up to 3M BTR
Age of the Sifras
up to 1M BTR
Age of the First Ones
Rise of the Nagai Empire (according to the Nagai)
Expedition (error margin approximately 100 years)
500 RTR
Magic (as we know it) pioneered in Olympia
500-1000 RTR
Establishment of the Rephidim Temple
500-1000 RTR
Rise of Olympia (Nordika)
1000 RTR
City of Hands Built in the Savan (Xenea)
1000-2000 RTR
Olympian Empire Expands (to include all of present day Nordika)
1200 RTR
Reign of First King of Moltpaa (Nordika)
2000 RTR
Aeztepa Cursed (according to legends)
3100 RTR
Earliest Images Found of Savanites as Slaves (to the Nagai)
4000 RTR
Rise of the Current Nagai Empire (Savan)
(earliest verified records of a Naga Potentate)
4000-4100 RTR
First Necromancer Wars (Tizban, Sylvania)
Decline of Olympian Imperial Power in Northern Nordika
4100 RTR
Arrival of Aeonian Exiles on Sinai
4750 RTR
Knights Templar Established
4850 RTR
Humans Settle in Sylvania and Chronotopia
4950 RTR
"Demons" First Reported from Bosch
5000 RTR
Reign of the First Kaizer (Chronotopia)
Collapse of Moltpaa (Kroz)
5100 RTR
Reign of the First Czar (Sylvania)
5794 RTR
Inquisitrix Turtle Stationed at Outpost (Aelfhem)
5950-6050 RTR
Wars of the Necromancer Kings (Sylvania)
5958 RTR
Birth of Phelix Kurai the First (Sylvania)
5980 RTR
Reign of Duke Phelix Kurai the First (at age of 22) (Sylvania)
5981 RTR
Duke Phelix Kurai the First Defeats the Necromancer King (Sylvania)
5986 RTR
Birth of Phelix Kurai II (Sylvania)
5996 RTR
Death of Duke Phelix Kurai the First (at age of 38) (Sylvania)
Reign of Duke Phelix Kurai II (at age of 10) (Sylvania)
6005 RTR
Birth of Phelix Kurai III (Sylvania)
6025 RTR
Birth of Shikouju (?)
6028 RTR
Alysin Kurai Born to Duke Phelix Kurai III (Sylvania)
6036 RTR
Nekodemus Kurai Born to Duke Phelix Kurai III (Sylvania)
6037 RTR
Duke Phelix Kurai III Flees Blackshire Keep (Sylvania)
6043 RTR
First Adventures of the Compass Rose
Collapse of Sylvania into Scattered Fiefdoms
6054 RTR
Alysin Kurai Committed to Moz Eizley (Rephidim)
6055 RTR
Death of Duke Phelix Kurai III
Reign in Exile of Duchess Alysin Kurai (age 27) (Rephidim)
6056 RTR
Dominic Kurai Born to Nekodemus Kurai (Rephidim)
6057 RTR
Kame Ikata Born (Rephidim)
6058 RTR
Death of Shikouju (Seaborne Reach)
6059 RTR
Lylia Calderas Born to Lady Calderas (aka Lady Marionette) (Half Valley)
6061 RTR
Alysin's Auction House Built (Rephidim)
6063 RTR
Zoltan Cambio Born on 15 New Year(Rephidim)
6065 RTR
Lord Sebazhan Dack Born (Kroz)
6071 RTR
Lady Chiria Naochi Born to Prince Tachiri and Lady Ria Naochi on Midsummer's Eve (Kroz)
Lady Nene Diamante Born to Prince Tal and Lady Lela Diamante on Midsummer's Day (Kroz)
6074 RTR
Esther yodh Rahab Born on 13 Unity (Rephidim)
Fenter Nuttenboltzschen Born on Ring Day 26(Rephidim)
6077 RTR
Lord Ral Diamante Born to Prince Tal and Lady Lela Diamante (Kroz)
6081 RTR
Lord Kiri Naochi Born to Prince Tachiri and Lady Ria Naochi (Kroz)
Lady Ria Naochi Dies in Childbirth (Kroz)
Feli "Jynx" Kurai Born to Dominic and Lylia Kurai (Rephidim)
6082 RTR
Morning-Mist Born (Bakanal / Himar)
Savanite Artist Kame Ikata Goes Insane (Vykarin Wastes)
Prince Xavier Dack Dies (Kroz)
Reign of Prince Sebazhan Dack (Kroz)
Eve Kurai Born to Dominic and Lylia Kurai (Rephidim)
6087 RTR
Lady Nene Diamante Slain by Snicjers (Kroz)
6096 RTR
Prince Tachiri Naochi Dies (Kroz)
Reign of Prince Kiri Naochi (Kroz)
6097 RTR
Death of the Captain-Astromancer Cerbancos III (January)
"Sword" Falls in the Himaat Desert (January)
Rediscovery of the City of Hands (February)
Rediscovery of Paradys (May)
Captain-Astromancer's Funeral (May)
