Sinai is the fourth planet from the sun in the Primus System, and is close to being Earth-like in its variation of climates and its ability to sustain life. Sinai is slightly larger than Earth, for comparative purposes, but also somewhat lighter, due to a very low amount of heavy metals present. Sinai lacks a moon, though it is surrounded by a ring known to most Sinai-based cultures as the Procession ... and some theories hold that it may well be the remnant of a moon that was destroyed long ago by unknown forces. Among so many other odd features, Sinai is characterized by floating "sky island" structures, the largest of which is capable of sustaining Sinai's most powerful city, Rephidim. Magic is known and practiced on Sinai, and it is known that magical powers (and a phenomenon known as "quantum uncertainty) are stronger near the surface, but weaker up at the level of sky islands. They are sometimes even more powerful in certain regions, such as a Forbidden Zone. At the same time, where magic is more powerful, machinery -- especially more complex mechanisms -- tends to be less reliable. A wide variety of creatures can be found on Sinai, including many sapient races so varied as to defy organized classification -- particularly due to the high incidence of mutation on the surface, and the occasional arrival of Exile races from other worlds. Most of the surface is covered by oceans, but there are three major land mass groups: Ai, Ur and Lamu. The sky islands drift freely across the globe, following varying courses, most not bound to any particular continent or other geographical anchor.