Apr. 7. Haji does some gardening.
(Rephidim Countryside) (Haji) (Rephidim) (Spheres of Magic)
Mikide Estate Gardens
The gardens of the Mikide Estate in the Rephidim countryside are far more impressive than those at Lord Titus haut Mikide's Townhouse … and the latter is nothing to balk at, to be sure. Cobblestone paths make their way through what would – but for their intrusion – seem like an idealized jungle, full of tangling vines and colorful blossoms, and the chirrups and trills of exotic creatures, though with enough elbow room about the path so as to not need a machete to get through … and without the unpleasant distractions of bugs buzzing about. Here and there, stone monuments stand silent vigil, obtained from ruins all over the surface … or perhaps just cleverly-cut works specially made for this miniature adventureland. Short stone or wooden bridges cut across winding brooks, and some ever-so-conveniently-shaped boulders here and there serve as benches along the way.

The chaos that characterized the Mikide Estate earlier hasn't really, on the sum of things, gotten any better. First, there were all those "ghosts" running about the Estate, sending every wolf in the place chasing about wildly, to the point where the more zealous ones collapsed from exhaustion. And then, word came in that four of the Savanites had disappeared, Abana among them … Jezebel another … plus a couple of the male workers, Korg and Damon.

Of course, that wasn't quite enough. A wizard of the College Esoterica left in an angry huff, that strange Exile Envoy decided to pay a visit, and a black cat was seen poking his nose around the Estate … and then a big black Vartan named Zoltan showed up. Next thing you know, Lord Titus has fainted, that little kit Kaela has disappeared, and there's some sort of fight in the Trophy Room, with the Vartan escaping with a collection of Lord Titus' crystal hands from the City.

But wait! There's more! Word comes in that the Rocky Rogue, a faux pirate ship owned by Lord Titus, has been stolen the night previous, and now some junior Inquisitors come and start tearing the place apart, placing Titus haut Mikide under house arrest. And then, some Knight Templars decide to show up…

… and so we find Haji, loyal gardener, hard at work at what he does so well, on a sunny day at the Mikide Estate.

Today, Haji works alone. Not a soul is in sight, unless you're the sort to anthropomorphize the flowers and the trees … and, oh yes, those weeds that stubbornly keep popping up here and there.

The chaos didn't do well for the flowers. All that running around … wolves stomping right THROUGH the flowerbeds in pursuit of phantoms. Not good at all.

It should take FOREVER to get this fixed.

Haji looks at the flowers. o O{Well. I could save a lot of time if I did one little. . .}

Haji glances around and, seeing no one, draws a small symbol on the ground. Breathing deeply, he concentrates. . .

A Creen trills from the bushes over yonder. He must have broken loose from his cage during the "incident", and is now gorging himself on berries. At this rate, his wings will probably have a hard time carrying his weight!

Haji starts a small three-step canter around the symbol on the ground, picking up the rhythm after a few brief circles.

Haji turns the canter into two rapid quick-steps. He circles the symbol faster and faster until something happens to the ground around him. Each time his feet touch the ground an inch-high 'ripple' surges outward, making the earth seemingly move like water.

The cheetah clasps his hands together, trying to ignore the noisy Creen. He concentrates and a small glow forms around his hands. He opens his clasped hands outward, slowly, letting the glow increase to encompass him to his feet. The glow sparks at when it touches the ground and creeps to the flowers. . .

Haji spreads an arm outward as he circles the symbol. The little ripples from his feet do not grow any taller but shoot out to the flowers. The plants suddenly seem to lose shape as the moving earth reaches them, almost as if they are melting for a moment. But just as quickly, they reform into robust stature, looking pristine as if from it had just rained.

The cheetah points his arm broadly over the rest of the damaged flower beds of the garden in his view. The ripples shoot from under his feet as he circles while the flowers quickly reshape and straighten.

Haji thinks to himself. o O { It's not often I get to practice in Lord Titus' garden. The flowers are always so drab when they can be so much brighter! }

Haji smiles to himself when the flowers are about done and lands on both feet, very hard. A foot high wave surges out to the flowers, causing them to grow rapidly to their former stature. o O { Ah. That will save weeks worth of work! }

Haji looks at the symbol on the ground, which quickly obscures itself.

The garden falls silent, then – or was there really any noise at all? – as the magical energies disperse with the ending of the ritual. And just as well. By a sound of rustling, Haji can tell just where someone is passing a tangle of vines along the "little jungle" path, and will be coming this way soon.

Haji quickly takes a small handspade from his pocket and bends down to look at some of the more delicate flowers in the bed. { Still slightly bruised. Hmph. }

There is a glint of sunlight reflected on armor, as a tall form strides down the path, ducking under a low-hanging tree branch, entering the wider garden area, rather than following the path the rest of the way into the hedge maze.

