Established Languages of Sinai

Initially, every PC may start with, at no cost in points, one "native language", in addition to Rephidim Standard. If the character is a Sinai native, this is initially, upon character creation. If the character is an Exile, Rephidim Standard will usually only be learned upon Processing.

In addition to this, you may choose to purchase additional languages that your character understands, either upon creation, or as you gain experience. This is accomplished by purchasing the Linguist skill. It is assumed, as part of purchase of this skill, that you can read, write and speak the given language. However, due to plot circumstances, it is possible that your character may not have full use of the language. For instance, a character with only three fingers may understand Savanite Sign, but will always speak it with an "accent". A mute character may understand any number of spoken languages ... but, of course, cannot speak them. A character that learns a language by means of hearing it during the course of roleplay may not have a proper excuse to know how to read and write it as well.

Certain details of Sinai have been intentionally left vague, so as to allow for "future expansion" for future plots, especially as additional GMs add their contributions to the cultural and racial makeup of the world setting. The list of established languages below is by no means exhaustive, and may be updated from time to time.

LINGUIST SKILL: For initial character creation, if you have the Linguist skill at a level that allows you "X% of all Major/Minor languages", then use the following list to determine how many languages you actually get to pick to start, even though later RP may add more languages to the offerings.

The percentage chances of knowing any given language are meant to be of use to a GM who invents a new culture/area in the course of adventuring (such as during an airship journey). Characters with high enough Linguist skill may have a percentage chance of knowing the local language or perhaps a related tongue that would allow limited communication. It is up to the discretion of the GM whether the chance is randomly determined, or whether the percentage is used merely as a guideline for comparative purposes.

For IC (in character) learning of new languages, you still have to pay points to go up the grade from a lower Linguist skill (and number of languages you know) to a higher one. As a rough guideline (subject to possible future revision), if you are ICly trying to learn a language within the ranges allowed by your skill in "Linguist" (or you have spare points to spend), then the "Learning Time" listed below is a suggestion for how long it would take to pick up most languages. (This may be unrealistic, but for the sake of the setting and the nature of this game, times may just have to be accelerated a bit.) It is ultimately up to the GM, however, whether you've succeeded in picking up a new language. Don't just assume that your PC has picked up a new tongue without getting the okay from the GM first. (After all, a GM may specifically be planning on using a language barrier as part of a plot device.)

Learning a new language assumes that the PC actually spends some time trying to learn it. If he's only studying books, then surely he will only learn how to read/write in the new language, and it still would take longer than if he had a tutor. If he's just listening to people, without a translator, it should take much longer than the times suggested. In yet another scenario, being stuck in an environment where everyone speaks the new language, and you have no choice but to learn it in order to survive, that may impact the learning curve as well. Again, this is ultimately up to GM discretion.

Total Major Languages: 8; Total Minor Languages: 21

* At the initial time of creation of this list, there were 12 Minor Languages and 9 Major Languages. The theoretical number of picks for Minor Languages, for the time being, is being kept at 12, so that the Linguist skill does not experience unnecessary "inflation" as newer, more obscure "languages of the week" get added. Older "Minor" languages might actually prove to be more established in plots and, therefore, more useful, and likely to get picked with the "new" points that would otherwise be available thanks to "inflation". This may be reconsidered, if the language list continues to expand significantly.


RankCostPicksDescription -- Suggested Learning Time
Novice 1 1 May learn one additional language
-- Learn one new language in year of study
Average 2 3 May learn 2-3 additional languages
-- Learn new language in half a year
Good 3 5 MAJ50% chance of knowing any Major language
(For initial picks, you can "trade off": You get two Minor picks for each Major pick you sacrifice.)
-- Learn new language in a couple months
Expert 5 7 MAJ
75% chance of knowing any Major language
25% chance of knowing any Minor language
-- Learn new language in month of intense study
Adept 8 ALL MAJ
Knows all Major languages
50% chance of knowing any Minor language
-- Learn new language in week of intense study

Note: You don't have to count Rephidim Standard toward your total of Major Languages, since PCs generally get it for free, unless you've made some special arrangement. It is listed here only in the interest of completeness.


