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Please enter a description:Magical spells are manifestations of magical energies invoked by magic-users on Sinai. In its most generic sense, a "spell" encompasses any of the major classes of magical incantations used by mages on Sinai. These are classfied based on their respective power, and average time to cast: <p> <b>Cantrip</b>: Weakest of spells. At least 15 seconds to cast on surface of Sinai. <p> <b>Spell</b> or <b>Minor Spell</b>: At least 15 minutes to cast on surface of Sinai. <p> <b>Ritual</b>: At least one hour to cast on surface of Sinai. <p> <b>Major Ritual</b>: At least one day to cast on surface of Sinai. <p> At higher elevations, spellcasting times take longer. For instance, at the level of Rephidim and other sky islands (about 10,000 feet above sea level), spells take about four times as long to cast. At some places on the surface of Sinai (such as at ancient ruins or in Forbidden Zones), casting times may vary greatly.
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