clothes have to stretch a bit, and the breastplate hangs somewhat over her chest until she tightens the straps with a painful grunt. She sets the helmet over her face and grimaces. "Smells sour in here."
Surinar nods to Squek. "Gennoh for me, long as we outta here."
Squek grabs the keys and heads out of the shadows and into the light to unlock the dor, he calls quietly into the cell, "Wake up boys, were gettin out of here."
Jarik pats Winnowei, "It could be worse. We could stay here. Now, do you think you could fool the other guards at the gate down here to come this way? You could just motion to them, no speaking… "
Winnowei looks over at Squek where he's setting to work with the keys. "All right… I'll try." Her tail swishes doubtfully.
Jarik smiles at Winnowei, "Have faith."
Other prisoners stir and wake. "Boss," one whispers to Squek. "What're you doing out of your cell? They'll kill you if they catch you standing out there like that." He slaps his cheek. "Are we busting out?"
Surinar waits for Squek to unlock her door, readying herself for the breakout, tail in a nervous twitch.
Squek goes through the keys; it's not the first, not the second, or the third… he curses quietly and tells his boys to be quiet, he's working.
Jarik motions to Squek to move into hiding, "We're going to get the other guards to come here. Tell your friends to get ready. We need to take them down quietly… "
Squek is almost ready to just pick the door when he finds the right key, the door opens with a soft click. He nods to Jarik and waves his boys to hide in the shadows.
Jarik pats Winnowei's shoulder, "It's now or never. You ready?"
Winnowei looks about at the shadowy cells full of expectant prisoners, then back down at the tied up guard. "I think so," she says quietly. "Don't know if they'll believe it." She walks to the cell door, then turns back to look at Jarik.
Jarik nods to Winnowei, "Neither do I. But, it's a chance we have to take. We need then out of the way quietly. There's no way we could take on the full contingent of soldiers in this place… "
Surinar presses flat against the wall of the cell, just out of the light. The other rats in her cell do the same, waiting for their chance.
Jarik pats Winnowei's shoulder again, "You make an excellent guard. Now, to freedom… "
Winnowei walks out of the cell and quietly down to the intersection in the corridor, near the jog and turn to the lighted guard station. She waves to catch their attention. A voice calls back, "Didja take care of the howler? Boy, whatta noise. Like something from out of the old war grounds."
Squek waits with Surinar in the cell, looking to her, then Jarik.
Winnowei frowns, then motions again, urging them to come quickly. She pats her throat to suggest that she can't talk right now. "What? Trouble? You mind the fort, Elmore. I'll go check it out."
Jarik thinks. o O {Yes!}
Winnowei walks quickly back down the corridor, followed by another guard about twelve steps behind.
Jarik rattles a few things in the cell he's in. Hoping Winnowei gets the idea to lead him into here.
Jarik presses himself against the wall next to the cell door…
Jarik couches down and tightens a fist. o O {Now, will this work… }
Squek motions for his boys to get ready…
Winnowei starts down the corridor and motions for the guard to follow her quickly. He begins to follow, then stares at the nearest cells. Empty… His gaze begins to travel down the line of cell doors. "By the First Ones," he slowly curses. The black wolfess in guard's costume stiffens.
Surinar readies, tail now still and untwitching.
Jarik almost curses under his breath. He goes to the cell door, "Guards! Thank the gods you're here! The prisoners are digging a tunnel! Some have escaped! It's in the cell next to this one, hurry!!!"
The guard's attention goes instantly to Jarik as his ears flatten. "A tunnel, eh? The same tunnel Ged's voice went down?" He takes a deep breath and turns toward the guard station… Just as Winnowei sprints down the hall, tackling him and thrusting her shoulder pad into his stomach. "Ooof!"
The quiet murmur of guards playing cards in the guard station stops. "You hear something, Elmore?"
Jarik leaps out of the cell he's currently in and heads toward Winnowei and the guard. "You should have checked, no one would have been hurt that way… "
The guard struggles with Winnowei. He draws breath again as he wrestles… The black wolfess jams a gloved arm into his mouth, and they roll around again, as he tries to grind his fangs into the tough leather. Unfortunately, the fight is not soundless…
Surinar looks to Squek, wondering what to do now…
Squek moves twords the front of the cell, motioning for his boys to follow.
"Sounds like trouble, Red. We'd better check it out." Three guards stand up and start to walk out of the guard station, their shadows stretching down the corridor and toward the jog, where Winnowei and her assailant are shadowed by the bend.
