27 Ring, 6099 RTR (31 Aug 1999) Lakshmi and Skye pick up Mandara at Truffle Hill, and complete an errand.
(Lakshmi) (Nagai Empire) (Savan) (Skye)
Flood-Plains of Bromthen
This time of year, in the flat lands of Bromthen, just a little rising of the water translates into a flooding of miles upon miles of wilderness. The sturdy cageroot trees stubbornly cling to the soil, catching flood-washed debris in their tangles, and making little "islands" that the land-bound animals seek refuge in. Here and there are more substantial islands of rock, sand and earth, fenced in by hedging overgrowth to keep it from sweeping away in the floods.

It seems like the whispa is just out of reach – like a tantalizing whisper in one's ear that can't quite be made out. Unfortunately, supplies have started to dwindle, which has put a small damper on the hunt for now at least. Luckily the matter of supplies has already been taken care of, as well as the addition of another set of helping hands to aid in the search, as along with Lakshmi's new supplies also came her own personal slave to aid in things.

The town of Truffle Hill is still waking up. A few Kiriga snores rattle through the thin shutters of the stilted houses, while the smell of freshly-cooked breakfast wafts in from the Nested Egg, a pub run by a smoky-white Rhian who seems to be one of the town's few early risers.

A silver scaled Kiriga wanders the streets on an odd pair of stilts. A flash of blue hair peeks out from the hood of his white robe as he diligently snuffs the lamps that have been keeping the town aglow all night, and then refills them from a leather flask of oil slung across his back.

The riding beasts seem somewhat tired here on the less damp parts of town and could probably use some rest, but they hold out relatively fine. Still, some time in the tanks at the stables should perk them up, and the stables also hold the rest of Lakshmi's supplies.

Truffle Hill
A quaint little village with wooden huts built in stilts and a tavern on the hill for visitors. It's not all that impressive as far as towns go – just your average run-of-the-mill village. The cobblestone streets have oil lamps every ten meters or so just to keep the town lit during the night, as several of its denizens happen to be nocturnal – or at least it seems that way, considering how many folks here appear to be asleep at the moment. At the end of town, there's a small dock for airships to land and beyond that a forgotten little graveyard.

Lakshmi sighs softly. "Let's drop the serendips off at the stables, let them get cared for, and get some breakfast for ourselves… Hot food prepared by someone else sounds and smells wonderful!"

Whiskers twitch, as the sable Skreek takes in the hint of hot food, hot food in a dry room, hot food in a dry tavern with … mmmmmmmmmmm … furniture! He is already turning his serendip towards the livery as Lakshmi speaks, heading for a dock-like paddock. "T'at, boss Laks'mi, t'at is a fine way to be breaking our fast. And … " Skye pauses, for a long serious breath. "An we need to be finding her'honor Zenith."

Lakshmi nods quietly, "Indeed… We must pass on the message. I also must send my first batch of postings to the Secretary General." Her usual upright riding seat is a little slouched with weariness, and she doesn't object as the serendip speeds up for the barn – Even the beasts are looking forward to a hot meal, and she does not begrudge them that.

The serendips flounder a bit on dry land but seem to be managing moderately well. They pick up their pace as they see the paddock, eager to soak their dry scales.

The lamplighter Kiriga bobs his silvery head at the pair and totters along his way. His stilts don't seem to hamper him in the slightest really.

Lakshmi slides gracefully off the serendip and hands the reins to the stable Jinga. "I am Master Lakshmi, and I believe I have more supplies awaiting me here. Please give all of the serendips a good soak and a hot mash. I and my assistant will be across the street at the Nested Egg, should you have any questions. Also, my slave should be here somewhere… Have you seen an oddly marked canid girl recently? If so, her name is Mandara – Please direct her over to the restaurant as well." She glances at Skye to see if he has anything to add as she murmurs, "Thank you," to the Jinga.

Skye quietly laughs, "Even mine is more interested in the stall t'en my tail. T'at's I'll certainly take for a good sign." And upon reaching the livery, Skye slips off his serendip. He waits then, adjusting the brim of his hat, until he can hand the stable snake his reins. That way he is then free to slough off their gear and equipment, finally pulling a pack over his shoulder as he follows Lakshmi.

Lakshmi chuckles quietly at Skye's comment as she slithers a little wearily towards the Nested Egg.

"Yezzim!" The Jinga bounces on his heels, barely three feet tall, although his bright red scales and golden mane gives him a fiery look. "Liddle doggie type? Came in on airsheep last night. Iz asleep in hayloft over 'dere!" He waves wildly towards a mass of piled hay while he worries at the two Serendip's reins and gets them settled in.

