The Stone Unicorn
(24 Oct 2002) Thomas, Redmane and friends try to make good their escape from the Destroyer's Keep.
(Agatha) (Elinor) (Simon)

As Thomas slips the flute away, having just unlocked Lord April's prison, and begins instructing his companions to prepare for the journey to the courtyard. His brisk manner brings a smile to the gaunt noble's face.

Lord April holds his hand up to bid his rescuers to bide a moment. "Lord Explorer, if I may make a recommendation -- little as I love these four walls, for the next few hours, we are comparatively safe here. Once we leave this cell, every hand will be raised against us. Here, and now, is the best time we will have to plan our course against the Year's End. Or," his tired smile grows briefly, "if my saviors already have a plan, they might take a few moments in safety now, to relate it to me."

"Agreed. Planning has been fairly limited, as each situation has to be judged when it is approached. You have a unique perspective, as you have been here for some time. You may know things about Eoin’s plans, or about the Lord Protector, both of which we need to address," Thomas replies with a slight nod. "If you would fill us in on what you do know, it would be appreciated."

"Especially if you know how long ago the Destroyer's army left," Redmane adds. "And whether or not they left by Siege or by foot."

The nobleman frowns. "Eoin. Do you speak of the legends that surround the supposed first Lord of January? If they are true, perhaps that explains his obsession with Mirari." He gestures to Lefallon, who is standing attentively nearby, following Thomas's orders. "I thirst, Page-- or is it Sir Lefallon now?"

The young knight swallows. "Milord, I knew it not at the time, for he was your very image and acted very like--"

"John Harcourt, if you prefer. He's gone by many names," Thomas replies, then looks at Lord April. He walks closer and adds, "And two things. One, what is your name? I tend to be very informal. Much quicker to shout a warning to a single name, than a title. Second, raise your hand, please."

Redmane turns from watching the courtyard through the narrow window to see what Thomas is up to.

Lord April shakes his head to Lefallon. "In time, I would have knighted you, for I saw your potential to follow in your ancestors' footsteps. That you are here speaks well for you. It concerns me more greatly what the Destroyer has done in Mirari, with my semblance. Water, if you have it, Sir Lefallon, would be much appreciated; I prefer drink not tainted with the spite of my jailers."

Returning his gaze to Thomas, he answers, "I am Lord Raphael of April. It will be simpler to address me as April. As to my hand, well, you have it." He raises his hand, displaying it, an eyebrow raised at this strange request.

Sir Lefallon bows, "Milord," and starts rummaging quickly through his pack for a canteen.

Thomas raises his own hand and presses it against Lord April's. "Push, please. I need to know what shape your muscles are in," Thomas replies in answer to the questioning look.

"Surely you aren't thinking of sending him into combat, Thomas?" Redmane asks.

Lord April presses back. Thomas's strength seems as much a match for his at the moment, and after a moment, April withdraws his hand. "It seems plain that it will be some time before I regain my full vigor," he admits grudgingly.

Sir Lefallon hands the noble a canteen. "I'll do my best to keep you safe, milord," he assures. Then with a worried look to Thomas, he adds, "But, do we have a plan that doesn't involve hacking our way through the Destroyer's entire guard?"

"I have a plan, of sorts," Redmane admits, now looking down towards the gate again.

"Excellent. If you might describe it, perhaps I could provide more useful information," Lord April says, before taking a long drink.

Thomas glances toward Redmane. "I need to know what the strengths and weaknesses of the group are. His condition is adequate to hold a sword and he may need to do so at some point. I also need to know how fast he will be able to travel once we hit the wilderness again. There will be little rest on the trip back," comes the answer. "And as for fighting, I would rather avoid it if at all possible. So, please, Redmane, and anyone else anyone who has ideas, speak up."

Turning to lean against the stone wall, Redmane outlines her plan. "First, we all make our way back to our entry point. So far, only Thomas has been seen, so if we run into anyone they probably won't be expected such a large group. Sir Lefallon will secure the back door, so to speak, and keep watch on Rachel and Lord April. Thomas, Ahearn and I will see about freeing the Lord Protector from his petrified state."

The view is much the same as before, though framed by the crenellations of the battlements so that large parts of the three circles are clipped by giant stone blocks. Barely visible is the top of the unicorn statue, and by the gate is the large black boat without sails or other obvious means of propulsion. Tiny figures have approached the boat, black flecks against the white snow.

"I would prefer it if they went back down the stairwell and waited for us there," Thomas says. "Less chance of them being spotted by anyone coming to the storerooms."

"A back door?" Lord April looks intrigued. "Until now, I had no evidence of such a thing, though it seemed reasonable to suppose there might be one."

Rachel looks grim at the outlined plan. "I am not sure I like the idea of us being separated. And none of us knows what exactly has happened to the Lord Protector, nor how we might rescue him."