Jarik motions to the cells for the other prisoners to come out and help… "Watch the corner, stop any guards that may come… "… He leaps onto the pile of Winnowei and the guard, trying to help her subdue him quickly…
Winnowei turns her face up at the sudden fox, her black lips pulled back to reveal clenched fangs. She lets Jarik distract the guard with his attack, then punches him quickly in the gut. His mouth opens in a muffled yelp…
Surinar moves with about half the other rats, ready to fight the guards, while the others move to Jarik, helping him fight.
Squek stalks out of the cell with his boys behind him, he looks at Jarik and nods then sends some of his boys to the corner before following himself… But behind them.
Jarik wrestles with the guard trying to pull the his helmet off… He looks at Winnowei, "You did fine. It was a longshot… "
Winnowei keeps the guard pinned down with her Jupani strength, and motions for Jarik to finish the job. Her teeth stay clenched; blood trickles down her gloves where the guard's long canines pierced the leather.
The guards turn the corner… And see the thieves a moment before the thieves pile onto them. Silence becomes a lost memory, what with the shrieks and howlings of the combatants.
Jarik pulls the guards helmet free and grips him by the fur in the top of his head. He pulls the guard head off the ground about half a foot, before slamming it hard onto the stones.
*thump!* Unconscious guard.
Winnowei pauses to inspect her arm before cutting loose. "OWWWWW!"
Squek stays out of combat himself but keeps a few steps back directing his boys' combat actions, no need for him to fight he thinks.
Jarik looks at Winnowei, "I'll bandage it later… " He leaps to his feet and draws his sword. {Okay… it looks like we've got a fight.} He shrugs, secrecy is gone. Time to fight full force… Moments later, the swordblade ignites in a bright blue flame and he approaches the battle…
Surinar bites viciously at one of the guards, trying to gnaw his throat open.
The total is… Thirty brigands and a knight to three guards. The guards go down painfully, but not without giving a good accounting of themselves, and some thieves stagger back with bloody, gaping wounds. "Let's kill the sons of " a raccoon mutters. A brown-tan lady rat who Squek recognizes as Surinar is about to chew one of the guards' throats out…
Squek discreetly steps away from the fight and lets the fighters do there work, he calls to his boys, "Thas right boys, give em the old one two!"
Jarik raises his sword, "No! No killing. Put them into the cell with the other… " He looks at the brigands, "Killing them will just make the hunt for us later much worse… "
Jarik looks at the brigands, trying to think of some way to convince them, "Besides, wouldn't the humiliation of their failure be better punishment for their treatment of you?"
Surinar stops with her teeth at the guard's throat… and remembers Squek said the fox was in charge. She gives the guard enough damage on the neck to make sure he'll carry the scars, but stops short of killing.
Squek just nods to Jarik's commands.
Elmore, a red wolf, snarls "You won't get away with this I know you, Jarik, Darius, whatever you call yourself! yeowch!" He yipes at the neck-slashes and struggles as blood wells down his throat.
Jarik nods to Elmore, "Sir Jarik Fireclaw. A name I will no longer hide from. I suggest you instruct your men to drop their weapons, you're outnumbered. I don't want any killing here. But… " The sword flares brightly, "If that is what you choose, so be it."
The thieves mutter angrily, forbidden to take out their anger and frustration on the guards. These are not a pristine group that Jarik now leads, not the brave and strong-hearted warriors he knew once. But it's a start. Elmore gives Jarik an icy stare, as the others are helpless save for meaningless threats. "Just get out that door," he promises. "I'll have the Watch on hunt for you so fast we'll chew off your tail before you know it."
Squek chuckles to himself, taunting the guards, "Hope all you like da food."
The raccoon makes bleching noises. "Food, hah, me granmum could cook better than that an' she lives inna swamp. Geckos. *yech*"
Jarik chuckles, "A fox hunt, it won't be the first time. I suggest you tell your superiors that a knight is now on a crusade to halt the corruption that festers in this land. " He turns and walks toward his new crew, stopping to look back, "You'll find that I'm a hard fox to catch, much less kill." He bows slightly, "Until our paths cross again."
Jarik smiles at Winnowei , Squek, and his crew, "Now, shall we be leaving this place? Make sure their cell door is locked tight would you, Squek? You have the keys."
"You're the corrupt one," Elmore accuses. "You an' whomever got yer lovely bunch out. Criminals! Thieves an' kil " The thieves turn down the volume on his voice with a heavy thump and start dragging the guards into a cell.
Squek nods and grins, whiskers moving, "Certainly, boss."
Surinar kicks one of thee guards solidly in the gut for one last bit of revenge, and heads over to Squek's side. "Ready to go when you are, Squek, and Jarik-Boss."
Jarik thinks. o O {Remember your code, Jarik. Do what is right, not what is the 'law'. His words mean nothing… or do they?}
Jarik looks at Winnowei and Squek's crew, "Is anyone bady hurt?"
