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Leeta in the Shadows [640 x 650] 87873 bytes, 6/3/2018
Leeta, in the shadow of her master the Temple, gazes on her only source of hope.
by Conrad 'Lynx' Wong - Edit entry

Mazamazamazagoldenvixenbing! [640 x 469] 29151 bytes, 6/3/2018
Maza lounging on Rilikin's couch, a bag of ill-gotten money cleverly concealed under her pillow. Dearest Rilly will never notice!
by Conrad "Lynx" Wong - Edit entry

Reynard the Fop Fox [460 x 700] 74844 bytes, 6/3/2018
Victor Reynard, as drawn for a Baldur's Gate custom character portrait
by Conrad "Lynx" Wong - Edit entry

Zephyr Blackpaw [505 x 627] 64930 bytes, 6/3/2018
Zephyr, sneaking about as usual. From Necronomicon '97
by Conrad 'Lynx' Wong - Edit entry

Map of Rephidim City [776 x 1000] 113630 bytes, 6/3/2018
A map of Rephidim City, with a few noteworthy locations marked. Original sketch by Lynx, with details added by Greywolf.
by Lynx and Greywolf - Edit entry

Rephidim and Airships [219 x 219] 21143 bytes, 6/3/2018
Picture of Rephidim and airships, colorized by Greywolf from the Sinai "splash" by Lynx
by Conrad 'Lynx' Wong and Jordan Greywolf - Edit entry

Rephidim and Ruins [240 x 480] 32818 bytes, 6/3/2018
A look at Rephidim, the only known inhabited sky-island, floating over wild countryside and ruins. A warrior looks on, next to his exotic beast.
by Conrad 'Lynx' Wong - Edit entry

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