These are languages that may be found in use by the "major powers" of Sinai, or else are simply in very wide usage. Some languages are defined best by what races use them, while others are more regional. (Worlds outside of Sinai are not included in this listing, since that would make things even more complex.)

LanguageRegion(s) Race(s)
Babel (Eeee) Ashdod (Babel) Eeee
Imperial (Nagai) Nagai Empire, Savan Nagai
Kavi scattered Kavis
Khattan Khattan Emirate, HimaatKhattas, Katthas
Rephidim StandardRephidim, widely used (general)
Silent Tongue Savan, scattered Nagai, Savanites
Vartan Himar, scattered Vartans, Kujakus, Aquilans, Korvs
Zelak scattered Zelaks

These languages are confined to an especially small region, or are utilized by a fairly small amount of people, perhaps considered "dead" or "scholarly" languages.

LanguageRegion(s) Race(s)
Aelfin Aelfhem Aelfin
Aeonian scattered Aeonians
Aeztepan Aeztepa Aeztepans
Bosch Chronotopia, Bosch varied
Gallisian Gallis Gallees, Gallahs, Kujakus
Hammersong Titania Titanians
Hekoye unknown Hekoye
Hooka Wandering Roams Hookas
Jupani Himar Jupani (Himarian)
Karnor dead language Jupani (City)
Lacinus Lamu Lacinus
Norasha Himar, IsetiaNorasha
Niton Lamu Niton
Olympian Olympia Katthas
Rhian scattered Rhians
Runic scattered varied
Skreek/Skeek scattered Skreeks, Skeeks, Lapis
Sylvanian Sylvania varied
Vykarin Vykarin Wastes Vykarin
Xient Wandering Roams Xients
Zerda Himaat Zerda, Nohbakim

The following races don't have a "racial tongue", per se (at least, as of this writing), and most likely would just use Rephidim Standard unless their country has a particular language other than Rephidim Standard in use.

  • Gigis (Khatta subtype on Ur)
  • Rath'ani (raccoons)

  • Language Notes

    Aelfin: This language is spoken by the Aelfin, a diminutive race found in the region of Aelfhem, on the continent of Ur, bordering Ashdod. Due to a long-lasting war in the region, this language has not seen usage beyond the borders of Aelhem for quite some time. Only very recently have trade routes begun to be established. PCs are very unlikely to have access to this language, unless they are scholars or have a direct tie to the region (such as being an Aelfin). MINOR LANGUAGE

