The Temple district begins at the Grand Avenue, rounding the government buildings in the center of a wide circle, adjoined by tall office buildings and warehouses, an odd mix for any city… But accepted as part of Rephidim's day-to-day affairs. In the twilight, reptile-beast-drawn carriages clatter along occasionally, and a lamplighter walks from post to post, bringing light to the dim avenue as the young Khatta goes.
Envoy watches the unmasked Templar from under the brim of her hat. "So, did you enjoy being a Knight?"
The dark face of the Khatta, perhaps somewhere between fourteen to sixteen years of age, doesn't indicate any eagerness to chat with Envoy. She walks along, a single sword sheathed across her back, the other scabbard conspicuously empty. Her mask still hangs at her side.
Envoy wonders what Blossom's connection is with Melchizedek… or if she'll have enough interesting information for Nimiss to help her.
The gates of the Temple draw slowly into view around the bend of the street. Lanterns burn brilliantly around its immediate front, glinting off the heads of the Zelaks and the armor of the Jupani who serve as guards. The Star and Anchor burns fitfully along its front, a huge stained glass window set into the heavy ceramic wall with a fire burning perpetually behind it to make it seem as if it were glowing. Nimiss's office looks down from the single high tower that rises over the Temple to survey the city, somewhere around the middle of that edifice.
Blossom continues walking. Her armor is still gleaming white, her cloak still bright, unstained magenta. Her countenance just doesn't quite fit it. She offers no information to Envoy.
A bell rings the time, eleven sonorous beats shuddering across Rephidim.
As the guards note the arrivals, they stand to attention. "Halt!" the Jupani lieutenant shouts. "What is your business here?"
Envoy blinks at the guard, still unused to being stopped all of the time. "We seek an audience with Bridge Officer Nimiss."
"At this hour? What do you think he is, a tavernkeeper or a vermite trainer?" The Jupani lieutenant laughs and motions to Envoy and her companion. "Come back tomorrow when it's light."
Envoy says, "He is an Eeee."
The dark Khatta looks up, a pained but impatient look in her face. "I am Blossom, of the Magenta Lance."
"And you're an I don't know what, but it looks like Melchi's got an interesting famil… " The Jupani lieutenant stops and looks at Envoy's companion more closely. "Lance? You're a Templar!" He and his companions standing guard stiffen to attention and salute. "At your service, ma'am… Ah, what happened? You look like you've been in a fight."
Blossom habitually straightens back, and says, "That is not your concern, Lieutenant. We are here to see the Bridge Officer not to be interrogated by the night Guard." Her eyes flash angrily, a bit more life to them than has been seen in them since she removed her mask.
Envoy glances at Blossom, noting the posture and attitude she uses with the guards.
"Of course, ma'am. Blossom of the Magenta Lance, to see Bridge Officer Nimiss. With her companion … ?" The Lieutenant seems much more helpful in the face of someone who might have a word to say about his future promotion prospects.
Blossom answers, "Envoy Melchizedek… " She turns toward the "Aeolun", "… unless you insist upon 'Envoy Lothrhyn'."
Two of the other guards whisper among themselves. Scandalous gossip!
Envoy says, "Envoy Lothrhyn is more accurate."
Blossom snorts. "As you insist, Citizen."
The Lieutenant nods. "Of course, sir… milady… Ah. I'll guide you personally to his office myself."
The Jupani lieutenant sends a Zelak to convey word to Nimiss of a visitor, and then walks into the Temple. For once, Envoy doesn't have to bribe anyone to get to see Nimiss in a reasonable amount of time… Perhaps service to the Temple has its perquisites.
Nimiss's Office
Records and Procedure Officer Nimiss's office has one of the few windowed views that are available in the vast ceramic-metallic bulk of the Rephidim Temple, a long narrow slit that looks out upon the city of Rephidim in all its tangled and people-choked throughfares and edifices. The gray-brown walls of the old city where Darkside has sprawled are the farthest to be seen, and beyond them, a stretch of green, then the light blue skies of Sinai. The black bat's desk resides at the very center of the bulkhead-cramped space, upon a dais, illuminated by three globes hanging overhead One went out some long time ago and has yet to be repaired, so only two are left. Nimiss's chair behind it resembles a throne in the quality of the woodworking… and the gold worked into the fittings. His desk is strewn with papers, tangible proof that he is not so high as to elude the necessity of red tape. The small chairs for visitors invite concern as to whether they might collapse at any moment, however…
As the Lieutenant opens the door, a black Eeee looks up from where he was scratching away busily on papers. "Ah. Envoy and a Templar. To what do I owe the… pleasure of this visit?"
