Late Revelation
(6 Jun 2002) Thomas, Sir Lefallon and Rachel react to the letter from Mirari. |
"I think our foe isn't here, or where we head -- but back at the Court. Near Alice," Thomas says grimly. "I'm a fool; I should have realized."
Ryland caws. "Realized!" and tilts a round yellow eye quizzically at him.
Behind Thomas, Sir Lefallon pauses in his scanning of the crowd to look at him, the young page-boy turned knight looking deep in thought, and then slowly horror comes over his face. "Lord April? You can't mean it...."
Rachel stares at Tom, aghast. "It all fits," she starts to say, then shakes her head. "But no. It couldn't be. Surely the Queen, the court thaumaturge, someone would have noticed! ... Wouldn't they?"
"Jack is a master of illusion and deceit. If he truly wants to impersonate someone, I'm sure he can. Plus, is not the Queen often caught up in duty and gone long from her family? People can always claim to have changed over time," Thomas points out.
"The court does have a master thaumaturge, to detect disguises. Some fae have enough skill and subtlety with glamour to pass as another. I would not think the thaumaturge could be easily fooled -- nor many others of the court, for that matter," Rachel says, her word deliberate but laced with self-doubt. "We fae are a tricky lot. But ... the Destroyer is said to be the master of illusions ... "
Sir Lefallon shakes his head in disbelief, gives Thomas an imploring look as if hoping that his old friend might change his mind. "It cannot be. When-- how long could I have served a false master, and never knew it? It seems impossible!"
"The master of them, and near the oldest being in the lands, Rachel. Keep that in mind. If a spell of disguise exists that is impenetrable, he would know it," Thomas says grimly before turning to Simon. "Impossible it may seem, the facts point this way. If you had, you were not the only one fooled, Sir Lefallon. He had us all fooled. I should have realized it sooner."
Rachel looks askance at Lefallon. "What do you mean, 'served a false master'?" Her gaze darts between Tom and Simon, bewildered. "What are you talking about?"
"Sir Lefallon is of House April," Thomas says. "He told me some time ago."
The black-haired girl's expression freezes into a mask. She does not speak for a moment, and when she does, her words come in measured syllables. "Sir. Lefallon. Serves. April."
"Serves Mirari," Thomas says pointedly. "He is from House April."
"Aye, it's true," the knight says, looking abashed. He seems to find it difficult to tell the story. "Lord April asked me, earlier in the Year, to masquerade as Simon, and promised that he would keep Simon safe, while I investigated the rumors that the King might be found in the mortal realms. But now... Even then, could he have been the Jack? To whom did my reports go, before I began to think that it was Tom to whom I owed my loyalty?" He kneels to Rachel's feet. "Please believe me, milady. I never meant harm to any, only service to Mirari."
Rachel's expression remains flat and motionless. She draws a step away from Lefallon as he kneels. Her eyes are the only thing alive in her face, regarding Lefallon as if seeing him for the first time.
"Do not let the prejudices of Mirari creep back into your mind, Rachel. Sir Lefallon has been a loyal ally in this journey and I trust him. It was with his own free will that he told me the truth," Thomas says softly, then shakes his head. "We do not have time for more mistrust. He is the same person you have traveled with for some time. So he's from House April -- so what? I was once November, but turned aside from my House. You are of House October. Does it matter?"
Sir Lefallon looks more woeful yet. "How could I know?..." His voice trails off.
"You speak of mistrust, my lord, yet you have known this -- for how long? -- and did not trust to tell me. Nor did he. If it does not matter, why the deception?" Pain lurks between Rachel's cool, soft words.
"I trusted you, Rachel. The issue did not seem important. What was important was that we end this winter," Thomas says quietly.
"I... I thought it was a matter between myself and milord Thomas," Sir Lefallon says slowly. "I was wrong to not tell you as well, when time permitted, milady. Will you accept my apology?"
