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Please enter a description:<a href=gallery/waashuc.gif><img src=gallery/waashu.gif align=right></a> These jellyfish-like creatures are essentially natural gas-bags that float upon the winds, feeding upon whatever bumbles into the grasp of their long stinger- tipped tentacles. This prey mostly consists of some of the exotic airborne plant-life (known collectively as "Sky Gardens") which exhibit similar properties of flight.<p> The semi-transparent Waashu purportedly gains its name from the sound it makes as it gulps in large quantities of air and then expels it to jet forward with some limited maneuverability. (For the most part, however, it is a slave to the winds.) These gases that it generates and which seep out when it expels air are noxious and somewhat flammable, so while the Waashu may be visually appealing to some at a distance, it isn't nearly so pleasant to approach.<p> Dissected Waashu have no discernable brain or central nervous system, and demonstrate little more intelligence (if any) than plant life.
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