Shaking his head, Skye smiles a small and wry grin. Reaching down, he snare's Lakshmi's kit, and then pad-pad-pads after his boss.

Skye gets three steps, before he stops. "Lakshmi," the Skreek calls out. "Just what did t'is one say?"

"Thank you." Lakshmi looks at the hay pile and calls, "Mandara? Are you there? It's time for breakfast, if you've not eaten yet." She pauses halfway across the street, "Oh… forgot my – Oh, thank you, Skye, you've got my kit. Er… what? What did whom say?"

Looking back over his shoulder, Skye's gaze follows the Jingai's reckless hand waves. Without turning back to Lakshmi, he explains, "T'e little stable'and here. A bit too fast he was, for t'is Skreek."

The red scaled Kiriga carefully pours some buckets of warm water into the serendips' pen. The two creatures rumble happily in the warmth.

Inside the barn, settled on a pile of hay, a young Lacinus stirs. The girl rolls over away from the noise for a moment and lays there for a few minutes before pushing herself up and yawning widely.

Skye looks between Lakshmi and the young lass. "You know, twixt t'e two of you, it's a wonder we can break camp in t'e morning at all… "

"I am awake! I am coming, Master!" a voice calls from inside the barn. Moments later, Mandara steps out into the morning light and rubs her eyes a little. Now in the light one can see little bits of hay stuck to her fur, evidence of her night in the barn.

Lakshmi gives Skye a puzzled look. "What's wrong with how we break camp? I've never noticed any problems?" It doesn't occur to her right at that moment that she doesn't do that much of the actual packing – just the animal loading… She glances over at Mandara. "Mandy… excellent. Hm… Skye, my pack please. We need to place our order at the restaurant, and clean up a bit before we eat." She eyes the hay wisps with a small smile.

Skye laughs quietly. "It's fine, boss'Laks'mi. And of course you haven't; t'at's my job, yes? As for your kit, here it is… " The short Skreek hands the pack up to Lakshmi. He then looks up towards Mandara. "You have any gear up there in t'e loft, Mandy?"

Lakshmi accepts her kit and shoulders it, covering a small yawn.

Following her master's gaze, Mandara soon realizes she is covered in golden strands. She lifts her hands and quickly begins dusting herself off, which has the dual affect of both removing some hay and making her fur stick out in odd directions. Once done with her "cleaning", she smiles at Skye and shakes her head. "I have only what you see. No more things."

Lakshmi nods, "Excellent. Let's go." She heads purposively towards the Nested Egg, with the haste in her slither of a very hungry Naga.

Just outside the tavern, the Rhian keeper can be seen sweeping off the front steps. The aroma of coffee and griddle-cakes drifts in on the cool morning air.

Walking quickly, Mandara soon catches up to Lakshmi and walks behind and to the left of her. The girl yawns again before speaking with her Master some. "You good, Master? Trip good? Skye good?" she asks.

Skye sniffs the air and follows his nose, falling into place besides the Naga. "Are you feeling well, boss'Laks'mi? You do look a lot more tired t'an you s'ould. And I know t'e flood plains have been far damper and cooler t'an you are used to."

Just outside the door of the shop is the lamplighter trying to struggle his stilts off. The Rhian seems to be of absolutely no help at all and instead, upon spying the three newcomers, he grunts something over his shoulder and resumes sweeping.

Lakshmi smiles and nods. "I'm just a bit tired, that's all. Skye is always good, as usual. It's just been a little chilly and damp for me, and waiting for the bait to be taken is always the hardest part of catching new animals." She nods politely to the Rhian as she stretches slightly (her tail quivering slightly at the tip) and heads for the door.

Lakshmi slithers neatly around the lamplighter, with a softly hissed, "Excuse me."

Hitching up his own pack, Skye nods, looking up to the Rhian, answering the lad's grunt in the same tongue. "Actually we be on t'e Secretary General's mission. And a bit of breakfast would be quite welcome, yes?"

Mandara walks on right behind Lakshmi although she takes a moment to lean down and inspect the lamplighter and his stilts.

"Likewise, Ma'am," the robed Kiriga hisses back, carefully sidestepping the Boa's coils. With a rough tug, one of them finally pops off from his feet and he starts wrestling with the second one.

The Rhian bows to Lakshmi and then gives the Skreek a dubious look.

Skye taps the brim of his hat respectfully as he passes the Rhian and follows Lakshmi inside. "Don't worry, I don't bite … "

The Nested Egg
A sparse tavern with only a few decorations besides the bare furniture. Tattered maps decorate the walls, as well as a few strings of garlic and dried sausages. There are benched tables as well as piled blankets for the tavern's occasional serpentine client. One section is even flooded with water for those preferring it even more moist – Unfortunately, this also gives the air of the tavern the slightest tinge of mildew and rotten wood. Still, the odors of fresh cooking do their best to battle against this. Behind the bar is an Appaloosa Rhian and two chestnut foals working as serving staff.