"As for freeing the Lord Protector from his enchanted state, I fear that I can give no great advice there, save that spells as powerful as petrification are rarely easy to undo," Lord April continues. "The Protector has strong magic at his commands; it would take more than a simple curse to bind him so completely."

"And coordinating a large group could be difficult," Thomas points out, then walks near a window to peer out at the ship. "Do you remember the letter, Redmane? About the curse that befell Bram?"

"All we have to try and break the spell with is the flute," Redmane says. "And that could just as easily activate the Siege instead, if it's more than just an imitation of one. I remember the petrification spell that held Bram, and that Lord Mel was able to break it... but not any details about how it was broken."

"Any of us could likely activate the siege, Redmane. It's just a matter of knowing how," Thomas says, thoughtful. "The big problem are the Vyglari out there. We need the courtyard cleared, or at the very least, only one or two of us sneak up to the statue."

Sir Lefallon frowns, trying to remember the letters spoken of. "It seems a very long time ago now," he muses.

"If the courtyard could be cleared, then I'd definitely like to have someone get a closer look at that boat," Redmane muses. "I doubt that I could get everyone to chase after Ahearn and me though."

Lord April looks much refreshed after draining the canteen. He nods to the talk of the Siege. "Though I have dreamed of stepping through it to another realm, I must admit that I do not have the strength at this time to open it by myself. Both the time of the year and the distance from my homeland weigh against me. If you do in fact possess the power to open it, then flight through the Siege to whatever unknown place it accesses might be preferable to being imprisoned once again by the Destroyer's minions."

Rachel frowns, thinking on the letters. "Lord Bram did relate the Lord Protector telling him 'even I could be caught in such a trap,'" she says. "He broke the spell by ... circling Lord Bram thrice, widdershins, I think, then touching him ... with his horn." Rachel makes a face.

"No, but if we set part of the keep on fire, I suspect most will rush to the scene," Thomas adds, closing his eyes. "I fear the siege connects back to the mortal world -- and it may have been there I fell fifteen Years ago. But, that could work to our advantage this time."

"We don't have a unicorn horn, but maybe a sword would do," Redmane notes. "Setting fire to the keep could provide the needed distraction, too. My main concern about the Siege is that the Destroyer's army could be waiting on the other side, but surely not even the Lord of Year's End has enough power to transport an entire army."

"Iron blades do disrupt fey magic," Thomas nods in agreement. "Worth a try, anyway."

"Now, if we were feeling daring, we could try and grab all the contracts the wraith had. We would know who's signed over to Eoin," Thomas mutters.

Lord April shakes his head. "They departed through the main gate some weeks ago, and their siege engines were moved by yon boat, which was lifted by a slave djinn. She seemed quite strong, but moved slowly under their goading." He looks through the window toward the boat, observing the tiny figures gesticulating toward someone in their midst.

"Do we have our plan then?" Redmane asks. "We make our way back to the servants' passage, and set the hall on fire behind us. By the time we reach the bottom, it should have spread enough to attract the attention of those in the courtyard."

Sir Lefallon gives Thomas a reproachful look. "There's such a thing as trying for too much, Lord Explorer. If that wraith is still in the library..."

"Oh, you have no sense of adventure," Thomas says with a smirk. He then looks to lord April and asks, "I assume the djinn was taken with them, then?"

Lord April shakes his head. "She appears to serve as a means by which loads too difficult to move by the thin and winding road might be carried up to the Keep from the outside, or the reverse. She has been here as long as I have known the Destroyer's... hospitality."

"I agree with Sir Lefallon," Rachel says, "We dare not risk everything in the pursuit of more goals." She looks thoughtful. "If the caverns we came in through were less hazardous, I would almost be willing to take your earlier suggestion a step farther: if Lefallon and I could get out with Lord April ... "

"If the courtyard is clear when we get there, you can check on the boat, Thomas," Redmane offers. "Have you actually activated a Siege before, in case we need it to escape?"

"We should seek to free the djinn. She could be a great aide -- perhaps in even breaking the spell that binds the Lord Protector," Thomas replies, then looks at Rachel. "Well, how would you get past the goblins? I'm not certain that path will be clear enough to get out through. Not sure they'd fall for the same bluff twice."

Lord April rubs his chin. "Much would depend on whether she is a truly broken spirit, a mere mechanism of the Destroyer's will ... or whether some spark still yearns toward freedom within her," he says. "If she is chained magically, it must be to that boat, or something within it, for I have never seen her far beyond its compass." He wears a small smile. "So many prisoners of the Destroyer in so small a space, and yet each might as well be alone."

