Black Ship, Dark Concerns
(28 Dec 2002) Tom and Hannah share their concerns about how much they can trust of what "facts" they find in Mirari.
In a cabin belowdecks on the Black Ship, Hannah happens upon Tom -- who happens to be brooding over recent revelations. Hannah and Tom both confess that they're disturbed by what Melchizedek has told them: Tom wondering whether his memories and past are real at all, and Hannah wondering at how much of her own fate is subject to the whims of children. Hannah tries to alleviate Tom's concerns to a degree, by sharing some words she was told, but Tom is not doubting his own existence as a person -- rather, whether or not his past, his experiences are real.

As they talk, they catch snippets of a conversation between Sir Lefallon and Lord April outside the door. Curiosity getting the better of them, they go to the door to listen, and find out that Sir Lefallon has his concerns about whether Lord April should reveal his presence in April lands, or wait until they reach the Palace of All Seasons. Lord April is firm that they should wait until they reach the Palace, and Sir Lefallon's reaction hints that this was not the answer he had hoped for.

Tom broods some more, then gets back to talking with Hannah, suggesting that his intent is to track down the real Simon, and that he could use her help to plan out how they might go about doing so.

GMed by Lynx Greywolf Myrral
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This site serves as a chronicle of sessions in an online roleplaying campaign moderated by Conrad "Lynx" Wong and May "Rowan" Wasserman. The contents of this site are (c) 2001, 2002 by Conrad Wong and May Wasserman except where stated otherwise. Despite the "children's fantasy" theme of this campaign, this site is not intended for young readership, due to mild language and violence.