Stepping inside the commons, Skye finishes his sentence in a playful whisper. " … hard."

"Good morning!" the two foals squeal out in Rephidim Standard. "Greetings," murmurs the older Rhian in Imperial.

Lakshmi seems to have not heard Skye's comment, although the corner of her mouth quirks for a second. She ahs quietly, looking around the tavern, then smiles and nods politely to the Rhians. "Good morning. I'd like breakfast for myself and my companions. I was wondering if you also had rooms where we might freshen up a bit first?"

The two foals bob their heads up and down in that certain way that hints that they've not the slightest idea what Lakshmi just uttered. As for the Appaloosa, "Of course. We can provide you with hot water as well, and have your meal sent straight to your room, if you'd prefer to dine in privacy. Do you have any type of preference? You don't seem the aquatic type."

Skye claims one of the tables, setting his pack down beneath. With a nod, he pushes over a pile of blankets for Lakshmi, before sitting down upon the bench himself. Folding his fingers together, the little Skreek just stretches, one ear cocked as he listens to Lakshmi's morning negotiations.

Now inside the building, the slave takes a moment to wander around the vicinity of Lakshmi so she can inspect this and that.

Finally the lamplighter hops into the room, looking much shorter without his stilts. He pulls his hood down and hops down in a stool at one end of the bar where a steaming mug of Mateh has already been placed for him.

Lakshmi hms thoughtfully, then shakes her head. "I think a quick clean up before the meal will suffice for now, followed by hot food for all of us, please."

Skye says, "W'ats on t'e breakfast board t'is morning?"

"Would the mistress like something whole, or just a small something to warm her belly?" The mother grabs one of the foals by his collar and holds it still.

"Something whole, please. I'm quite tired of trail rations." Lakshmi glances at Mandy and smiles. "Mandy, what would you like for breakfast?" She reads the reasonably priced meals offered off the board to Mandy… also, incidentally, letting Skye know what's available.

The Rhian turns to Skye. "We have some hot porridge if you're looking for something inexpensive and filling. But we also have fresh cakes and fruit, as well as several types of fish… and of course Bromthen bacon and ham."

After a few moments of exploring, the slave girl seems to decide she needs to wander off. Thus she heads over towards the lamplighter tail slowly wagging behind her.

One of the foals wanders up to Lakshmi and offers her a bright stone key with the number "6" scratched on its surface. He then points up the stairs before ducking back behind the bar.

Skye says, "Some of t'e fruit an' a slice or two of ham would suit me well. T'at within limits, boss'Laks'mi?"

The lamplighter raises a furry eye-ridge at Mandara and nods his head before returning his attentions to his mug.

Lakshmi smiles and thanks the young foal, in Rephidim Standard. She turns to the others. "That sounds quite reasonable, Skye." She snaps her fingers quietly to catch Mandara's attention. "Mandy, don't annoy bystanders – Come over here; there's a good girl. Let's go get cleaned up while they're fixing up our breakfast."

From beside the lamplighter Mandara pauses and turns around to answer her master. "I would want something meat. Some water maybe too?"

The innkeeper dutifully scribbles down everything and leans over to whisper to one of the foals clinging to her skirts.

Lakshmi nods, "Ham for Mandy too then please." She heads for the stairs, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Mandy is following.

Now done with her ordering, Mandara leans over to the lamplighter and asks him a question. "What you wear outside?" She smiles cheerfully at him, not seeming to realize he might just want to be alone.

Lakshmi pauses, and speaks firmly, "Mandy!"

Mandara does not have time to wait for her answer from the lamplighter, for the glance of Lakshmi sends her scurrying after her master, after giving the man a good-bye. "Bye, man!"

Turning around, Skye folds his arms atop the table, and then rests his long muzzle upon them. "A tall mug of water and some of t'e Bromt'en for t'e lass too." With a nod, Skye looks to Lakshmi, "I'll hold t'e fort down here, yes?" And then, sly-eyed, he watches the two vanish up the stairs.

Lakshmi nods, and continues up the stairs when Mandy reaches her.

"Sorry," whines Mandara to Lakshmi once she is again next to her and following her up the stairs.

