The Sinai Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia Volumes:
1: A'Matu'd to Akwavi
2: Amazonia to Ashtoreth
3: Assassins' Guild to Berryswort
4: Blakat to Cantrip
5: Captain-Astromancer to Cloudmelon
6: Cold Shower to Desolate Band
7: Diagnostitorium to Emperor-Potentate
8: Ephasto to Flying Khattaman
9: Fnerf to Goliath
10: Gooshurm to Hammersong
11: Harvest Tide to Ihtoli Maqahamok
12: Ikara to K'trinzhai
13: Kadiban to Knights Templar
14: Kooshkie to Lapi
15: Learning Machine to Matu'd'arum
16: Maw to Nik-Nik
17: Niton to Pantheon
18: Paquebot to RTR
19: Rahktor to Roses, Sanctuary of
20: Rotbiter to Saskanar
21: Savanite Sign to Shadow, Sphere of
22: Shekelodeon to Skedat
23: Skeek to Squibbit
24: Srinala to The River Runs
25: Thistlebark to Underside
26: Unity Day to Wires
27: Witch to Yodhzakaro
28: Yodh to Zolk
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(term) (event) Arcane Calendar
This is the calendar in use by the College Esoterica since its move to the sky island of Caroban, as yet another sign of its independence from all major powers of Sinai, Rephidim included. Caroban still measures the years the same way, but it divides up the year by twelve holidays - each corresponding to a different Sphere of Magic (Magic, Spheres of), and spaced 30 days apart from each other, with a 5-day (or 6-day during leap years) week added to the front of the year to even things out. As with the Rephidim calendar, dates are measured by how many days they are before or after the nearest holiday.

Under this system, a period of 30 days may be referred to as a "Sphere" or an "Apex", while a period of 15 days may be referred to as a "Hemisphere" or a "Transition".

Holidays and dates of note include:

  • Jan 15: Life to Illusion (Life 15, 15 Illusion)
  • Jan 30: Apex of Illusion
  • Jan 31: Year's End
  • Feb 1: First Day
  • Feb 2: Second Day
  • Feb 3: Third Day
  • Feb 4: Fourth Day
  • Feb 5: Leap Day [during leap years] / Illusion 1 [during non-leap years]
  • Feb 6: Illusion 1 [during leap years]
  • Feb 19: Illusion to Air [during non-leap years] / Illusion 14 [during leap years]
  • Feb 20: Illusion to Air [during leap years] / 14 Air [during non-leap years]
  • Mar 6: Apex of Air
  • Mar 21: Air to Water (Air 15, 15 Water)
  • Apr 5: Apex of Water
  • Apr 20: Water to Light (Water 15, 15 Light)
  • May 5: Apex of Light
  • May 20: Light to Earth (Light 15, 15 Earth)
  • Jun 4: Apex of Earth
  • Jun 19: Earth to Fire (Earth 15, 15 Fire)
  • Jul 4: Apex of Fire
  • Jul 19: Fire to Shadow (Fire 15, 15 Shadow)
  • Aug 3: Apex of Shadow
  • Aug 18: Shadow to Chaos (Shadow 15, 15 Chaos)
  • Sep 2: Apex of Chaos
  • Sep 17: Chaos to Dream (Chaos 15, 15 Dream)
  • Oct 2: Apex of Dream
  • Oct 17: Dream to Spirit (Dream 15, 15 Spirit)
  • Oct 31: Spirit Eve
  • Nov 1: Apex of Spirit
  • Nov 16: Spirit to Mind (Spirit 15, 15 Mind)
  • Dec 1: Apex of Mind
  • Dec 16: Mind to Life (Mind 15, 15 Life)
  • Dec 31: Apex of Life
  • (event) Candlemass
    Candlemass is a holiday celebrated in Rephidim on what would correspond to March 15th each year on our calendar. On this day, candles are lit and flowers are worn by girls -- or given to their suitors.

    (legend) (event) Guy Fox Day
    [Earth Time: November 5] Guy Fox Day is a not-quite-official holiday celebrated in Rephidim City, commemorating the legendary attempt of an Exile Fox would-be assassin to blow up the Captain-Astromancer ... but who set off the explosions prematurely, taking care of himself in the process. The holiday, due to its quasi-official status, is typically celebrated by a parade that goes through the Bazaar region, rather than through the city proper (though it is common for the Temple Scouts to be involved in the festivities.)

    It is a time of fireworks, most notably involving flammable effigies of Foxes, either made of paper mache, or (the more expensive varieties) being stuffed animals with fur hides ... stuffed, that is, with fireworks, with the tail serving as a fuse.

    (event) Harvest Tide
    [Earth Time: November 15] This annual celebration coincides with the traditional time of harvest for Rephidim and much of the northern hemisphere. A large meal showing off the bounties of the harvest is the centerpiece of the day's festivities.

    (event) Landing Day
    [Earth time: December 25th] This holiday, celebrated in Rephidim, commemorates the date that it is believed that the Landing occurred on Sinai.

    (event) New Year's Day
    [Earth time: February 1] This is the date that starts the Rephidim calendar each year, and is celebrated by parades and the making of loud noises to drive away old ghosts and spirits.

    (event) Unity Day
    [Earth time: May 23] This springtime holiday is celebrated with fireworks displays after sunset, commemorating the Pax Rephidim, and the various tribes and nations that make up the Rephidim-dominated alliance.

    Encyclopedia Volumes:
    1: A'Matu'd to Akwavi
    2: Amazonia to Ashtoreth
    3: Assassins' Guild to Berryswort
    4: Blakat to Cantrip
    5: Captain-Astromancer to Cloudmelon
    6: Cold Shower to Desolate Band
    7: Diagnostitorium to Emperor-Potentate
    8: Ephasto to Flying Khattaman
    9: Fnerf to Goliath
    10: Gooshurm to Hammersong
    11: Harvest Tide to Ihtoli Maqahamok
    12: Ikara to K'trinzhai
    13: Kadiban to Knights Templar
    14: Kooshkie to Lapi
    15: Learning Machine to Matu'd'arum
    16: Maw to Nik-Nik
    17: Niton to Pantheon
    18: Paquebot to RTR
    19: Rahktor to Roses, Sanctuary of
    20: Rotbiter to Saskanar
    21: Savanite Sign to Shadow, Sphere of
    22: Shekelodeon to Skedat
    23: Skeek to Squibbit
    24: Srinala to The River Runs
    25: Thistlebark to Underside
    26: Unity Day to Wires
    27: Witch to Yodhzakaro
    28: Yodh to Zolk
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