First Ones 21 (Late) 6107 RTR (Dec 20, 2008) The weird day out for Alptraum and Rosalind winds down.
(The Right Hand of Shadow) (Alptraum) (Sylvania)

    Courtyard of 'Arkoldia'
    Welcome to Arkoldia, the banner brazenly proclaims. Okay, so it was a joke put up by the townsfolk when their new sheriff took up residence. But! It has kept going as jokes tend to do. Labels proclaiming 'such and such of Arkoldia' are everywhere. The most recent addition is 'The Royal Throne of Arkoldia', which just happens to be plastered on an outhouse near the town square. Anyway, today the courtyard of the town has added to its ridiculous collection of signs, today is a celebration of … well, no one is quite sure, but that never stops a good party. Colorful streamers are everywhere. Local musicians ply their trade as villagers dance and twirl about, and food merchants have set up various stalls. One even proclaims to offer 'Beer, with a side of beer, slathered in beer, and a mug of beer.'

"I'm being honest!" Alptraum claims as the pair finally depart from Nishka's tent, "I really was checking your butt for cramps and knots; it wasn't just an excuse to get a feel!" Maybe he would be more believable if he didn't have such a huge, ridiculous, grin on his face.

"I'm sure butt cramps are a common hazard among gypsy dancers, hmmm?" Rosalind asks, and pokes Alptraum in the ribs.

"Why sure!" Alptraum continues to claim, "Why do I get the feeling you don't believe me?" And of course he has to end that with a pouty quiver of his lower lip.

"I will corroborate it with your mother when we meet," Draco says, tilting her chin up.

Alptraum crosses his arms over his chest. "There you go again!" he claims. "You were supposed to leave your position at the hotel!"

"I seem to get publicly fondled if I don't," Rose notes with a grin. "I can leave it behind for a bit longer I suppose."

"I like it when you're all in charge, though," Alptraum says and winks, "I'm just poking a bit to get you to relax more. I did promise you would experience stuff tonight you probably never have before… "

"Certainly not while I was sober," the Countess notes. "What is next? Going to make me dance on a table in a bar?" she jokes.

"You know," Alptraum says and rubs his chin as if actually giving that some serious thought…

Rosalind pokes him again.

Alptraum oofs! "I'm teasing," Alptraum says and holds up his hands placatingly. "Please tell me you're having a little fun?" he asks, sounding serious for the moment.

"Yes, I am," Rosalind says, grinning. "Now that I've said that, you're going to embarrass me again aren't you?"

"Well, no. I was hoping you weren't mad at me. It makes it easier to ask you if you would honor me and go dancing with me?" Alptraum asks. And of course has to ruin the moment by adding, "Otherwise I have to use a club and that really kills the romance… "

"Dancing sounds wonderful," Rosalind says.

"Good. Unless my ears deceive me, I believe there is group dancing a short walk that way," Alptraum says and nods in a direction through the festivities. He slips his arm around Rosalind's as they walk. "Some day I'd like you to tell me about your mother. You have some about your father, but you've said very little about your mother. I bet she was beautiful; just like you are," he comments.

"I never got to know her," Rosalind says. "She died giving birth to me. But I'd rather dance than talk about my past."

Alptraum gives Rosalind a bit of an odd look as they walk through the crowd. "I hope that isn't a family tradition as well," he thinks a bit grimly. He remains silent through the remainder of the walk; taking the time to look at those gathered and make silly faces at children they pass. Soon enough the crowd seems to break apart and just ahead is the group dance. People of various species dance and swing in time to rather traditional Sylvanian music, consisting of violins, drums, and the occasional flute. Some of the dancers are even wearing traditional attire … but really, those knee high pants and colorful socks do look a bit silly.

"You'd look dashing in lederhosen," Rosalind says to Alptraum, although she's grinning like mad when she does so.

"Eeeeh, leather pants make me chafe," Alptraum insists, "But if you really want me in them, then you have to wear the hoop skirt and pigtails… " He sticks out his tongue.