Squek closes the door and locks it tight, he uses this moment to taunt the guards one last time, "Enjoy your stay, we did."
Winnowei pants. She looks out of the guard station, then mutters, "Quiet. That won't last long. Let's go." But a tempting target waits on the other side of the guard station… A rack of spears and clubs and even some swords, the tools of jailhouse guards.
Squek looks to Jarik, then to the weapons, "You want me to tell the boys to get suited?" he asks.
Jarik hmms, "Lightly. Just enough to protect themselves. I have other weapons elsewhere." He lets the energy dissipate from his sword before sliding it into his belt. "And hurry. We hven't much time."
At the heavy door that leads out, Winnowei starts shucking her guard uniform. "Too hot in this," she whines.
Squek motions to his boys and they begin grabbing weapons, most grab short swords as does Squek himself.
Jarik says, "'That door leads out? :)"
"Think so," the black wolfess says as she shucks the uniform. She picks up the club and hefts it in her hand. Suitable enough.
Jarik places his head against the door, ear flush with the surface…
Some crunching noises. What?
Jarik opens the door just slightly and peers beyond…
Surinar arms herself, and stands ready with the rest of the rats.
"Gimme that," a muffled voice says from outside. Brief thumps, and then the other guard crunches on a fruit. Looks like two guards standing just outside the door… And looking at just the wrong time, as Jarik opens it.
Jarik leaps back from the door, "Get ready… !"
The guards look at the opening door, puzzled as it has stopped opening. "Make up your mind, Ged, you want in or out?"
Squek gathers his boys and readies himself.
Jarik puts on one of the leather gloves Winnowei shed and sticks his hand through the crack in the door and motions for the guards to come in…
The guard thumps against the door, causing the heavy wood to close painfully against the hand. The two guards outside start laughing uproariously. "Not fooling us again like that, you govs aren't," the first one says while the other crunches on his fruit. "We ain't going in there so you can noogie us big time."
Jarik mmrghs, and shakes his hand painfully. He hmms, they're right behind the doors, then… He KICKS the door hard, hoping to hit them with it…
Squek tries not to laugh…
"OWW!" "Hey, quit fooling around in there, Ged!" The first guard staggers behind the door while the other looks inside. His jaw visibly drops.
Jarik waves a hand, "Take them!" He leads a charge (hopefully) out of the door…
Squek yells to his boys, "Go get em boys!" he charges off behind them.
"Ahhh! Prison break! Prison break!" The guard not behind the door starts screaming as he runs. The one who WAS behind the door…
Winds up thumped and beaten unconscious by a swarm of thieves. Winnowei takes Jarik's hand. "Come on! Let's go!"
Jarik blinks and nods to Winnowei. He looks for the closest way OUT of this place. His free hand waves at his new crew to follow… !
A short jog and they're out into the streets of Elamoore… Where Winnowei sniffs the air. "That way," she whispers. "But they'll have guards on the gate… " She scratches behind an ear, looking around and trying to think of a quiet way out of the city. "What do we do now?"
Squek hmms and checks his boys, he looks at the boss, "Yeh boss, what now?"
Jarik thinks a moment, "There is a river that flows through this city, correct?"
Winnowei thinks. "Yes. The dock's down by the river… But they'd be sure to guard the docks." She scratches behind her other ear and looks at the band of thieves, as if trying to envision how to smuggle all of them out of the city. Her tail swish swishes.
Jarik looks at Winnowei and grins, "How well do you swim?"
Squek umms, "Me and the boys don't swim so well, boss."
Jarik rubs his neck, "Drat. That would have been a good way out. Well, we can at least still check the docks, perhaps we could grab onto the keel of a ship and ride it out." Would you lead the way, Winnowei?"
Winnowei nods. "Certainly, pack leader." She trots off down the street, while the lone guard running away yelps, "Prison break!"…
Surinar follows along behind Squek, silently.
Jarik says, "Then please do… "
Jarik tilts his head, "Pack leader?"
The docks are quiet… Though murmurs in the streets suggest that the city won't be quiet for much longer. Several bored-looking guards stand outside the gate, and airships hang in cradles near the black silhouettes of docked ships. The gate stands wide open, to face the clear cold waters of the Wash, the large river that runs along the south of the city; to the east is the tributary where another river joins it.
Merchants and sailors keep to themselves, with only a few sailors obvious as watchers on deck.
Jarik looks out at the ships, trying to find one that looks like it may be leaving soon…
Winnowei whispers to Jarik, "You rescued me from jail from having my hand cut off for attempted theft. I owe you my freedom. Until my debt is repaid, you are my pack leader."
Squek looks around at the ships, he turns to Jarik and asks, "Hate to bother boss, but which one?"