Haji perks an ear at the sound of the someone approaching. o O { Now who would be out in the estate after all the recent ruckuss? Can't I can't get some practice done today? Ah well. }

The "who" would seem to be an armored digitigrade feline – commonly known as a Kattha – with a magenta cape that flows behind her. Her armor is glossy white, save for the stylized roses and "vines" that run here and there across the high-impact ceramic surface. The pommels of two swords can be seen poking up at diagonal angles from behind her back, past her long black hair – the only part of her that really tells for sure that there's anyone underneath that armor…

Haji looks at the armored warrior, sees swords, incredible black hair, and a red cape and bows humbly. He signs, { May I be of service, master? }

The armor bears the symbol of the Bounded Star and Anchor – the emblem of what would be known as the Knights Templar. But the unique nature of this armor would suggest that this is one of the Champions of the Temple – a Templar Elite.

Haji thinks to himself, { Mayhap she is out for a stroll, if I'm lucky. More than likely she just had a 'talk' with Lord Titus. From the looks of those weapons and her stature I don't envy him, I think. }

The knight signs back to Haji, "Slave, have you seen any Savanites here with eyes of green? I have been bidden to seek out the slave known as Azhtar, who is owned by Inquisitor Raphael Melchizedek."

The signs come a bit haltingly and clumsily, what with those gauntlets. The warrioress seems to become self-conscious of this fact, and pauses to remove her chain mitts (what a luxury!) and putting them into a pouch to one side.

Haji looks at warrioress' hands, which seem very strong, yet still are obviously female, { I am sorry mistress, I haven't seen any others. Green eyes are very rare for my kind. }

The hands of the Champion of Roses are also backed in a light, dusty-looking fur, a coloration on the back of each hand which might suggest a rosette, though very blurred and indistinct. Among Katthas, this would be a very dishonorable blemish to their fur.

The knight nods in response. "Then," she signs, "tell me what you know of what transpired here the other night. The disturbance here happened at the same time as Azhtar's disappearance. I have reason to suspect the two events are related."

Haji tries not to imagine what the rest of this impressively armored warriorress looks like since he can barely see her face. Only black hair and those hands, { If I may be permitted to ask, what are those markings on your hands, my mistress? Pardon, we Savanites notice such trivial things. }

One hand clenches into a fist in response to Haji's comment. At last, it relaxes. The knight signs, "If you had a tongue, I would tell you to hold it. Consider yourself lucky to still have your head on your shoulders."

(Technically, Savanites, of course, DO have tongues, but this is a figure of speech. Or a figure of sign, as it were.)

Haji bows humbly, { Pardon a lowly slave, mistress. I only thought it looked very becoming on you, very truly. As for the recent disturbances, I would think one skilled in the art of shadow magic responsible. Little black demon shadows running everywhere. They must have had reason to take Abana and the others, though what that is I know not. }

Haji mentally notes, do not make comments to warrioresses about their fur. Especially when they carry two swords.

The knight growls faintly. If her ears were not armored, they would probably be folding back. She signs, "What can you tell me of those who are missing from the Estate?"

"Don't make me wait," the knight signs. "I have no inclination to spend any more time here than I have to, and I disdain having to wiggle my fingers for the likes of you."

Haji tries not make let his fingers tremble as he composes his thoughts and signs, { Korg and Damon were more recent, they were not known well here, yet. Jezebel, I would not trust her further than I could throw her, and I am only a lowly laborer. Yet I notice she knew many things. She is one I would most certainly question, if she could be found… }

"But she cannot be," the knight signs. "So I will have to question those present. Those are three of those missing. What of the other two?"

Haji continues, { Abana was well-liked here, as well as little Kaela. If they were taken I could only think that they were innocents in the way. Token hostages for whatever purpose. Abana was gravely ill, and Kaela is only a little kit. Mistress, I believe that someone outside the estate was involved. But again, I am only a lowly slave, my opinion matters not. I do suggest a shadow mage was involved in the disappearances. }

The knight signs, "I waste my time with you. Why would a mage care about a handful of mere slaves? Was there anything noteworthy about any of them in the least?"

Haji shudders. o O { If this warrioress ever found out what I knew of Jezebel she'd behead me on the spot! And such a hottie! }

The knight doesn't miss the shudder. She snaps her fingers. "Out with it! It had better be good, or I'll have your hide," she signs furiously.

Haji bows his head . o O { Forgive me, Kaela. }

Haji signs, { M-mistress, I have not been close enough to see . . . but it is rumored Abana had green eyes. }

The warrioress snaps again. "When I first arrived, I asked you if there were any Savanites with green eyes! Why did you say nothing earlier?"

A single sword is sticking in the ground between the Champion and Haji. At some point during this flurry of gestures, it must have gotten there… The hilt sways back and forth slowly.

Haji looks up at the warrioress with honest eyes and simply signs, { Because I have never seen a warrior as beautiful as you. Here. . . }

Haji picks up the sword, bows on one knee and hands the sword, in both hands to the warrioress.

The warrioress snatches the blade back and with a fluid motion returns it to its scabbard behind her back. With her other hand, she follows through, slapping Haji across the face. (Thank goodness she removed her mitts.)