"I imagine Lord April can give them a more impressive show than you were able to, Thomas, if it came to that," Redmane suggests. "Monitor's friendly Guide lizard may be able to show them an alternate route out as well. But escaping any other way requires getting the Djinn to cooperate or activating the Siege -- neither of which is sure to work."

"Activate a Siege? Were my memory that intact..," Thomas replies with a sigh. "I've spent my life on the roads, traveling here and there. I would think I would have had to. Consider the possibility that perhaps I tried to travel through one here, to seek the truth behind the Destroyer. Perhaps he caught me and attempted to obliterate me, but instead depositing me in the mortal world without memory or a way home. It may have been the backlash from the interaction of the Siege with his magic that left him silent for so long."

"If I can get rid of the Vyglari, then you can try to get us a ride out on that boat, Thomas," Redmane says. "But otherwise, I have to think that our way in is the best way out right now."

Ahearn paws the stone floor, catching the eyes of the other. The Void, he states, flatly.

Redmane shudders as Ahearn reminds her of where he was stuck until she returned.

"The world in between," Thomas replies and looks intently out into the courtyard. "But anyway, agreed. The way in is probably the safest unless we can procure the djinn or the ship."

Lord April looks Thomas over more carefully. "If you are capable of opening the Siege, Lord Explorer, you will find the knowledge buried deep in your fingers, in the way your steps turn, in your deepest dreams. The theories of the Siege -- the Anchor, the focus -- these are useful to know, but will and talent are paramount."

The Lord of Horses paces to the window, looking out. I would not walk that dark Siege, he says, shaking his head. But I would free the djinn if I could. None deserves bondage in this place, and her loss would hurt this keep.

Sir Lefallon scratches behind an ear, looking indecisive. "I don't really want to separate if we can help it, milords, miladies," he says. "I... I don't know if I could leave the Keep behind, knowing you might be a prisoner or worse, Tom. Or you, Redmane, or any of you."

"Useful to know, but not within my conscious memory," Thomas mutters, looking irritated. "Most of my memory is naught but dreams anymore. Fragments of events. It's ... frustrating. Perhaps standing in that one will dredge up more, if that is where I met ... where I fell."

"If that's where you fell," Rachel says, firmly, "then you are not going back to it. No need to tempt fate."

"And Sir Lefallon, I'm afraid that is one thing you may have to accept. We may not all make it out of here. You need to be willing to push on, in case any of us fall. There is more at stake than any one of us may be worth," Thomas says grimly.

Redmane checks out the window slit once more, and notes the activity in the courtyard.

"Where have you seen the Djinn, Lord April?" Thomas asks. "Has it always been near the gates?"

Lord April frowns, lines etching his already gaunt face. "Aye, Lord Explorer." Turning to Lefallon, he reminds the young knight, "Duty must come first, young Lefallon. Mirari must survive, and for that to happen, the King must pass on his crown to a rightful Heir. But... I should prefer that no more lives are lost than needs must."

"Wasn't there a djinn mentioned in Faust's journal?" Rachel asks, suddenly.

"Yes. I figure this is the one. The price Faust had to pay to get some of the Destroyer's aid," Thomas answers.

Out by the gate, it appears that the figures are arranged in a rough circle around the boat, and the smaller figure moving around within them darts toward one, and then the figure she approaches pulls away, leaving her to struggle frantically at an imaginary line. Then there is something tinier even that is passed between them, and the struggle begins at a new point.

"Did Faust say how he'd captured her originally?" Rachel racks her brain, trying to remember. "He said he couldn't make use of her himself -- so what does the Year's End do to control her?"

"I think I see the Djinn now," Redmane reports, watching the events in the courtyard. "She's being taunted, it looks like. The goblins are passing something around that she seems to want, but is outside the range of her tether."

"He may have done something as simple as promise her freedom for her aid in his cause," Thomas answers. "Or stole something from her," he adds after hearing Redmane's comment.

Ahearn's eyes narrow, watching the scene. Surely they could not be that overconfident, he says.

"If that is her, then we know she's not in willing service. We should aid her and she may be able to aide us regarding the Lord Protector," Thomas says. "I think this is our first order of business."

"They could just be bored, Ahearn," Redmane suggests. "The Master is away, and they may have their guard down. At least they're distracted by something other than us for the moment."

Lord April shudders. "They did much the same with me," he says. "When they learned I would not touch food or drink which they had contaminated, they began attempting to force me to beg not to spoil the food which they brought. I am fortunate that your arrival was not later."

Thomas peers at the scene. "I don't think I've ever met a djinn. I don't remember if I have, anyway," he comments.

"Well, shall we go set the fire? We could then make our way to the Djinn to help her and the Lord Protector? It seems I have a bit of mutiny in the group, as Rachel and Lefallon wish to remain with us. Tsk," Thomas says with a slight smirk.