The smell of breakfast grows stronger and manages to finally win the battle against the slightly moldy odor in the air. The table below has been generously piled with a pot of Mateh and three mugs, some water, a bit of juice, a few cakes and fruit, and several generously-sized slices of Bromthen ham. In the middle of it all is a trussed up adolescent Bromthen pig that makes a few muffled grunts. It sits amidst the usual garnishes and such, but also seems to have been sprinkled with some oily stuff that smells lightly of honey.

Lakshmi slithers back down the stairs a few moments later, her scales gleaming slightly from being freshly washed. Mandara's fur now looks a bit more domesticated also. Lakshmi sighs happily, eyeing breakfast, as she curls up on the blankets Skye pulled over for her. "Much better. Skye, here is the key if you'd like to clean up a bit before eating."

Skye says, "I'm actually fine, Laks'mi. All I need to do is dry out a bit. However, however. Lakshmi, you remember Uriah, of course, yes?"

Seeming rather uncomfortable with looking so "domesticated" Mandara slowly trudges along behind Lakshmi. When she thinks the woman is not looking, she will occasionally reach over and rub at some of the fur that was just brushed down.

Mandara is a five foot six (5'6") Lacinus girl of about fifteen. The Lacinus are a race of shapeshifting marsupials resembling Tasmanian Tigers. They have various colored hides and usually have stripes around their lower body and buttocks. This particular Lacinus happens to be mostly a ruddy light brown with black stripes. She wears a ha'clohi that is colored red-yellow and white on one side and blue-purple and gray on the other side. Underneath this, she wears a light top that leaves her midriff exposed, as well as a pair of loose-fitting 'harem' pants that have ties that wrap around her ankles. Both of these garments are of dull white, which, unlike the finer materials ha'clohi are made of, are of low-cost material which is not particularly bright. Finally, she wears three gold-painted polished and glazed wooden earrings. All three attached to her left ear.

Lakshmi appears to be looking at Skye, but catches one of Mandara's hands during one heavy fur-fluffing, "Stop that, Mandy, you look very nice when you don't muss up your fur. Of course, Skye, I've not forgotten. Why do you ask?"

The lamplighter drains the last few drops from his mug and hops down from the stool. He smiles politely at Skye, bowing his head before quietly skipping out the door.

Mandara pauses mid-fluff and looks at Lakshmi with wide eyes – a look that tries to convey her absolute innocence while she is caught red-handed. She lowers her head a little soon after, and drops her hands before wandering over and settling down cross-legged at the table. "Oh! Oh! Food! Lots! Can eat yes? Eat now?" she asks Lakshmi excitedly.

Lakshmi turns to Mandara, replying, "In just a moment, Mandy. Patience."

He hesitates for just a moment, looking across to Mandara. Her actions bring a grin, a knowing and patient one. "Yi look fine, Mandy. Trut'. You see, lass, we met a traveler in t'e woods, and he told us all sorts of tales of t'e w'ispa. And in return, he asked us to take a message to his wife." Skye turns back to Lakshmi. "And he spoke of t'e silly tales, t'e myths of t'e w'ispa. Boss'Lask'mi, aren't silly tales like t'at based on truth somew'ere along t'e line?"

Lakshmi turns away from Mandara, back to Skye. "I would think so, Skye. I've no idea what benefit he'd gain from lying to us. Why? Have you received news that he's a prankster or somesuch?" She frowns suddenly, thinking, "Actually… it is odd that he'd ask us to deliver a message to his wife… He's just as near to here as we were, after all, and could leave immed-… " She pauses again, then blinks at Skye. "I… I wonder… Didn't you say something about feeling like someone slithered over your last resting place or somesuch?" She looks rather puzzled – Her facts don't match up.

Mandara reaches under her ha'clohi and removes one of her wooden boomerangs. She proceeds to inspect the exotic weapon, carefully rubbing at any nick or scratch to see if it has caused a major fault. During this, she does not seem to pay an ounce of attention to what the others are saying.

Rubbing down the fur of his muzzle, Skye slowly straightens his whiskers. "And t'rou'out all, t'ere was somet'ing at t'e corner of my eye, like a flickertail watc'ing us so very careful, but c'osing to remain unseen. Like trying to remember a dream, yes? And isn't it true, t'at we are so close to sea level, w'ere sense sometimes fails and magic holds sway? If t'at be true, Laks'mi, t'en maybe w'at he said was also very real. About stolen souls forbidden to join t'e Procession. And it would explain, Laks'mi … "

Taking a short chuffed breath, he continues. "That would explain w'y Lady Zenith, she 'as already t'e Procession has joined, long ago, and is now sleeping deep beneat' t'e willow tree atop t'e hill past t'e docks."