Blossom pounds a gauntleted fist against her breastplate and executes a quick bow at the waist.
Envoy smiles to Nimiss, "You had mentioned to me your interest in learning more about the activities of the Knights Templar. This is Blossom of the Magenta Lance."
Nimiss nods acknowledgment to Blossom's salute.
Blossom's eyes narrow at Envoy's … introduction. She puts her hands to her side and stands at attention.
The Lieutenant closes the hatch behind Envoy and Blossom.
Envoy removes her hat, and glances again at Blossom. "I am uncertain of her current status. She appeared to be disciplined and left to be killed by the Champion of Roses."
The black bat listens to the tale with increasingly raised eyebrows, until they seem fit to jump off of his head.
Envoy says, "I thought you both might be able to help eachother."
"Interesting," Nimiss says. "You are aware of course, that it is not the custom of a Temple department to… interfere in the work and judgment of another department. Officially." He raises his eyebrows and looks at Envoy and Blossom. "You do remain a member of the Templars, do you not, Lady Blossom?"
Blossom's mouth goes through a motion, and then she bows her head as she says, "Technically, yes, I am, sir. A Citizen was granted the Right of Execution, but he chose not to exercise it."
Unspoken goes a "… but … " at the end of Blossom's comment.
The black bat nods. "An unusual disciplinary measure, to be sure. It would be surprising for such a thing not to have been entered into our records… And would certainly reflect unfavorably on your future, ah, career prospects, Lady Blossom. Until now, your outlook has been… " He looks down at the papers on the desk and then back up. "Quite promising."
Blossom keeps her chin up, her gaze … somewhere other than the bat. He offered no questions. She offers no answer.
Envoy offers, "She implied to me that she has worked with Inquisitor Melchizedek before."
Nimiss stands. "Ah, propriety," he says in a nostalgic tone of voice. "Come, join me by the window, Envoy, Lady Blossom. The city is busy tonight with the voices of flame and life."
Blossom marches across the room toward the window, more formal the soldier than she has probably ever bothered since reaching her current station.
Envoy stands next to the window as well.
"And as the flames dance, they cast the shadows of those before them, flickering, against the walls." Nimiss continues, addressing both Envoy and Blossom as he looks out the window upon the night city. "So too, do records mark the shadow of life. Crimes, punishments, births, deaths, these are all written into our scrolls. So much of our Temple administration revolves around records it is truly remarkable how much they trust what they read over what they know." He smirks.
Envoy turns to look at the bat's profile. "Do you mean you can fix Blossom's record, so that this incident did not officially happen?"
Blossom's eyes shut tightly. So much for the stoic soldier-at-attention pose.
"I did not say that was what I would do," Nimiss says. He smiles pleasantly toward Envoy. "It would be highly irregular. Also, highly noticable. There are limits to what can be done with shadows… They are cast after all, from life. But perhaps I can help your 'friend' in certain ways."
Envoy asks, "At what price?"
"Don't you have any DECENCY?" Blossom shrieks at Envoy, jerking her head to face the "Aeolun".
With a choking sound, the warrioress turns back to face the window, closing her eyes … and slipping forward just enough for her forehead to hit with a light *thunk* against the pane.
Envoy blinks at the Khatta. "I apologize. This is between you and Nimiss."
The black bat observes the Khatta's reaction almost clinically, then slips on a mask of sympathy. "Ah, Lady Blossom. Please be assured that I would never think to take advantage of your honor and oaths. We are both in the service of the Temple, after all. It is to neither of our advantages to see it misused, torn for the sake of individual benefit." He smiles lightly. "But as it happens, I happen to know that there is a very important assignment that could use a Templar of excellent repute and moral standing… "
Blossom whispers, "… far, far away," her eyes still closed.
Envoy blinks at the interplay.
"That as yet remains to be seen… However, the Exile, Envoy, is quite correct. It is best if we speak of this more privately," the Eeee continues. "Envoy, if I might have a few moments to speak with the Lady Blossom in private? You may ask my secretary to bring such refreshment as you might require."
Envoy nods and knocks on the outer door before opening it.
A pretty gray Eeee greets Envoy at the door and ushers her out before closing the door behind them. "Tea? Juice, perhaps, or some chocolate? Nimiss always makes sure to have the best… " she chatters.
Envoy smiles, "Tea would be fine, thank you."