Digging into her pack, Redmane retrieves some of the oil flasks that have been stopped with rags for easy lighting. "Everyone take a firebomb," she says, offering them around.

Lord April chuckles. "You inspire loyalty in your friends, Lord Explorer. Count your blessings." He stands slowly.

"I think they follow me just to see what lunacy I'll do next. I'm many things, but I'm never dull," Thomas replies with a grin. He takes a flask and smiles slowly, saying, "Come on, enough chatting, time to cause a little chaos. I like this plan: simple, yet insane."

"Cool! We get to play with fire!" echoes Lefallon cheerily.

Black smoke billows from the uppermost floor of the Destroyer's Keep, a gargantuan slab of stone blocks that looms grimly over the adventurers. They make their way out the stable’s entrance, with the cover of some of the barrels and crates stacked outside and the thick snowfalls. There is a loud clamor as some unseen person rings a bell repeatedly, and the goblins that were teasing the djinn have given up their game, abandoning a skull which was their play-object, to rush into the keep. The Vyglari sentries on the main gate, ahead, look back at the burning window with impassive expressions.

Deftly, Thomas and Lady Redmane dart to the stack of boxes closest to the boat, where they can make out a bronze-skinned woman crumpled over some tiny brass object on the prow of the boat. This must be the djinn, and despite the raggedness of her clothes, she seems to suffer not at all from the cold, or the thin layer of snow that blankets everything.

A loud crash comes from behind them, and Lefallon's startled yelp pierces the snowy silence. A look behind shows that the worst has befallen April's group: precariously stacked barrels have crashed down, toppling them over so that they are half-covered by the snow. The Vyglari sentries turn, their eyes narrowed as they sweep the courtyard with their fiery gazes.

"Ahearn, distract the sentries!" Redmane calls as loudly as she dares, knowing that the Lord of Horses can outrun a Vyglari... while none of the others have any hope of doing so.

"Blast. Not good. I hope we can get to the Djinn and I hope she can help us deal with the Vyglari," Thomas growls, tensing his muscles for a dash to the fallen girl.

Having dived for cover behind the remaining barrels, Lord April draws enough of his sword to show the glint of silvery blade. He looks around worriedly for opposition, but his position shields him from view of the Vyglaris.

"Get that skull they were playing with, Thomas," Redmane advises. "The Djinn seemed to want it."

"Redmane, I leave the safety of the others to you," Thomas replies with a nod, waiting for the Vyglari to make their move.

Sir Lefallon groans, having had a barrel bounced off of him bodily, and shakes his head free of snow. As his eyes come across the Vyglari sentries, he freezes, then scrabbles to try and put himself into the low shadow of a fallen crate.

Ahearn responds immediately to Redmane's directive. He springs into motion, leaping away from the others and bounding over toppled crates, until he comes to land on a distant one. There, he rears, pawing at the air and screaming defiance, like a stallion issuing his challenge to a herd leader. He drops to all fours, and stares at the nearest Vyglari, teeth bared. He looms, larger than his true size, his eyes glowing with blue fire.

Come on, you ugly brutes ... take the bait, Thomas thinks, legs twitching, wanting to make the dash. He quickly unhooks his cloak and lays it to the side, not wanting to get entangled.

The Vyglaris speak to one another, unheard over the wind and distance, and then both scuttle to the stairs and begin making their way down the winding path from the battlements. They gesticulate with their lances as if ordering Ahearn to stand still while they approach.

Sir Lefallon, seeing their distraction, scuttles quickly to the side of an upright barrel and huddles there with sword drawn. He looks about to see Lord April himself waiting, and lets out a sigh of relief.

Redmane eyes the distance to unicorn statue, deciding to run the fifty feet or so to it and try the trick from the letter to break the spell on Lord Mel. "Let's go, Thomas, while they're negotiating the stairs," she urges. "I'll try to free the Lord Protector."

Not even a nod from Thomas as his eyes narrow when the Vyglari turn to make another switch on the stairs. As their backs come to face him, he bolts from his hiding spot, making an all-out dash toward the Djinn, angling to get to the skull first.

The white stallion watches the Vyglari approach, his head and neck lowered, forelegs splayed, inviting a fight. He paws at the back of the crate with one hind foot, rumbling from deep in his throat, daring the monsters to approach.

Once Thomas is off and running, Redmane makes her own dash toward the Siege.

Apparently goaded on by the King of Horses' display, the Vyglaris charge down the stairs with even more fervor. They appear not to notice as yet as Thomas and Redmane make their ways to their respective targets.

Beneath the gaze of the grimacing demon statue, which seems to be laughing at the chaos erupting in the Destroyer's Keep, Lady Redmane comes to the shadow of the unicorn statue. Up close it looks incredibly realistic, so much so that she can make out the individual hairs on his mane and tail. It is hewn from black stone and positioned in a look of great surprise, rearing up and away from something, though there is no object where its attention is fixed.