Lakshmi looks a bit startled, but doesn't say anything immediately to Skye. Instead she smiles and pats Mandara's hands lightly. "Good girl. Here, you waited very patiently." She slides several slices of ham onto a plate, with some fruit, and sets it in front of Mandara. "Now remember what I taught you about knives and forks, all right, Mandy?" She watches Mandy for a few seconds, in deep thought, then turns to Skye. "If I'm understanding you correctly… you're saying that Uriah is a 'stolen soul,' yes?"

Skye ducks his muzzle once, a silent affirmative.

The girl jerks for a moment when her hand is touched. She looks up and stares at Lakshmi for a moment before smiling brightly and nodding her head a little. Her attention is grabbed by the approaching meal, which she eyes quite hungrily. For a moment she lifts her hands and nearly reaches for the ham with her hands before pausing and instead opting for the knife and fork. She peers at these with uncertainty, before she jabs the fork into the ham and uses the knife to cut it in odd patterns. As she goes to lift a piece of ham to her mouth with a fork, she pauses and turns towards the others. "Soul stealing? Lakshmi, Skye, are we in harm way?" she asks quietly.

Lakshmi says, "I don't believe so, Mandy… but things certainly do seem odd in this matter." She pulls the Bromthen pig over to her, her tongue flickering, and smiles appreciatively at the scent of honey. "What do you think, Skye?" She pauses a moment… then with a smooth, swift move, swallows the pig whole. She settles on the blankets, waiting for Skye's reply, looking comfortably stuffed.

Mandara's expression settles some and she seems reassured once Lakshmi explains, and the ham begins to lure her back to its savory tenderness. The girl once again moves the fork to her mouth and carefully bites the end of the ham and pulls it off the fork before snapping it down. Now being fed, the Lacinus's tail begins to wag at a medium sway, brushing up against anything near by.

As Lakshmi and Mandara speak, Skye pragmatically begins his own meal, a taste here, a taste there, pausing to gnaw upon the Bromthen steak or take a loud bite from an apple. "T'e master lamplighter said t'at she died of a broken heart, Laks'mi. I would bet metal s'ekels t'at it was because Uriah never returned from his w'ispa quest. It was cold t'at night, and it was just not right. My fur like a pricklecorn was standing up, all while we talked and were watched by t'e will o' wisp. I t'ink, t'at we need to be giving t'ose silly tales some serious consideration, boss'Laks'mi, else we will indeed find ourselves in harms way… "

Skye pauses, "… and find ourselves years from now warning some other poor hunter about t'e wiles of t'e w'ispa."

Lakshmi blinks, licking her lips, and looks almost sleepily contented. She glances over at the Appaloosa Rhian, and hisses, "You set a very fine table, tavernkeep!" More softly to the others, she hisses, "Mmm… I think they stuffed the hog with porridge or something… deliciously warm!" She's silent for several moments, looking almost asleep – when she straightens a bit and hisses softly, "I think… it is time for more research, Skye. I want more information on why whispas are no longer considered mere myths… and I want, if possible, to see the one that was brought back to the city… regardless of whether it's dead or alive."

Meanwhile, Mandara continues to nibble on ham and drink down her water, undaunted by potential future ghosthood or soul-stealing animals. In fact, the only thing she seems interested in is the ham in front of her and Lakshmi.

The Appaloosa whinnies happily and bows several times to Lakshmi. "I'm pleased you appreciate good cooking. I do try to please."

Gnawing down a well-cooked hunk of delicious Bromthen himself, Skye looks up. Upon the end of his knife a piece of fruit is stabbed, on which he occasionally and absentmindedly nibbles. "And to be knowing all t'e myths of t'e w'ispas too, so we will not be nastily surprised when we find out t'ey are true too. Boss'Laks'mi, do yi know who found t'at w'ispa? Or at least w'at city? So we have someplace to start looking?"

Lakshmi nods and beams contentedly to the Rhian. Then, still looking sleepily replete at having consumed such a warming and delicious meal, she nods lazily to Skye. "Oh yes. It was a creature of legend made flesh, after all… I don't remember the owner's name off the top of my head, but it's in my notes."

Now having finished wolfing down her meal, Mandara copies her master by moving to the floor and moving to all fours. Here she stays for a moment, likely drawing the attention of several patrons before the sound of popping bones can be heard as Mandara seems to reshape.

Skye leans back comfortably, tapping the edge of his knife against the table. "T'at researc' to start, yi would prolly be best at, yes? Especially if t'ese tales have been written down, or we need to be speaking to extremely Imperial folks."

Lakshmi absently pats the blankets next to her as Mandara goes quadrupedal, then glances at Skye. "Hm. You have a good point… and there will be some heavy riding involved as well." She looks slightly turned off at the thought of hard riding while so stuffed.