"Oh, I thought you liked wearing leather," Rose teases, leaning against Alptraum's shoulder. "Do you know any of these dances?"

"Well, I should say dopey leather pants make me chafe," Alptraum corrects as he slips his arm lightly around Rosalind's side, his hand resting lightly on her hip. "I know a few of them. If for nothing else than when we passed by large towns, such as Justintinople, we knew tourists would pay to see them. Yes, I know, we didn't learn them out of tradition, but out of making money … but when every day is a trial in survival, well, you do what you have to." He pauses for a moment, then nods towards the current dance, "Bit of trivia for you. The one they're doing now? See how they high step in tandem in a row? The origin of that one is actually pretty mundane. Its how you have to walk through a muddy field while planting crops in a line. So … this fall festival dance started out as a way of teaching kids how to plant."

"And Morris dancing is a right of to bring up the sun and start Spring… I think," Draco says. "I'm sure I knew at some point. Not about the crop-planting though… "

"Dancing to bring up the sun is better than sacrificing hogs, at least," Alptraum comments as he starts leading Draco towards the dance line, "Most traditions start off as something practical that we end up putting far too much emphasis on." He then gets a mischievous grin and asks her, "Willing to do the broom jump dance with me… ?"

"Jumping? I knew there'd be jumping," Rose sighs. "Alright, just don't let me fall or break anything! I'm… fragile… now, remember… "

"Oh-ho, don't you want to know what that dance is for?" Alptraum teases and noses Rosalind's ear.

"Ummm… kicking up dust that's been lodged in the carpet?" Rose asks, sounding a bit timid about it. "Or is it some wedding thing?"

"The second one is the correct answer. Jumping a broom is the traditional way those of the roaming band signified a wedding," Alptraum says, taking on a rather serious, mock instructor, tone. "But now it's just used as a fun dance for couples. And really, you need to worry less. If you can't jump over a one inch high broom handle, I would have to wonder about you… "

"I'll try to keep my wings from flaring, promise," Rose says, crossing her fingers and kissing them.

"I'm also hurt in your lack of faith in me protecting you," Alptraum says and flutters his eyes at Rosalind. "Now c'mon! We'll get in the last pass of the row dance!" And on Alptraum drags Rosalind. As the line passes by, he slips into the end od the row, taking Rosalind with him. "Just step in time to the beat of the drums. Don't focus as much on the rest of the instruments," he tries to explain.

Rose nods, and tries to focus on the beat while watching how the other dancers step.

Thankfully it looks like many of he other dancers are first-timers, so no one looks any worse than the others. After a few passes, the routine becomes pretty easy; it's simply a lift of each leg at the strike of the drum, bringing their thighs level to the ground. When the kettle drum sounds, the group hops and spins around, then dances back the way they game. Of course the more inebriated of the dancers jump the wrong direction and the surrounding crowds roar with laughter. "See! This isn't bad," Alptraum comments to Rosalind.

"Eee!" Rosalind squeals, actually enjoying the dance. "This makes me think of swimming for some reason! Don't ask me how!"

"It makes me think of outrunning angry townsfolk," Alptraum laughs. This dance continues for another few minutes, coming to a halt with several rapid beats of the drums, the dancers hopping in place in time, then finishing with a bow to the audience!

Rose laughs as the dance ends. "My thighs ache! And in a different way than last night," she notes.

"And tonight … " Alptraum suggests into Rose's ear, followed by a playful nip. Of course its right at that moment, the master of ceremonies points right at Alptraum and Rosalind! "Why, it looks like we have a doting couple!" he declares to the crowd. There's a pause, followed by the crowd going in unison, "Awwwwwwwwww!"

"Eeeee," Rose squeals as quietly as she can, and digs her claws into Alptraum's arm as everyone stares at them.

"Ow, claws," Alptraum hisses in her ear!

"They're looking at us," Rose whispers through clenched teeth and a force smile. She does ease up a little on her grip though.

"Aren't they cute?" the announcer calls out, "Don't you think that he should declare his love to her by performing a very special dance for her?"

