Enemy of the Crown
(6 Sep 2002) Alice confronts Simon in the Palace of All Seasons.
After the unmasking of "Lord April" as the Destroyer, Hannah and Alice discuss how best to spread the word of what has just happened -- seeing as many people simply cannot bring themselves to even believe in the Destroyer. Shortly after Alice asks Hannah about Simon, he shows up -- and he is among those who refuse to believe that "Lord April" could be false. Simon accuses Alice of being part of a scheme to discredit Lord April, and before Hannah can stop him, he drops a smoke bomb and disappears. Alice, in her guise as Lady Jill, tells the guards that Simon is an "enemy of the crown" and that he must be captured.
GMed by Lynx Myrral
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This site serves as a chronicle of sessions in an online roleplaying campaign moderated by Conrad "Lynx" Wong and May "Rowan" Wasserman. The contents of this site are (c) 2001, 2002 by Conrad Wong and May Wasserman except where stated otherwise. Despite the "children's fantasy" theme of this campaign, this site is not intended for young readership, due to mild language and violence.