Skye says, "T'ough I am concerned wit' yi, Laks'mi. Yi certainly could use t'e rest. So it's a … w'at is t'e word, a cono … cono … conundrum."

Now fully transformed, the girl resembles more of a dog wearing clothing than anything else. The reasons for her light clothing become apparent now too as they leave her free to walk as a full quadruped as well as shift without tearing or getting tangled with them. Soon she pads over next to Lakshmi and settles into a ball up against her side where she perks her ears to listen.

The two foals stare at Mandara's sudden change.

Lakshmi murmurs absently, "Conundrum, I believe… hmm… a rest would be nice, and I did make a bargain with Uriah, which I should fulfill… however I need to." She rubs Mandara's ears quietly as she thinks.

Mandara seems unsure of what to think of having her ears rubbed. She peers upwards as best she can from where she is sitting and watches for a moment. Less suspicious is her tail, which betrays her enjoyment by wagging quickly back and forth against Lakshmi's side. Eventually Mandara simply lays her head down on one of Lakshmi's coils and lolls her tongue out, watching the two foals watch her.

Skye laughs quietly, "W'at am I t'inking. Old habits, I guess. Of course yi s'ould be resting up. T'ats most important. Just point Mandy an t'is Skreek in t'e right direction, and we s'all see w'at we can learn. I mean, Khai, just how muc' trouble can we get in, in one city, anyways?"

Lakshmi looks up again. "Skye… How about this: I can write a letter requesting the information and authorizing you as my representative in this matter. Take Mandy with you to write notes for you as you learn things. I'll give you the names of the people you should talk to, and while you're there I'll keep searching here. Does that sound feasible to you?"

Mandara leans over to nose Lakshmi's side to attempt to get her attention.

Outwardly the Skreek simply continues in his pragmatic conversation. However, it is a sharp eye that might catch the occasional flicker of an ear, or the shift of his glance, as he keeps a watch upon the rest of the tavern. He rubs his muzzle with the back of his paw as Lakshmi speaks, considering. "I t'ink t'at s'old work, and work well." Skye pauses again, and then leans forward towards Lakshmi, his elbows upon the table as he sets his muzzle in his paws. His look is almost dreamy. "Are t'ere any tall buildings in t'e city?"

Lakshmi chuckles at both Skye's comment and Mandara's nosings. She continues rubbing Mandy's ears as she hisses, "I believe so, but remember you want the people you are going to talk to and meet to think of you as being worthy of courtesy, and respect as my representative. I might suggest you keep your climbing to the less ah… populated hours of the day?" She pauses, looking down at Mandara, then adds quietly, "Mandy, do you think you can do this for me? I want you to go with Skye here, to accompany him to the city and protect him during the travel. In the city he's going to have to protect you… and I will give him a letter to protect him. Will you do that for me, girl?"

Skye laughs brighter then. "Of course. Climb t'e Temple in t'e middle of t'e day and t'ey send ta Eeee and t'e Korvs up to peel yi off. I'm not t'at silly a Skreek. But yes, yes, I … I listen, and I hear w'at yi say, boss'Laks'mi. T'at yi will not… " Skye lets the words fade for a moment, and then his smile is both more serious and quietly satisfied "… t'at yi will not have to worry about. And I will keep a sharp eye out on Mandy. We'll get along fine, yes?"

The rotates her ears to listen to Lakshmi before she paws her side and answers, able to speak in this form as well. "I go. Do what you say." She stops wagging her tail now and looks at Lakshmi for a moment before asking her some questions. "Why ask me go? Others not ask. Can I go see those?" She indicates those as being the two foals across the room.

One of the brown foals whispers in its sibling's ear.

The other foal's eyes go wide!

Skye's ears swivel towards the two foals, and then he quietly glances sideways in their direction. "No worry, it'uns. She's had a very big breakfast and is all stuffed."

Lakshmi smiles quietly at Skye. "Thank you, Skye. She'll need your protection in the city, after all. Hm… " she glances amusedly at Mandara. "I can see I'm going to have to make sure you learn Imperial. This lack of complete sentences is occasionally confusing." She looks up at the foals, and hisses in Rephidim Standard, "Mandy would like to come over and meet you. Do you mind? I assure you she's friendly and well-behaved."

"She won't bite?" one of the foals – sounds like a little girl – murmurs.

"Certainly not!" Lakshmi sounds faintly shocked, "None of mine are so poorly behaved!"

Lakshmi smiles at the foals. "I tell you what. Why don't you come over here, and you can pet her, and that way you'll be sure she'll be well behaved… because she's sitting here with me. Would you prefer that?"