"It's not my fault!" Alptraum whispers, "I didn't plan this!"

"Still… you're going to do a very special dance now, aren't you?" Rose asks, and adds, "Dear?" while showing her fangs.

"Is that a threat to say no, or to agree?" Alptraum has to ask lamely out of the side of his mouth while he waves to the crowds.

"You have to!" Rose notes. "Don't you love me?"

"Yes, but I also love living and you might kill me… " Alptraum says, grinning. He then can't help but bow to the announcer, asking, "Did you have something in mind?"

"Well, you look like one of the road with your colorful wings and dress," the Master of Ceremonies says and spreads his arms. "Will you not share with us the dance of of the Tarantella and woo your lovely maiden in front of all of us?"

There's a roar of laughter from the crowd … and a few wolf whistles.

"Oooo," Rose croons, giving Alptraum's arm a squeeze.

"I thought you were shy," Alptraum whispers to Rosalind before quickly replying to the caller, "Ah, well, if that is what people want … why, fetch a chair for my lovely companion … and I'll need a Rose. Or well, any sort of flower, really."

"Everyone will be looking at you though," Rose whispers into Alptraum's ear.

"Not for long," Alptraum chuckles darkly to Rosalind, then winks.

The MC claps twice and a chair is quickly brought out and set down beside the two Eeee.

"Mmmm?" Rose asks curiously, and then sits demurely in the chair.

"Your throne, milady," Alptraum tells Rosalind as he steps away and dips in a graceful bow to her as she settles down. He then takes a few steps away and turns his back to her. He even holds his head up as if she doesn't even exist.

"Coy," Rose comments.

Alptraum raises his right hand and snaps his fingers twice. If the chitin does one thing for him (outside of making his hand rather ugly with the protrusions and 'veins'), he can snap his fingers really loud now. From somewhere in the crowd a flower is tossed into the air. Alptraum deftly catches it in his hand … and the music begins.

Rosalind scootches a little in the chair, smiling at the display.

Alptraum's fiery wings spread wide, then wrap about his body. On a clap of cymbals, his head turns and he peers over his shoulder at her. The look in his eyes is once she hasn't seen often … predatory.

Wrapping her own watery wings around herself, Rose waggles her eyebrows right back at Alptraum.

Alptraum spins around and puts the stem of the flower just behind his fangs. With each strike of a chord in the music, he moves a step closer through a roll of his hips and a snap of his toe-claws into the earth before him.

"Very coy," Rose whispers and grins. Her eyes glow just a little brighter red for a moment.

Soon enough he stands before her, his expression unusually stern, imposing, and aloof. From her seated position, the white-haired Eeee seems so much larger. His fingers curl and stretch out as he brings them to rest on her cheek. The touch is light, barely noticeable, really.

Draco actually freezes, falling under the spell of the dance.

And from there the music begins to pick up its pace. Alptraum becomes a swirl of fiery wings and graceful movement. Perhaps he could even be described as a demon of passion as he twirls and spins around the seated woman. His hands and wings barely touch her; just a taste perhaps, an entice. With each step, that aloof expression lessens, becoming softer, gentle. What began as almost a demand has become a declaration; a display of heart and feeling towards Rosalind. When he passes behind her, those wings of his briefly curl around her and she can just feel the brush of his cheek along her neck … but it never lasts for more than a second.

Rosalind's wings unwrap from around her; Alptraum's fire having conquered her watery waves. She sways a bit, but not to the music. It's more that she's tugged to and fro by the close passes and brushes, so that she follows after them. "This is… an evil dance… " she whispers.

And Alptraum never answers Rosalind, he merely looks at her through half-lidded, silvery eyes and that flower still neatly tucked between his teeth. When he passes behind her again, she feels the faint tickle of his claws up her back; certainly not enough to cause any harm, but noticeable. The distinct difference between the claws of his right hand, which feel thicker and more substantial, and those of his left, stand out in stark contrast. The music draws up to its crescendo, then dives down to silence like a wave crashing to shore. At its end, Rosalind finds Alptraum kneeling down before her. His right hand his held up to her, offering the flower he carried throughout the dance. No word is spoken, but the expression on his face and how he chose to present the flower in his 'deformed' hand says enough; there is nothing he wouldn't sacrifice of himself for her.