The door clicks shut on Nimiss's quiet words to Blossom…
The Eeee brings tea to Envoy, and chatters on about her personal life. It seems that there has been a distressing rise in prices at local restaurants, due no doubt to the shortage of spices from Ur. "And since that horrible incident in Babel, they've started to send us utterly trying letters. Why, I've heard that they might even be thinking of trying to attack us! Imagine!" She shudders delicately.
Envoy says, "Surely, they wouldn't harm any of the Eeee here though."
"Of course, they'd never stand up against our fleet and mages. And if our travels did bring us over their territory… Since the Astromancer's unfortunate death, you see, the time tables need some adjustment and it is hopeful that there will be a new Astromancer appointed soon, well, if it did come to that, I don't think they'll have any chance. Not against Rephidim!" She looks prim and proper as she utters this bit of patriotism, then shudders. "But, well, they have a certain attitude in Babel. It's as if they think they're better than anyone outside of it, just because they happen to live in the capitol of Eeee territory. Imagine! I'm just as good an Eeee as any other, I should think." She sniffs.
Envoy nods, in complete misunderstanding.
"Well, any road, everyone's talking about the new candidates for the Astromancy. They're so… inscrutable!" The secretary shivers a little, and then looks up as the door chimes. "Oh! That will be Officer Nimiss. He'll want to see you again, I'm sure."
Envoy returns her teacup to the secretary, and waits before the door.
The secretary slides the door open and gestures for Envoy to go in.
Envoy steps back into the Bridge Officer's office.
"Very good, milady. I'm sure you'll find your new assignment challenging, but very interesting." Nimiss nods to Blossom and gestures for her to see the secretary. "I'll expect you tomorrow at this time to complete the paperwork."
The warrioress executes another chest-pound salute and bow. "Of course, sir." She spins and heads out of the office, to the secretary, not giving Envoy so much as a glance.
Envoy hmms, and looks to Nimiss. "Did you come to an equitable agreement?"
The door clicks shut and Nimiss turns to survey Envoy. "Ah! Refreshed now? Well, it appears that I may be able to give your friend some small help after all. She is quite the earnest young lady. Very enlightened, in her own ways." He smiles slightly.
"So! What may I do for you then?" The Eeee lifts an eyebrow.
Envoy says, "I don't suppose you learned about what Blossom did for Inquisitor Melchizedek?"
"Oh, mere trivia," Nimiss says airily, waving a hand.
Envoy tilts her head. "Trivia is also information."
"Indeed. I also could tell you about all the routine guard schedules and watch lists, but that would be a waste of my valuable time and interest," Nimiss says with slightly increasing irritation. "Was that the price of your introducing your 'friend' to me? That I ask her about what she did for Inquisitor Melchizedek?"
Envoy blinks. "I had no price in mind when I brought her. She had no place else to turn, and you had told me to inform you of the activities of the Knights Templar."
Nimiss's eyebrows raise. He clasps his hands behind his back and leans toward Envoy. "Ah. Very… helpful of you." He smiles slightly and nods. "Well then, if there is nothing that you would like to know at this time, I shall have to remember that one good favor deserves another. It would have been highly unfortunate to waste such promising potential."
Envoy smiles, and asks, "I would like to know more about the Zelaks. Do you know where they come from, by any chance?"
"Of course," the black bat says with surprise, before remembering that Envoy is an Exile. "They live in hives scattered through most of Sinai. We negotiate with them occasionally, since we purchase large numbers of their warriors and chitin-made products, such as swords and weapons. If you'd like to know more, perhaps I can arrange an introduction with a scholar of Zelak culture… "
Envoy's eyes light up, "Yes, please!"
Nimiss smiles. "Very good then. I'll have a messenger Kavi sent to the Bard's Guild to fetch you for your appointment then."
Envoy bounces with excitement! "Thank you! Is there anything you'd like me to keep an eye out for?"
The black bat notes Envoy's enthusiasm with mild surprise. "Mm. Treason, sedition, and rebellion, the usual." He smiles toothily. "Or rather, it is the unusual and the departure from the normal custom that interests me."
Envoy says, "Against the Temple, you mean?"
Nimiss nods. "Certainly, these sorts of things would greatly interest me." He smiles. "Now, if there is nothing else, then I shall bid you farewell and return to my work. You should expect a Kavi to visit you within the next few days."
Envoy says, "Thank you, Officer Nimiss."
The black bat nods. "My pleasure." His intonation is just a little sardonic, but he bids Envoy a farewell with apparent sincerity and has the secretary show her out.