
1: Agatha Cunningham to Jennifer Danzwyck 2: Rebecca Travison to Thomas Winthrope

Name: Jennifer Danzwyck Gender: female
Played by: NPC Age: 17
Description: 17 year old high school junior, long brown hair, green eyed. Daughter of the owner of the stables, Miriam Danzwyck. Only intense political campaigning by other girls has kept her from being considered for Homecoming Queen, but Jennifer has remained blissfully unaware of these machinations, at least for the moment.

Notable Features:

  • 1pt athletic strength
  • 1pt good reflexes
  • 2pts good animal handling
  • 1pt average trailblazing
1: Agatha Cunningham to Jennifer Danzwyck 2: Rebecca Travison to Thomas Winthrope
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This site serves as a chronicle of sessions in an online roleplaying campaign moderated by Conrad "Lynx" Wong and May "Rowan" Wasserman. The contents of this site are (c) 2001, 2002 by Conrad Wong and May Wasserman except where stated otherwise. Despite the "children's fantasy" theme of this campaign, this site is not intended for young readership, due to mild language and violence.