Meanwhile, as Thomas scoops up the skull and closes upon the boat, the djinn looks up with an expression of despair on her face as Thomas approaches with the skull, and then of revulsion. She moans something in her native tongue, her language musical, a song of grief and exhaustion.

Up close, the object against which she is draped becomes apparent in form: a small brass lamp, very like one that would be seen in an Arabian fairy tale, with a spout from which would come the flame and light.

Thomas reaches down and retrieves the skull, taking a moment to catch his breath. He then looks at the Djinn, focusing on her words for a moment. Slowly, he starts to walk towards her, asking, "Do you understand me?"

A musical trill, and then the woman peers closer at Thomas, seeing his untorn clothes, the strange kindness of his voice. She whispers, "Who are you? Have you come to taunt me like the rest of them?"

"I'm a traveler, mostly forgotten. Once called the Lord Explorer, but Thomas or Tom will do. I'm here to help free you, actually," he says, trying to maintain the calm tone. "Do you know what I must do, to do that? What does this skull mean?" he then asks, holding up the skull he retrieved.

"It is nothing-- worse than nothing! They commanded me to fetch it for them, as I must obey those who rub my lamp, and then they held it beyond my reach, for I cannot stray from its grip," the djinn says angrily. Her look turns hopefully tragic. "If you truly mean to free me, Thomas ... break the lamp! It is protected by great magic, but without it, I will no longer be chained to this place, nor to anyone's bidding."

"If I can, I will," Thomas replies, moving closer to inspect the lamp. "What sort of magic protects it? How does it protect it?" he inquires.

Seeing that the Vyglari are still focusing on Ahearn, Redmane quickly circles the unicorn statue three times counter-clockwise, then touches the tip of her sword to the statue's chest. Nothing happens.

Sir Lefallon peers out from behind his cover at Lady Redmane, then toward the Vyglaris as they approach the foot of the staircase. He whispers to Rachel, "Something's wrong."

The djinn says in her voice that turns words to poetry, "I know not, Thomas. Only that it prevents me from shattering it myself, yet that I may touch it as I like, if I have no wish to destroy it. I cannot fathom these dark magicks that chain me to the lamp."

"Okay, that didn't work," Redmane mutters, wondering what she's missing ... aside from a unicorn. "Maybe it needs to be done with four legs?" She tries again, circling more slowly this time, and ends by tapping the silver-bladed sword against the statue instead of the iron one.

"Stand aside, then. I'll just use brute force. If that fails, I have an idea." Thomas draws his sword.

Again, nothing happens. A raucous cry comes from the direction of the gates as the Vyglaris reach the bottom, and charge headlong for Ahearn. "Surrender or die!"

At the sound of the Vyglari's cry, Redmane ducks behind the statue. Looking through its legs, she watches to make sure Ahearn doesn't get caught.

The djinn glides backward, in a way difficult to describe whether she moved with grace, or if she actually floated backward. She watches Thomas with hope growing in her eyes.

Thomas takes a controlled breath, then lowers his sword over the middle of the lamp. He then eases it back, tracing a arc through air. Another breath, and he brings the sword down, hard.

Death's not so bad, I've been there, Ahearn answers, jumping to one side of the crate he was standing on, watching the charging Vyglari. He maneuvers, sidestepping, trying to get some of the fallen barrels directly behind him.

Whooosh-- The sword halts in midair as if Thomas had struck a stone block, but there is nothing there.

"It is as I have said," the djinn laments, hope dying again. "Hide yourself, Thomas. Perhaps I can shield you from the eyes of my captors so you can escape yourself."

Thomas grimaces and pulls his sword back. He puts the sword away and simply reaches for the lamp this time. "Sorry, I'm stubborn. People always tell me I never listen," he mutters with a grin. "I have another idea."

This time, he is able to touch the lamp.

The djinn watches Thomas apprehensively, fear growing in her dark brown eyes. "... Master?"

Thomas tries to pull the lamp free from the boat. "My friend over there has a weapon that may cut through the magic," he explains.

The lamp is fixed in place, as if it were a part of the smooth black wood.

Thomas pulls his sword again, and tries to hit the wood around the lamp, to break it free.

Again, the blow is deflected. Not only is the lamp apparently protected by some sort of spherical shield, but the boat is itself as hard as any metal that Thomas has ever encountered, though it appears to be a densely grained wood. The djinn watches sadly. "As you say, master."

From Redmane's viewpoint, she can see the Vyglaris attempting to flank Ahearn on both sides, Their tails twitch, drawing back as if they were preparing to strike with the poison stingers.

Thomas takes a step back and hmms. "Can you do me a favor? Could you send a message to my friend near the statue that she can only here that I need her over here quickly? Please?" Thomas says, not about to give up.