    Aeonian: This is the language of the unicorns, though it does not see very much usage due to the nature of these creatures. It would be mostly a "scholarly" language. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Aeztepan: This is considered a "dead" language in more ways than one -- PCs would likely know it best only in its written, hieroglyphic form, and then only if they follow scholarly pursuits. It is the language of an ancient civilization that once thrived in what is now known as the "Lands of the Dead", an island-country just off the southern coast of Ur, and considered a "no fly zone" by airships. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Babel: This is the tongue of the Eeee, and hard for non-Eeee to master, because proper inflection would vary into ranges of hearing beyond that of many races. It is in dominant usage in Ashdod, in a "lower-octave" version among even non-Eeee in the region, and is used to a lesser degree by Eeee abroad. MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Bosch: This is the language used by the inhabitants of the small urbanized region known as Chronotopia in the northern part of Ai, bordering the Vykarin Wastes, Sylvania and Titania -- and the Forbidden Zone that shares the name of this language. It is a harsh-sounding language, a national rather than racial tongue, though it is generally considered to be the "race tongue" of Cervanis. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Gallisian: This is the national language of Gallis, somewhat like French (or a poor imitation thereof). It finds some use outside of the borders of Gallis, taught to some of the upper-class of Rephidim, but otherwise sees no real practical use beyond that. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Hammersong: This is a "language" in use by the inhabitants of Titania. (Anyone who lives in Titania is a "Titanian", but it is dominated by a particularly large race of lupines -- the ones typically referred to when one mentions a "Titanian". Otherwise, they're known as just a subtype of Jupani.) While a simplified Rephidim Standard is the language of choice in Titania, they also have a language that consists solely of percussive sounds, comparable to Morse Code more than anything else. It has many crossover similarities with the "click-pop" speech of Vykarins, due no doubt to the proximity of the Vykarin Wastes with Titania. If a PC knows Hammersong but does not know Vykarin, or vice versa, he may still be able to communicate on a simple level with one using the other language. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Hekoye: This is the language of the somewhat reclusive coyote-morphs known as the Hekoye. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Hooka: This "language" sounds more like musical notes of varying pitch, and would be "spoken" by any non-Hooka races probably best by using a musical instrument created for the purpose. The Hookas comprise one of the many tribes in the Wandering Roams. Knowledge of this language outside the Roams is very rare. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Imperial: This is the official language of the Nagai Empire, and is typically known by even those Naga who live under the flag of Rephidim or some other nation. While the "hiss" of the language is sometimes a subject of mockery by other races, due to the Nagai Empire's domination of archaeology, history and rivaling Rephidim's contributions to many fields of academia, the "upper class" accent is often emulated by non-Nagai scholars who associate with them ... or simply want to carry on airs of being sophisticated. MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Jupani: This is a language dominated by growls, barks and other canine or lupine sounds, spoken by the "wild" Jupani found in Himar, and to a far lesser degree by "City" Jupani. (It is generally not in use in Titania.) As a design note, in certain plots, it has been hinted that Jupani might actually be the "language of wolves" on a more universal basis. This has not been established, however, and it does not mean that all Jupani (and wolf-types) automatically know this language. MINOR LANGUAGE (Changed 30 Oct 1997 from MAJOR status.)

    Karnor: This is a "dead" language, a race tongue in use by the "city" Jupani. Some "city" Jupani still know the language, which is the closest thing they have to a "race language", but by and large it's out of use. MINOR LANGUAGE.

    Kavi: This is the language of Kavis. MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Khattan: This is the language of the Khattan Emirate, and in wide usage among Khattas (and Katthas) even beyond the Himaat. MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Lacinus: (pronounced Lah-SEE-noos) This is the language of the shape-changing Tazmanian Tiger creatures from Lamu. To the untrained ear, it sounds a great deal like Jupani, consisting of canine-like utterances -- In actuality, the languages are quite different. The Lacinus tongue sounds slightly musical, soft musical whines mixing in with flute-like barks and deep throaty growls. (There is no howling.) The Lacinus language actually consists of two separate tongues -- one for the biped and one for the quadruped forms -- although it's assumed that if you know one, you know the other as well. This is a minor language. It is very unlikely for anyone outside of Lamu to know this tongue, although the Lacinus do have some trade with the outside world. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Niton: This is the language of the lizard-like creatures that live exclusively in a valley known only as 'The Green'. It is highly unlikely that any PC knows this language, since the tribe itself is unknown for the most part. The lizards that live outside the tribe are usually mistaken for Exiles or for Shigas, and they don't talk very much about home. It is rather difficult to learn, since the words are spoken extremely quickly and there is not much structure to the language -- just a wave of concepts, ideas, impulses, wants, and memories. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Norasha: This is an obscure language of the sabretooth felines who live in the glacial areas of the northern Himar Region, and of a split-off race that dwells in the southernmost portion of Sinai, in the realm of Isetia. It is also a common language for the winged Yverneti who also dwell in Isetia. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Olympian: This was once in wider usage across Sinai, as the language of the learned classes, back during the times when Olympia was known as a center of learning, and one of the reputed birthplaces of the "modern" understanding of magic and its division into Spheres. It is, in a way, a Sinai equivalent to Latin or Greek. It is mostly used in Olympia, naturally, but it is sometimes known by those in scholarly circles, and in a few scattered countries with historic ties to the Olympia of old. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Rephidim Standard: This is the language of Rephidim and its protectorates, and also in wide usage across Sinai, even in lands that are not necessarily under Rephidim's sway. Thanks to the Temple and education, it is a fairly "stable" language over the years, with little variation over time except in the form of "jargon". MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Rhian: This is the "race-tongue" of the horse-like Rhians. As a design note, as of this writing, no "homeland" has been developed for Rhians, so Rhian characters may most likely just speak the language of their native regions. Since the largest concentration of Rhians can be found in Sylvania (or having roots there), this language will quite often be Sylvanian, if not Rephidim Standard. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Runic: This isn't so much a language, in any spoken sense, as a knowledge of complex runes and symbols important to wizards of the College Esoterica, and essential for reading magical texts. Any PC with at least 2 points in Knowledge of Sinai Magic will know this "language" for free. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Silent Tongue: Also known as "Savanite", this is a sign language purportedly created by the Nagai and taught to their Savanite slaves. There are three sub-types of this language: Formal Sign (the oldest form, usable with just one hand, but very slow), Wild Sign (used by Savanites in the jungle, adding moving gestures, tail-twitches, etc.), and City Sign (like Wild Sign, but more standardized, though special "codes" may be added). PCs are assumed to be able to converse in any of these forms, though they may encounter problems if they run into a secluded tribe and its peculiar "dialect" of sign. While all Savanites are almost certain to know this language, it is in much less usage among even their masters. Among non-Savanites, this language is in highest usage among the Nagai. Any Naga with the Linguist skill and a "percentage chance of knowing any major language" will almost certainly know Savanite along with any others. MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Skreek/Skeek: This is the "race-tongue" used by both Skeeks and Skreeks, and due to certain enmities between the races (as much based on class as race), there's no agreement as to who really "owns" the language. To further muddle the issue, some Lapis (rabbits) use this tongue as a "race language", though they haven't as of yet been so bold as to try to name the language after themselves. Since these creatures are fairly urbanized, this language does not necessarily see especially wide usage, except in "ghettoized" areas. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Solus: This is the "race-tongue" of the reclusive Solus of Himar. (Note: The creator of the Solus race is no longer with Sinai, and presently Solus are not used in plots, unless special permission is received from the creator.) MINOR LANGUAGE

