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Please enter a description:<img src=gallery/bloodfly.gif align=right> One of the more distasteful varieties of "fauna" to be found in the jungle regions of the Savan and parts of the plains is the dreaded Blood Fly. These creatures have an uncanny ability to scent blood as far as a mile away, and will arrive in swarms in a matter of minutes (or less). In a sense, they serve as "janitors" of the jungle, But, they are a genuine hazard to wounded creatures. They swarm over fallen victims, blanketing them and cramming into every available orifice, killing by suffocation. After that ... it's just another meal.<p> The best defense against Blood Flies (other than simply never bleeding) is to keep moving. They track by scent, not sight, so even if a swarm is in the same clearing, there is still hope to get moving, and hope to find water. Getting into water is the second method -- On the one hand, washing away blood helps. On the other, Blood Flies drown very easily, and the best way to save a victim covered with the flies is to dunk him quickly.
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