Jarik looks at Squek, "I'm not sure yet… " One of these is hopefully leaving soon… Can your crew swim at all?"
Winnowei looks at the ships. "I don't think any of them want to leave just now," she whispers to Jarik.
Squek hmms, and nods, "We can swim a bit boss, but we'll have to drop our gear."
Jarik nods, "The loss of gear is not a problem… " He looks at the location point where the river leaves the city, hoping it isn't guarded. He begins to consider alternative plans…
Jarik hmmmms and glances about for a couple available wagons…
Jarik hmms again, "Did anyone grab rope at the jail?"
In this intersection of several crooked alleys overlooking the market gate, where the merchants have closed up the bazaar and gone home, there's nothing to be seen in the way of wagons… Except for a nearby stable, whose doors are shut. Several large riding beasts moan to each other in plaintive voices. A raccoon thief perks his ears up. "Dromodons," he whispers. "I k'n master 'em."
Jarik looks at the raccoon, "Do you think we could quickly set up a pseudo-caravan?"
Squek nods to the raccoon… whats his name… "Well git to it den."
"A whatsit-caravan? Never heard of pseudos," the raccoon shoots back.
Jarik ers, "Sorry. A false caravan. One that is a caravan only in appearance."
Squek shakes his head and says, "Never minds the bosses fancy werds."
"Roger-dokey. C'mon Squelch, gotta lock to jimmy." The thieves cheerfully set to stealing several large lizardish riding beasts and wagons from the stable.
Jarik glances at Winnowei, wondering where she is from. Wondering what group she came from. They seem honorable.
Jarik shrugs to himself and returns to looking about the city, on the watch for guards.
The black wolfess looks back at Jarik, then over to the stables. "Don't trust them a bit," she mutters.
Soon there are several wagons full of hay, and Dromodons in harness in the front. Unfortunately, there is now also a light on inside the stablekeeper's house. "What the… " someone mutters. He starts opening the window the silhouette looks vaguely like a fennec-eared fox.
Jarik nods, "Trust or not, they helped us get free." He blinks and waves his arms, "Hide! Quickly!" He dives into a wagon full of hay.
Squek jumps into the hay with Jarik.
"Thieves! Help! Help," the Zerda looking out the window bellows. Panicked, the other thieves start jumping on to the wagons and the raccoon driver yells, "Heiya!" to the Dromodons, ordering them into a fast lumber. The lizard-beasts start walking, then galloping for the gate.
"Who's he calling thieves," a mouse-face near Jarik mutters. "We was just *borrowin'* these dromos."
Squek nods, "Dem city folk jus don't understand us."
"Stop at once!" a guard yells at the gate, seeing the wagons bucking straight toward him. "Stop! Stop!"
Jarik nods quietly, "Exactly, but they don't know that. Let'shope this works… " He looks around for Winnowei…
Winnowei mmfs squinched in near Jarik. "Mmmf mmmf mmf." Looks like Jarik's tail is stuffed in her nose.
Jarik moves his tail, "Er, sorry."
"Mmf." Winnowei looks miffed, then yelps as the wagon takes a high bump off some rocks. She peeks out to see the city lights fading into the distance, then drags Jarik up. "Well now, there's a pretty sight." She wags her tail, right across Surinar's muzzle.
Surinar chomps! on Winnowei's tail, eliciting a loud "OW!"
Jarik looks at Winnowei, and eyes Surinar, "May I see your hand, lady Winnowei?"
Squek waves to the city and throws the cell keys too, "Good riddance!"
Winnowei nods to Jarik and shows him her gashed arm. The puncture wounds don't look too bad, thanks to the glove… It's only bleeding a little.
Jarik looks at her hand, "Ah, it's minor. When we stop I'll find something to bandage it with." He kisses the back of her hand, avoiding the wounds, "Thank you for your help, M'lady"
Jarik sits up and looks toward the fading lights, amazed they made it this far. "My friend Squek, the adventure has only begun. Thank you all for your help. We wouldn't have made it without working together. " He stands up in the cart, "Everyone, once we rest tonight, I need to speak with you tomorrow."
Winnowei nods, perking her ears up. Pack leader business.
Jarik continues to speak, "Each of you has a decision to make, and it won't be an easy one. But, that is for another day. Tonight, rest well, all of you have earned it."
Squek nods, whiskers moving, "Was a pleasure, boss." he says.
Winnowei looks slightly confused. A decision?… She steals a last look at the city lights, now only a star on the horizon, then looks forward to the rising low hills of Himar.
Jarik sits back down in the wagon and lays back in the hay. His focus turns toward the stars. They haven't looked so beautiful in a long time. Freedom… at last.