The djinn blinks. "Master, I cannot stray from the bounds of the lamp," she says, looking pained. "It will cause me great torment, if I strive to do so. Do you command that I try, master?"

Gritting her teeth, Redmane tries one last time to undo the spell on Lord Mel before going to the aid of her partner. She circles three times around the statue, widdershins, only this time she reaches up to touch her iron sword to the horn of the statue instead of the chest.

"No. You have suffered enough. I'll fetch her. Just rest, there's hope yet," Thomas says, then turns and runs towards the statue.

Still nothing, and it seems to Redmane that her sword scores the stony exterior of the statue.

The smoke lessens somewhat from the top of the keep. Either the fire is being brought under control, or it is running out of fuel.

"Redmane," Thomas hisses. "I need you. Or rather, I need your iron sword. The lamp is protected by a spell I'm hoping your sword can tear through. Will you come back with me? Or shall I stay at the statue and try to free the Lord Protector while you free the Djinn?"

"Running out of time," the red-haired knight mutters as the smoke stops billowing. At the sound of the voice, Redmane spins around in alarm, "Who ... Thomas? I'll try to destroy the lamp then; you try what you can for Lord Mel."

"Works for me. Just break the lamp. That's all she needs to happen to be free. I think I remember something about this. There were words he uttered," Thomas says quickly. "I think I remember them."

Meanwhile, Ahearn glances at the Vyglari trying to flank him on either side. He looks, perhaps, just the tiniest bit alarmed. He rears back, as if to paw at one -- but instead, he pivots neatly on his hind legs, then tries to leap over the tumbled barrels behind him.

"Good luck," Redmane whispers, then runs for the boat.

Thomas beats lightly on the side of his head. "Think, Tom. Remember for a change," Thomas grumbles. He then smiles and says, "I think I've got it." Thomas starts to circle the statue, counter-clockwise. As he circles, he holds out his right hand slightly, palm down and utters firmly and forcefully, "Stars and Moon, Sun and Sky, let the dark Powers pass, pass by. East and West, South and North, unite and call this unicorn's body forth." Again, he circles and utters the words. Then again. He stops on the final circle before the statue and reaches out, touching the surface of the stone. "Come back to us," he thinks.

The Vyglaris strike, one after another! Their stingers raise great gouts of snow just where Ahearn was, and then as he eludes them behind the barrels, they scuttle around to try and corner him. As they do so, however, one of them catches sight of a flame-haired woman running across the courtyard and stops in his track. He sweeps the courtyard again with his gaze.

Not realizing she'd been spotted, Redmane clambers up into the dark boat and looks around for the lamp.

The djinn looks up to Redmane, a slender bronze-skinned woman dressed in rags. "Can you truly free me?" she whispers, sitting up again.

This time, something almost seems to happen, as Thomas touches the statue. It is as if some great spirit heaves up through unseen waters, and the lightest sprinkling reaches out to befleck Thomas's face ... and then it falls back again, into the dark depths.

"I can try," Redmane promises, spotting the lamp attached to the prow. "Afterwards, will you help us escape?" she asks, as she raises her sword above her head with both hands, then tries to bring it down as hard as she can on the lamp.

Thomas mutters to himself. Again, Thomas circles the statue and chants the verses. And again, Thomas reaches out and places his hand on the statue before him. "Come ... back ... to ... us," he says firmly, eyes narrowed.

"After--" But the djinn's words are interrupted by the razor-bright arc that ends a foot deep into the boat. The lamp erupts in a brilliant flare that pours skyward. The djinn leaps upward as well, flying, swooping around in a mad gyre of joy. "Free!" she carols. "Free, free, FREE! Thank you, strangers, you have freed me!"

If there was any doubt about whether the Vyglaris had noticed them before, it is gone now as the giant scorpions charge toward them. This time, Thomas is wide out in the open, and one of them shouts, "SURRENDER OR DIE!" at him. Ahearn is an afterthought now.

Sir Lefallon comes out from hiding and rushes toward Thomas, sword drawn. Behind him, Lord April shouts, "To the boat, Thomas! We must flee before we are caught!" and begins to move that way.

There is a subtler motion of spirit within the statue, not as great a leap as that before.

The Vyglari may have forgotten Ahearn, but the stallion has not forgotten them. When they turn, he jumps lightly over the barrels again, then leaps after the nearest one, ready to lash out with a forehoof at its curled-back tail.

"I cannot. I swore I would return with the Lord Protector," Thomas shouts. He scowls, cursing inwardly. His brow furrows, thinking quickly and muttering, "What does he mean? What ..."

Redmane frees her sword and looks up after the Djinn. "Wait!" she calls to the flying figure, "we need your help! Can you still move the boat?"