"And this surprise, now? This startled look, this disbelief?" Rachel takes another step away, drawing her cloak about her with trembling fingers. "Is this the truth? Or is it just another lie?"
Thomas takes a step toward Rachel and extends his hand. "Rachel, no one meant harm or any sort of deceit. If anything, I have failed you both by focusing on the mission and not fully considering how you would feel. I thought you wouldn't care. I am terribly sorry," he says, watching her with soft green eyes.
The knight's eyes turn angry as he stands. "I may be the youngest knight ever dubbed into the House of April, but I take oath on my name here and now, I did not know Lord April was the Destroyer! I did not know Lord April was the Destroyer! I did not know Lord April was the Destroyer! And never shall I serve the Destroyer or any of his kind. I would sooner burn in Hell than be one of his wraiths," he spits out. "I serve Mirari, and it does not matter to me if you believe that or not."
At that, Thomas steps back.
Rachel hesitates at Tom's words, but she does not take her eyes from the knight. On the third repetition of his oath, however, the girl's eyes close, and she relaxes her white-knuckled grip on her cloak. "All right," she says, softly. "You are right, Thomas. It does not matter. As long as we stand together against the Destroyer." A certain coolness still tinges her words, and when she reopens her eyes, she does not look at either of them.
Thomas steps forward once more and lays his hand upon Rachel's shoulder. "It's more than that we just stand against the Destroyer -- we are friends," Thomas says firmly.
Sir Lefallon lets out a long sigh. "Aye, milady. But to think... How could this have happened? The Lord of my house, seized and taken to the West? Replaced so perfectly none have told the difference? It is impossible!" He seems angry still, but there is no one at whom he can direct this, so he scowls at his feet instead.
Beneath Tom's hand, the girl's shoulder feels tense. She says nothing more, in response to Lefallon or the Lord Explorer.
"Little is impossible, Sir Lefallon," Thomas says. "The Destroyer is old and patient. He will always find a way. The question is, what do we do now? I wish to continue on and find proof of this. You are reluctant to believe me and you've seen all I have. The Court with laugh me away if I come before them without proof. I fear for those back at Court, but running back will not help. Not without proof."
"You're right, old friend. We must sally forth at once to the West and find the Lord April, wherever he has been imprisoned," Sir Lefallon says, his young face looking overly serious for such a frown. "Then we shall repay the Destroyer tenfold for his actions!"
Rachel nods. "We go on. We must."
Ryland flaps his wings, and caws, "Must!"
"We do also have an option here. We can wait for Redmane to arrive. Perhaps one of the people she has brought along we can send back to alert December, October, and November to our suspicions and to prepare for our return when we rescue whom we suspect is Lord April," Thomas says, removing his had from Rachel's shoulder. "So, we still deal with the curse here, and give Redmane time to catch up. Agreed?"
The crow ruffles his feathers and caws again. A smile briefly flickers over Rachel's face. "We could ask Ryland to carry a letter back for us, for that matter."
"Every hour we waste, Lord April withers away in durance," Sir Lefallon points out, perhaps unreasonably given how long has passed between then and now.
"True enough. In any event, Ryland, will you wait here and keep watch for Redmane? If she arrives, direct her to Oberia and ask her to wait. When we return, we will draft a letter for the Houses. Will you deliver it for us as Rachel suggests?" Thomas says.
The knight's words touch Rachel, and her expression turns serious and thoughtful. Automatically, she repeats Tom's question to the crow. Ryland answers, "Of course, my lord. I will be glad to assist you, especially given the enemy against whom you strive."
Thomas shakes his head slightly, both amused and annoyed the the peculiarities of crows. "All right. We have a plan. Let's go," Thomas says.
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This site serves as a chronicle of sessions in an online roleplaying campaign moderated by Conrad "Lynx" Wong and May "Rowan" Wasserman. The contents of this site are (c) 2001, 2002 by Conrad Wong and May Wasserman except where stated otherwise. Despite the "children's fantasy" theme of this campaign, this site is not intended for young readership, due to mild language and violence.