    Sylvanian: This is the "national" language of what is left of the once-nation of Sylvania. While it is by no means a "dead" language, it is not in wide usage beyond other nations in the Nordika region, since Sylvania has no unified representation outside of its borders. It is by no means a racial tongue, since Sylvania is primarily made up of Rhians, a sub-race of Eeee, Korvs and Humans, but if it is to be found in usage outside of Sylvania, it is quite commonly used among Rhians with ties to that land.

    Vartan: This is the "race-tongue" of the Vartans of Himar and beyond. It is also in usage by other bird-like (beaked) races, such as the Kujaku, Korvs and Aquilans. Despite its usage by other races, it is generally accepted as "Vartan". (If Kujakus, Korvs or Aquilans once had their own "race-tongues", they have since dropped into obscurity, even beyond scholarly circles.) MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Vykarin: This language sounds guttural and growling to other races, punctuated with "clicks" and "pops". Dialects vary greatly, as Vykarin are typically nomads, wandering in tribes across the northern wastes (also known as the Vykarin Wastes, though various other powers may claim ownerships of parts thereof). "Urbanized" Vykarins tend to speak a more standardized version of Vykarin, heavily influenced by Rephidim Standard. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Xient: The chattering language of the porcupine-and-armadillo-like Xients of the Wandering Roams. This language has some variation amongst the various tribes found on the Roams, though the dialects are similar enough that anyone who knows one flavor of "Xient" can communicate with any of them with little trouble. It is, however, not in any real usage outside of the Wandering Roams, so there is little reason for anyone outside that land to know this language, unless they are scholars devoted to studies of obscure tribes, etc. MINOR LANGUAGE

    Zelak: This is the language of the insectoid Zelaks. Although Zelaks are not precisely rare, knowledge of this language is unusual among non-Zelaks. MAJOR LANGUAGE

    Zerda: This is the "race-tongue" of the fennec-like Zerda of the Himaat, and it is also in use in slightly modified form by the desert-scavenger bands of the Nohbakim. (Since the Nohbakim have little to no dealings with outsiders, the language is more commonly associated with the Zerda.) MINOR LANGUAGE

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