The djinn laughs exultantly as she floats back gracefully to the deck of the boat, standing there confidently now. "Of course! I will grant you three wishes, provided they are within my abilities, Lady. You have freed me, and for that, I owe you a great debt."

Rachel emerges from hiding, as well, but she dashes to Tom and the statue. On a wild whim, she tries seizing a leg of the statue, and pulling at it. The equine figure doesn't budge.

"In that case, can you free that unicorn from the spell that keeps him a statue?" Redmane asks, pointing to the Siege... and noticing the advancing Vyglari now.

"He told me, Angel," Thomas says, annoyed. "Does she need to be the one to free him? Does he mean the doll she carries? Or, does it mean the Angel statue at the siege, and the passage beneath?"

Sir Lefallon stands by the statue and Thomas, sword drawn. "Well, it's been good traveling with you, Thomas," he mutters as he awaits the Vyglaris who are running toward them, with Ahearn hard behind them. "Angel? He said that? I didn't hear anything..."

"You two ... get out of here," Thomas says angrily. "You must get Lord April back. My oath was to return with the Lord Protector."

The djinn shakes her head. "It is a great and powerful binding," she says sadly. "Only one with healing power as great as a unicorn could undo it, and he lies himself trapped within stone. I am able to fly, and to carry great weight, but beyond that, I have few magical powers."

"Move the boat to pick up my companions then, before the Vyglari can get to them!" Redmane urges.

"Aye, that I can do, Lady," the djinn says. She gestures, and the boat itself lifts from the ground, causing the deck to wobble beneath Redmane's feet.

"If we could just get the statue back with us! There's no way we'll be able to return," Thomas shouts angrily.

The knight steadies herself, and then moves to the side of the craft so she can help haul people aboard when they're close enough.

Lord April cries out with surprise as the boat rises, and then calls to Redmane, reaching up his hand to be hauled up. "If we can get us all on the boat, Lady Redmane, we can fly out of here! The Destroyer's forces are strong on the ground, but he has few aerial minions!"

Thomas paces back and forth in front of the statue, green eyes narrow. "Redmane!" he shouts, hearing the comment about the boat, "Can the djinn move the statue onto the boat? We can take it back with us!"

Grasping April's arm, Redmane tries to pull him aboard. Hearing Thomas' shout, she asks the Djinn, "Could you move the statue itself? We need to return to the Court of Mirari with it."

Thomas draws his sword. "You two climb up first," he tells Rachel and Lefallon. "I'll try and delay them, then catch a ride with Ahearn."

The white stallion catches up to one of the Vyglari. After rearing back, he throws his weight forward, one hoof stomping into the back of its chitinous tail, The monster howls in pain, twisting to face his assailant.

"Hearkening and obeying!" the djinn says, bowing. She flies from the surface of the boat, which itself remains aloft, and glides toward Thomas. Her eyes flash her gratitude to the Explorer as she takes a position by the statue ... and then from where her hands are at her waists, she raises them slowly.

Sir Lefallon looks up at the djinn with amazement, then nods to Thomas. "All right, milord, but if you don't make it, I'm coming back for you!"

"Ahearn!" Redmane shouts out, "Stop horsing around with that bug and get in the boat!" She draws her sword again once April is aboard, and keeps her attention on the Vyglari.

"Thank you," Thomas whispers. He then walks toward the Vyglari and Lord Ahearn, sword drawn. "I hope you won't mind a rider other than Redmane just this once," Thomas calls out and prepares for a fight.

The other Vyglari bugles with alarm as it observes the djinn, and the number of intruders now obvious in the courtyard. It pauses a moment, and then dashes toward the keep itself, calling to those inside in guttural snarls.

As the djinn's hands rise, the statue itself creaks ... and then pulls free from the earth, hooves and all. The djinn glides with it toward the deck of the boat, moving backward, her attention focused on the unicorn statue.

Sir Lefallon, reaching the boat, offers Rachel a boost up to Lord April and Redmane's waiting hands. His attention is half-torn by Thomas.

Ahearn snorts at Redmane. First you want a distraction, now you want me to stop. Make up your mind, woman, he tells her, as he backs away from the infuriated Vyglari. He prances to one side, then gathers himself for a leap to the boat, as it draws near.

As Thomas runs to catch up to Ahearn, the other Vyglari that had engaged the horse in combat lashes out! Pain wells up from a gash on his left arm -- not fatal, but a reminder that Vyglaris should not be trifled with.

Redmane searches the deck of the boat for a rope to throw to Thomas, since she doesn't like his odds of making it with a wounded arm.

The boat is fortunately equipped with coils of rope; there is a boathouse and a hatch leading below decks. Where the mast should be, there is a stump.

Thomas growls and steps back as he pulls in his left arm. "Ahearn, get out of here. I won't be able to get on you quick enough now and we both don’t need to die, eh. I'll find another way out," Thomas says quickly.