Now that Haji is closer, the knight doesn't really seem so tall as she looked a moment ago. Maybe it's the armor. Or the bad attitude. Whatever, the knight signs, "You are obviously just a simple fool. Back to your work, slave."

Haji does not whince and stays on his knee, though over at the flowers, { I apologize for wasting your time, mistress. I only wanted to see your hands, though I admit not so closely.} He tries to stifle a grin.

Reminded of this, the knight pauses to take her mitts and put them back on again, thus concealing her hands. A growl echoes through her facemask, and then she marches back the way she came, tail flicking agitatedly underneath the magenta cape.

Haji makes another mental note while wiggling his ears. { I'd hate to see what she would have done if I had called her a hottie. }

The flash of color betraying the presence of the cape eventually diminishes into the miniature jungle, leaving Haji alone in the garden once more.

Haji shakes his head and looks around. o O { At least the flowers are looking nice again. I'm glad there aren't any here that bite. }

For part of the afternoon, Haji is left alone to tend to the garden and those stubborn flowers which resisted his magical attempts to reinvigorate them. And then … there's another rustle. Someone is coming back, at a brisker pace. And by the sound … sounds like someone wearing armor and wearing a cape.

Haji thinks he knows who is approaching again. For a little protection he draws a symbol on the ground and places his paw over it, working a small ritual. o O { If she has no heart in that armored breast of hers I'm dead anyway. But mayhap I might smile at this yet. }

Sure enough, it's that feline warrior again. She's marching back into the garden, and stomps right through the azaleas, making a beeline for Haji. By her body language (what can be seen with that armor), she does not look happy.

Her hands flash, "You either lied to me, or you're a worthless idiot! Which is it?"

Haji wiggles his ears and gives a Savanite smile to her, { It appears I am an idiot, my mistress. What did you find out? }

The warrioress comes to a halt short of crashing through some brightly-colored blossoms. "It is not this 'Abana' who has green eyes, but the kit, Kaela!"

Haji smiles again, { But I always thought of her eyes as more of a jade color myself. Then again, I'm just simple laborer. What do I know? }

Haji thinks to himself. o O { Haji, this had better work or you are one dead cat. }

The warrioress signs, "You know good and well all Savanites have brown eyes!" She's stumbling over the signs, and furiously removes her mitts again, cramming them into the belt-pouch.

"And I've learned more about you," the warrioress continues. "You went on a trip into a ruin, and only you and this green-eyed child returned. Don't pretend you know nothing of her!"

Haji signs, { Well, my mistress. Imagine something for a moment, if you will. I'm sure you can do that. Kaela saved my life during that little excursion. Now I may be a slave, and you may be one of the most incredible warriors I have ever seen. But you acted like a tyrant, whereas little Kaela is my friend. A friend who has risked her life for me as I have for her. If someone is looking for her with your manner and intent . . . you're lucky I even told you about her name, let alone her eyes. You really should do something about that manner, you're only a warrioress part of the time. Not all of it. }

Haji turns his gaze back to his flowers and prepares to have his jaw broken. Or worse.

Several violent moments later, a bruised and battered and bloodied and mud-spattered Haji lies sprawled amidst torn-up flowers and other vegetation. Heavy boot prints that tear away are the only testament to the previous presence of a very angry feline. Strands of Haji's head hair – trimmed in a most unseemly manner – are scattered here and there. Slowly, Haji regains consciousness as his aches and pains scream at him.

Haji attempts to think. o O { I still think I should have called her a hottie. }

At least Haji has all his teeth. That's good. One has to look on the bright side.

The cheetah examines himself further, seeing nothing is broken. o O { It hurt. But at least I got that Iron Maiden delayed off of Kaela's trail somewhat. What a feline! }

Haji sees a flash of red, through a tear in his trousers, on his thigh. No, it's not blood.

Haji looks at his flowers. o O { And no sense of romance! A female that hates flowers! What's the world comi- wait. My pants are ripped! }

So is his tunic, too. Slash, slash, slash. Those swords were awfully sharp!

Haji carefully pulls back the tear, which exposes a red birthmark. A ruby red paw signing the Savanite word for flame. o O { If anyone sees this. . . }

Just then, Haji notices a disturbance in the dirt in front of him that isn't merely some random pounding. It forms a sign.


Haji forms a small ritual to hold the cloth temporarily back in place until he gets back to the manor. The tear glows a brief second then holds. He looks at the sign on the ground. o O { She can't know. }

Haji begins to feel a fear far greater than a moment before when the warrioress unsheathed her blades.

A fat Creen waddles along the ground nearby, oblivious to the recent violence. He flutters his wings, trying to get off the ground, but he's had more than his fill of Lord Titus' berries.

The cheetah blinks in disbelief, { Of all the gardens in all the floating cities in all the world . . . she had to stumble into my flower bed. }


GMed by Greywolf

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Today is 33 days before Unity Day, Year 29 of the Reign of Archelaus the First (6128)