The mother Appaloosa nickers softly to the two foals in a language that sounds a bit like Sylvanian. The two children bob their heads up and down and cautiously approach the Boa and her slave. The brother holds his hand out for Mandara to sniff while his sister clings to the back of her brother's shirt.

Lakshmi chuckles softly, still rubbing Mandara's ears gently, watching the children.

During the exchange, the slave girl begins wagging her tail again. She also stands up to meet the two foals' approach. "Learn Imperial? No one offer before," she barks over to Lakshmi before addressing the foals, "I not bite. Not eat sen… sen, sentiments." She then leans forward and sniffs at the boys and for a moment and brushing her whiskers against his hand.

Lakshmi grins, and hisses softly, "Sentients, Mandy. Very good."

The children squeal in surprise but much like all children quickly overcome their fears and before too long they're both ruffling up Mandara's fur and patting her. Sadly, all that brushing Lakshmi did on her coat looks like it's going to be worked out soon.

Skye looks down to Mandara, nodding. "Well if I can learn a scrap of it, you can too."

Lakshmi grins at the cheerful mess Mandy's coat is becoming, but doesn't look too worried. While Mandy is with the children, Lakshmi glances at Skye and hisses very softly, almost under her breath, "Is there anything special you'll need for the trip? Money? And can you show me the way to the widow's resting place?"

The end of her fine appearance seems to fade without any complaint from Mandara. She seems quite enthralled by the other children and goes so far as to lean into all the ruffling with her tongue hanging out once again.

Skye leans forward again, considering. His paws drum upon the table top. "T'e paper, yes, t'at most important, and you s'ould repeat to me exactly w'at it says, so I can remember. And a handful of s'ekels. More t'an yi would need, because, well, a slave and a Skreek sometimes a little more we have to pay to get folks to listen to us. Names of w'ere we need to go, w'o to see, and maybe, a name of a place we can go if something goes very wrong. Rent of two more riding beasts, since we will be needing to be moving inland, now, where there be no water for swimming serendips. T'at i t'ink should hold us.

Mandara pokes her muzzle out underneath one of the children's arms so she can say something to Skye. "Not need ride. Can run," she tells him with a hint of pride.

Skye chuffs out a single short chuckle, peering down at Mandara, "Good. I however, am a practical and lazy Skreek. I ride."

Skye then frowns, as a final thought comes to mind. "Do I need some sort of marker t'at says Mandara is yours under my care? If someone tries taking her away from me?"

The little girl foal digs in a pocket of her dress and offers Mandara a chunk of carrot.

The carrot is sniffed a bit before Mandara's muzzle moves over to snap it up from the palm of her hand. She sniffs the paw once more after the carrot has been eaten and licks the girl's hand to eat any left over carrot bits she may have missed.

Lakshmi nods. "I'll do that… and of course if anything goes wrong, the school is the place to go – they know you're with me. You can use the Dromodon, Agni, to travel – Remember where we left him stabled? And yes, Mandy's a fine runner." She nods thoughtfully. "I'll include a bit about Mandy in your letter. Hm… and we need to visit the widow. Shall we head that way? I could use a small constitutional."

Lakshmi looks over and hisses firmly, "Mandy, what do you say?"

Skye steals a last apple from the table as he stands. "It's t'is way, yes? I saw it as we came in." Lifting his hat, Skye spares a smile towards the barkeep. "Wonderful breakfast, yi'honor."

The Appaloosa nods her head. "Come back again soon! We have the warmest beds in town."

Mandara turns around in place so as to face Lakshmi so she can answer the Naga with her full attention. "I say? I say, I know not what say? Not asked before," she replies. Of course though turned around Mandara never moves out of the reach of the children.

Skye crosses to the door, and props it open, to let Lakshmi slide all of herself through. "This way, boss'Laks'mi."

The innkeeper whickers to the cubs who make grumbling little grunts of disapproval before patting Mandara's fur one last time and shuffling back behind the bar with their mother.

Lakshmi smiles at the tavernkeep, "I hope to return, thank you." She glances at Mandara. "Say 'thank you' to the nice girl, Mandy, for the carrot, and 'goodbye', since we have to go now." She shoulders her kit, leaves payment and a nice tip on the table, and heads for the door. Her movement is long, slow, and graceful swaying – she's still quite comfortably full.

"Yes master!" Mandara calls to Lakshmi as she gets up. The Lacinus girl then pads over to the bar, and after a moment of creaking bones and shifting fur stands up. The slave smiles and wags her tail a bit and thanks the barkeep and her children. "Thank you, barkeep. Thank you, nice children." She turns towards the younger girl and leans over a bit to speak to her. "Thank you for carrot," she tells her personally.