Rachel squeaked when the statue suddenly tore from its pedestal -- then jumped for it, grabbing for purchase on the leg she had earlier been trying to move. She hangs on stoically until the djinn brings the statue close to the boat -- then she releases her grip in favor of taking Simon's hand, and scrambling gracelessly aboard.

Working quickly, Redmane grabs up a coil of rope and tosses one end towards Sir Lefallon, calling, "Tie this end to the mast-stump, Sir Lefallon!" before throwing the rest of the coil out towards Thomas. "Catch, Explorer!"

Once close to the boat, Ahearn takes Tom at his word -- the stallion leaps aboard, landing neatly, tail flagging.

The djinn settles the statue into place at last, which now looks as if it were a very part of the boat, and then bows to Lady Redmane. "Your command is my wish, Lady."

Sir Lefallon nods to Redmane hurriedly and runs for the mast, looping it around quickly. "Help me hold this, Rachel!" he calls, bracing a foot on the stump in favor of trying to knot it quickly.

The vyglari looks up at the sailing horse, crying out with a furiously denied look upon its face ... and then looks at its single remaining opponent. Its lance taps against the massive pincer of its left arm as it closes in slowly, eyes red.

"As soon as our friend down there gets a good grip on the rope, fly us out of here please," Redmane requests of the Djinn. "I'd like to recover my lance from the mouth of the Icejaw Pit, but getting back to Mirari is more important."

"Heh, quick 'other way'," Thomas mutters with a grin and sheathes his sword. He loots to the Vyglari and grins rakishly, adding, "Tell Eoin that Thomas says, 'Gotcha!" He then turns and goes right for the rope, ready to grab, then wrap it quickly around his right arm.

The djinn nods. "Hearkening and obeying! To Mirari then, Lady?"

"Yes, please!" Redmane nods, grabbing hold of the rope to help pull Thomas up.

Rachel pulls herself together enough to help Redmane with the rope. "Haven't we done this before?"

The vyglari crouches, stinger twitching as it prepares to deliver the coup de grace ... but just as it lashes forward, the explorer leaps away, and catches the rope! The djinn flashes a wide smile to him as she gestures, and the boat lifts with astonishing speed, pulling him away from the ground quickly.

As the guarded valley begins to shrink away from them, it is thus that Thomas has the best view of the ant-like minions pouring out of the entrance to confront the intruders ... moments too late.

Hauling on the rope, Redmane just grins to Rachel. "He makes quite the fishing lure, doesn't he?"

After they haul the Lord Explorer into the boat with them, Rachel does a quick head count, and sighs in relief when she comes to the right number. "I know you like a little excitement, Lord Explorer. But, truly, I think I might look for another line of work, myself."

Sir Lefallon wipes sweat from his brow. "One that involves less almost dying, I think!"

It's not the almost dying that I would worry about, Ahearn notes succinctly.

Redmane takes a moment to hug Ahearn around the neck, whispering to him, "And you were magnificent out there, Lord of the Horses!"

"Whoohah! Take that, Destroyer," Thomas shouts as he jumps in excitement. He winces slightly at a twinge of pain from his left arm, then grins at Rachel. He says with a wink, "Forget it. Once a Hawk, always a Hawk, I always say. You'd get bored -- Trust me!"

The stallion whickers and nuzzles Redmane in return, looking both pleased and perhaps a little embarrassed. He hugs the lady knight about the neck, while Rachel plops onto the deck, leaning against the rail. "Honestly, Lord Explorer, I think boredom sounds quite heavenly!" she answers.

Lord April smiles exhaustedly from where he sits against the railing. "It is good to be free," he says. "Thank you. All of you."

The djinn sings as she flies the boat, leaning far forward on the prow as if eager to feel the brisk winds against her face. "You have my gratitude, my friends," she says. "I thought for Years that I would never be free! You have given me hope, and you have given me the skies again."

Thomas just smiles as he looks around at all the others. "Rachel," he says with a smile, "Look around you. Look at the smile on the Djinn, Lord April. Could you really give it up? Outside the excitement, the adventure ... look at what we've done for others. We've brought back hope. Could you truly leave that behind?" He walks forward, boots clacking on the deck of the boat, his black hair blowing lightly in the breeze as they move. He points out into the great expanse of sky, in the direction of Mirari, and says, "Onward. A new beginning awaits."

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This site serves as a chronicle of sessions in an online roleplaying campaign moderated by Conrad "Lynx" Wong and May "Rowan" Wasserman. The contents of this site are (c) 2001, 2002 by Conrad Wong and May Wasserman except where stated otherwise. Despite the "children's fantasy" theme of this campaign, this site is not intended for young readership, due to mild language and violence.