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Please enter a description:<a href=gallery/eepc.gif><img src=gallery/eep-tmb.gif align=right></a> Eeps are small, flightless birds found primarily in and around the Ashdod Territories on the continent of Ur. They are noteworthy for their wide range of colors, puny bodies, oversized feet, long tailfeathers, and ridiculously oversized eyes. The way that the eyelids pop out to cover the bulbous eyes when the bird blinks is rather startling for anyone close enough to witness ... though anyone who would be disturbed by such a spectacle most likely would not be venturing so close in the first place, given the other habits of the eeps.<p> When disturbed or agitated, the eep will begin to rapidly vibrate, finally emitting an ear-splitting "EEP!" and exploding in a spontaneous self-combustion, sending feathers, bits of bone splinters, and other unpleasant eep elements raining on the nearby area. Oddly enough, nearby eeps will be practically impervious to this, and may go right on without evidencing any notice at all.<p> Eeps have no known predators -- their own suicidal nature keeps the population in check.
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