And the audience roars in appreciation! "Now that is true passion and the power of love!" the MC declares over the roar of the cheers and clapping. "It goes beyond being outwardly strong, for is he not stronger than her? And yet here he kneels before her, offering her everything! She conquered him simply by being herself!"

After remembering to breathe, Rose takes the flower in her own right hand, and then… taps Alptraum on the nose with it. "I don't think I will ever let you tease me like this again," she says with a smile.

"And why is that?" Alptraum has to ask, fighting back a grin.

"It is cruel," Draco notes. "It isn't nice tease me like that."

"Now how is it teasing when it is just a promise of things to come?" Alptraum asks and even waggles his brow.

"Because, you can't deliver those things right now," Rose notes, leaning closer to lick Alptraum's nose now, and then tucks the flower behind her ear.

Alptraum takes the opportunity to hook his hand around the Countess neck and draw her into a kiss after she has licked his nose. That, of cours,e only makes the crowd cheer more. "Well, I could," he teases in whisper as he releases her, "But there are children present… " He winks, then finally wises back to his feet. He turns and bows to the audience.

"I'll give you a hundred shekels for him!" a feminine voice calls out from the audience. "No! Two hundred! calls another. "Two hundred and a pig!" calls yet another.

"See, they were watching you," Rose claims, crossing her legs and setting her hands in her lap. "How big is the pig?" she calls back to the audience.

Rosalind's question causes another roar of laughter and Alptraum laughs right along. "Sorry, I'm not for sale. Not that it would matter as she made sure I would only be compatible with her. She's evil that way!" he claims.

"You'd better carry me off now or they'll riot," Draco notes with a grin.

The audience, though, laughs! Alptraum deftly picks up Draco. "Are you sure you don't want to do any more dancing?" he asks her.

"After that?" Rose laughs. "I think I need my energy for other things now."

"Well, I do know of a nice, cold, tub of water I could go dunk you in," Alptraum teases as he carries Rosalind from the dancing pavilion.

"Don't. You. Dare," Rose clips out, giving Alptraum the eye.

"Or … I could take you home and act out a most terrible game of the helpless maiden in the clutches of an evil monster who intends to have his way with her!" Alptraum suggests, grins widely, then snaps his teeth at her playfully. "Or, well, make that ways."

"Oh, will nobody save me?" Rose says, putting the back of her hand against her forehead.

"Not until after you've been tied down and tormented for a few hours," Alptraum teases and play bites Rosalind's nose tip. Now that they're far enough away from the crowds and heading back towards their rooms, he offers to set her back on her feet.

"Oh, getting tired?" Rose asks playfully, but does get back to her own feet. "We could just fly of course… "

"I figured you were getting tired of being carried around," Alptraum admits as he sets her down. "So … any regrets yet?" he teases.

"Not yet," Rose says, arching her brow at Alptraum again. "Are you planning on giving me any?" she asks, waggling both eyebrows now.

"Nooooo," Alptraum says and waggles his brow back, then drapes his arm around her. "Just checking that I haven't pushed you too much … and I see there's room yet to put cracks in that shell of yours! And that your shyness is really just a ploy to get me to be seductive and forceful… "

"I am an old, calculating hag," Draco says, in a voice of authority. A witch voice. "The witch queen of Sylvania!" she pronounces. "Now… take me to bed and keep me up all night, consort!"

So, of course, Alptraum picks Rosalind up again as they approach the building serving as their current home away from Draco castle. He kicks open the front door with his foot (and scares the daylights out of a poor maid in the process.) "Yes, my Mistress," he hiss-rumbles playfully in her ear, then without another word, carries her up the stairs for another long night of pleasures of the flesh. On the way to the room, Alptraum decides that, yes, he could really get to like this consort job…


GMed by Jared

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Today is 27 days before Unity Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)