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Please enter a description:In the Early Expedition Era, a large country of Savanites in what is now the territory of Xenea had its capitol in the City of Hands, located in a canyon along the Xenean River. The ruler of these Savanites was known as "Priest-King", signifying his position as both religious and political leader of these people, and ancient records suggest that he was a mage as well - though these suppositions are still considered to be highly controversial, especially within what remains of the Nagai Empire. <p> At some point, this "Savanite Empire" collapsed, and over the years, the formerly ruling Savanites became slaves to those races their ancestors had once enslaved. In recent years, however, the City of Hands was rediscovered, and a settlement of escaped Savanite slaves formed there, choosing a woman known alternately as "Jezebel", "Third-Vision" or "Third-Eye" as their leader, as a new "Priest-King". (Sometimes, this is translated as "Priest-Queen", but the original hand-sign is gender neutral.) <p> 5 New Year of 6103 RTR, Xenea became an independent territory, with its capitol situated in the port city of Safar, its first recognized ruler being Priest-Queen Jade-Eyes (also known as "Azhtar"), sister of the former Priest-Queen.
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