The "flip side" of Rephidim - or, that is, the bottom side - dominated by "stalactite"-like structures, and dwellings of flight-capable species. Rephidim Temple has long maintained little presence on Underside, but in the aftermath of the abduction of the Captain-Astromancer by "Faraon the Friend", this is no more. The largest structure of note is the Jade Palace (formerly known as Faraon's Dome), which once served as Faraon's base of operations, but it is now in the possession of the Rephidim Temple. A network of tunnels connecting with the Rephidim sewers provides a connection back to the top side, though fliers can of course just wing it around. Most of Underside is barren rock and crystal structures, but there are also large patches of kyootcumber vines and other vegetation clinging tenaciously to the stalactite-like structures.