"Where… where am I?" Willow fumbled out of bed and reached out at the hazy mass of shapes in front of her eyes. The black shape quickly grabbed her hand and put an arm over her shoulders.
"You passed out," the prince purrs. "I don't know what news the priest told you, but it sent you into hysterics. We brought you back here to our room."
The Skreek squinted past the Kattha, her vision returning. Prince Kiri was in the room along with Rezhinald and a familiar cheetah priest who wrung his hands nervously.
"So she's really gone? Just like that?" Willow hugs her arms around her shoulders.
Testament-Blaze nodded sadly. "It was the Nagai. She did not wish to hide or abandon her people who desired to remain and fight."
Willow's head drooped. "We'd become like sisters after being together for only a day. If only we'd had more time… "
"She did not know that I was going to see you again, otherwise I am sure she would have sent some message of her love for you. There were many of the people whom she told of you."
The Skreek leaned into the Prince's arms, rubbing a small black ring on her finger. "I understand. I just wish she could have seen this, or maybe come to the wedding." She wipes her cheek. "I'll be all right… but could I have a moment alone with my fiance?"
Quietly, the priest, the butler, and the Skreek prince left the small suite leaving only Prince Dack and his bride to be.
"Do you want to call things off for tomorrow? I'm sure Ariel would understand."
"No." Willow shook her head madly. "Just… just hold me, it's too much to keep inside."
Without any word of warning the Skreek pushed against Dack's shoulder, knocking him back against the bed and curling up against his side. She sobbed wildly, as though she had lost part of her very soul. Instinct took hold of the prince and he cocooned his arms around the Skreek, wiping her cheeks, stroking her hair, and shushing softly into her ears.
After two hours, Willow had cried herself to sleep in the arms of her future husband. Just as the Savanite queen had cried for Willow, the Skreek now met every tear that was shed with a dozen of her own.