Disappearance of Arch-Inquisitor Moffat (July)
Death of the Kaizer of Chronotopia (July)
Babelites Attack Rephidim (August)
Fetiss Sky-Island Created (September)
Astromancer Candidate Murdered in Temple (September)
Plant-People Met on Fetiss Sky Island (October)
Freeing of the Savanites in Nagai (December)
Test of the Captain-Astromancer (December)
6098 RTR
Battle of the Plaguebringers (March)
Death of the Sabaoth of Babel (March)
Coronation of the Priest-Queen in City of Hands (April)
6099 RTR
Return of Himarian Exiles (March)
Discovery of Gateway Tower
Exploration of Abaddon
Death of the Progenitor on Abaddon
Exploration of Morpheus
Exploration of Fortunatis (September)
Exploration of Arcadia (September)
Battle of Tempest Keep in Sylvania (September)
Magical Disaster at Pool of Zahirinee in Ashdod (October)
Assassination of High Prince Boghaz (November)
Capture of Fetiss Sky Island (December)
Observers Awaken in Half Valley(December)
Riot in Olympia (December - Landing Eve)
Diamante Wedding (December - Landing Day)
Darkside Riots / Assassins' Guild Wiped Out (January - 17 New Year)
Abolition of "Slavery by Birth" in Rephidim (January - 15 New Year)
Boomer Dropped on Babel (January - New Year's Eve/New Year's Day)
6100 RTR
Ground-Breaking on Caroban (February - New Year 8)
Theft of Priest-Queen's Body (June - Midsummer's Eve)
Burial of Priest-Queen Third-Vision (June - Midsummer 4)
Khattan Emirate Annexes Himar (June - Midsummer 5)
Jezebel Nene Dack Born in Kroz (September - Ring Day)
6101 RTR
Death of Nicodemus of the Shiny Shoppe (February - New Year 6)
Gallis Invades Northern Sylvania (December - Landing Day)
6102 RTR
Saskanar and Zahirinee Declare Independence (May - 10 Unity)
6103 RTR
Shabar Splits from Temple (September - Ring Day)
College Esoterica Moves to Caroban (December - 8 Landing)
"Assassination" of Nagai Emperor-Potentate (December - Landing 6)
Nagai Empire Breaks Up (January - Landing 10)
Kilmanjar Exploited by Khattan Emirate (January - Landing 15)
Safar Made Capitol of Independent Xenea (January - 5 New Year)
6104 RTR
Blackshire Station Opened in Sylvania (February - New Year 2)
Second Expedition to Earth Tower of Barabbas (February - New Year 10)
True Captain-Astromancer Restored (March - Candlemass 6)
Moltpaa Expressway Discovered (May - Unity Day)
Mage Barabbas Revived (May - Unity 4)
New Archon of Silent Ones Chosen (July - 7 First Ones)
Death of Old Archon (July - 5 First Ones)
Light-of-Star Defeated (July - First Ones Eve)
Goliath Graveyard Discovered (July - First Ones Day)
Siege of Orbital Station (August - First Ones 16)
Return of Nagai Emperor (August - 31 Ring)
Twelve-Times-Twelve Disbanded (September - 23 Ring)
Shadow Monster Defeated in Himar (September - 22 Ring)
Envoy Possessed as "Avatar of Inala" (November - Guy Fox Day)
Battle of Wyrmwood (November - Harvest Eve)
Caroban Purge of Babelite Conspirators (November - Harvest 10)
Knights Templar Convene at Shabar (December - Landing Eve)
Rockmore Punished (January - New Year's Eve)
6105 RTR
Sanctuary of Ice Rediscovered (February - New 20)
Babel: Inala's Temple Raided (March - 13 Candlemass)
Babel: Blakatball Invented (March - Candlemass)
Rephidim: Srinala Rescued (April - Candlemass 20)
Realm of Seven Sisters Ends (April - Candlemass 20)
Rephidim: Katherine de Bellefeuille Abducted (June - 3 Midsummer)
Rephidim: Katherine Rescued (June - Midsummer 6)
Ashtoreth: Sutaranakh Awakened (July - 8 First Ones)
Babel: Envoy's Speech Against College (October - Reckoning Eve)
Rephidim: Seline von Shanar is Knighted (January - 4 New)