Event Logs

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(Aaron) Aaron   (136 logs)
Logs featuring Aaron Lightfoot, a Lapi (rabbit) apothecary in Rephidim
(Envoy) Envoy   (350 logs)
Logs featuring Envoy, a biological construct with insatiable curiosity and a lovely pair of voices
(Legacy of the Fenris) Legacy of the Fenris   (142 logs)
Events surrounding the rediscovery of an Expedition Era spacecraft
(Inner Demons) Inner Demons   (20 logs)
Events dealing with the dual-nature of some Stonebarrow residents
(Morgan) Morgan   (49 logs)
Logs featuring Morgan, the official Kadie witch for Stonebarrow
(Madame Natasha) Madame Natasha   (62 logs)
Events involving the mysterious leader of the Shadowswalk gypsies, Madam Natasha
(Qing) Qing   (64 logs)
Logs featuring Qing, a six-armed Rokuga spirit-mage
(Spheres of Magic) Spheres of Magic   (371 logs)
Involving the use of Sinai spellcasting in the various Spheres
(Tasha) Tasha   (159 logs)
Logs involving the free-spirited half-Vartan, Tasha

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Today is 10 days after Day of the First Ones, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)