Outside, Skye falls into place next to Lakshmi, heading back, up the little hill, past the docks, where small gravestones grow from the comforting earth. he pauses for a moment, at the very edge, seeking out a willow with wildflowers at its base. "T'at should be w'ere s'e is, Laks'mi." Skye takes off his hat, holding it in front of his chest.

The town still seems to be asleep, although there's a bit of activity in the stables and the docks. Beyond them lies the graveyard. And just where the Skreek indicates is a small grave marker under a willow tree with no leaves. The tree looks almost dead, in fact.

Skye softly pads up, to crouch before the little stone. Very carefully, he brushes it off, respectfully cleaning it up a bit. "Is there writing, Laks'mi?"

Lakshmi pats Mandara quietly, saying, "Very nice," as she slithers slowly up the hill. She pauses next to Skye and sighs softly, studying the little marker, then looks around thoughtfully. Quietly she hisses, "This feels… very strange. Still… a bargain is a bargain… " She looks at the marker carefully.

Lakshmi quietly hisses, "It reads, 'To Zenith, loving widow of Uriah… may they someday find one another again.' Hm… It looks like she died about sixty years ago, Skye."

Blue roses grow around the grave, coloring the air with an odd perfume.

Skye looks up, his whiskers twitching. "T'ats an awful long time to be waiting. S'e s'ould get 'er rest. Yi tell 'er, Laks'mi.

"Oh! Old!" Mandara comments before sniffing the air and peering at a slower. "Oh! Flower!" She exclaims as this new scent gathers up her attention and carries it away.

Lakshmi shakes her head a little confusedly. "I… she should be long ago eaten by the Great Serpent, Skye… but… " She pauses, takes a deep breath, and nods, "Very well then." With careful solemnity, Lakshmi hisses, "Widow Zenith, wherever you may now be, I have entered into an agreement with your husband Uriah. He asked me to tell you that he would soon be joining you. I fulfill this agreement now and here… and if the Great Serpent has not yet consumed your husband, then for your sake may He soon do so, that the two of you may be reunited, wherever your spirits may be."

The skies are clear and there hasn't been even the slightest of puffs of winds all day and the morning has been pleasantly warm. Yet suddenly the winds begin to blow and the air starts to feel cool… It even looks like it's getting darker.

Skye looks to Lakshmi for a moment, and he blinks. Once, then twice. Then, slowly, the sable Skreek reaches out to gently pat the gravestone. "Lady Zenit'? He also, he, yi Uriah, he also said, that, that he loves yi."

"… very much."

At the Skreek's words the wind picks up like a sudden mini whirlwind. The blue flowers that circle the grave whip around in the breeze and their petals fly off and soar overhead, dancing in an odd pirouetting spiral against the gray morning sky.

Lakshmi nods quietly, her hands clasped in front of her as she looks at the gravestone, "Yes. I forgot to mention that, excuse me. I'm… this is a little unusual for me, I fear."

Lakshmi looks up a bit in puzzlement, noting the cool breeze.

Mandara wraps her paws around her body and glances around a little. "Lakshmi, Skye. I … I scared," she tells the others as she lifts her head to examine the changing sky.

For a moment the petals seem to take on a shape, the shape of something vaguely female dancing out of joy. The form seems to spin and then bow to the three assembled below…

Lakshmi reaches out and puts a hand on Mandara's shoulder. "Be brave, Mandara. We've done the right thing, I believe. We should have no reason to fear."

And then it stops. Fragrant blue rose petals quietly rain down on the heads of the Lacinus, the boa, and the Skreek. As though they were picked up, held… and then gently dropped like confetti at the end of a celebration.

Skye reaches down to place a paw upon Mandara's shoulder. "It's fine, Mandy. S'es going home to her beloved."

Lakshmi watches the petals fall… her expression is still puzzled, but calm.

The wind is gone, the air is warm, and the willow tree seems slightly greener.

The slave takes a step closer to Lakshmi when the form appears. Skye's hand upon her shoulder causes her to look between the two next to her and she smiles a little, the petals raining down around and on her head. "I understand, go see Star in sky with mate."

Lakshmi looks around curiously… then nods. "I think our agreement is concluded. Let us return." She frowns thoughtfully, and hisses quietly, "So… she also must have not yet been swallowed… " She blinks at Mandy's comment, then smiles, "So we hope." She gently brushes a rose petal off of Mandy's nose, and grins. "Let's go."

"I like happy ending," Mandara tells Lakshmi and Skye as she looks between them. The girl seems happy now, for her face shines a little more with a brighter smile and her tail begins to wag.


GMed by Zoltan

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Today is 6 days after Landing Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)