The Sinai Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia Volumes:
1: A'Matu'd to Akwavi
2: Amazonia to Ashtoreth
3: Assassins' Guild to Berryswort
4: Blakat to Cantrip
5: Captain-Astromancer to Cloudmelon
6: Cold Shower to Desolate Band
7: Diagnostitorium to Emperor-Potentate
8: Ephasto to Flying Khattaman
9: Fnerf to Goliath
10: Gooshurm to Hammersong
11: Harvest Tide to Ihtoli Maqahamok
12: Ikara to K'trinzhai
13: Kadiban to Knights Templar
14: Kooshkie to Lapi
15: Learning Machine to Matu'd'arum
16: Maw to Nik-Nik
17: Niton to Pantheon
18: Paquebot to RTR
19: Rahktor to Roses, Sanctuary of
20: Rotbiter to Saskanar
21: Savanite Sign to Shadow, Sphere of
22: Shekelodeon to Skedat
23: Skeek to Squibbit
24: Srinala to The River Runs
25: Thistlebark to Underside
26: Unity Day to Wires
27: Witch to Yodhzakaro
28: Yodh to Zolk
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(legend) Rinala
(not common knowledge outside Babel and religious circles)

According to popular Babelite myths such as The Birth of the Seven Sisters, Rinala (sometimes translated as "Life", "Immortality" or "Perpetual Life") was the name of the goddess who eventually became Sunala ("Death") when she and her sisters rebelled against and murdered the creator-god, Vael.

However, less well known is that there are some theories that Rinala was in fact a predecessor of sorts to the pleasure goddess Inala -- That, long ago in Babel's history, two deities formed a sort of creative/destructive duality, one (Rinala) representing life, and the other (Sunala) representing death.

The festivals of Rinala were concerned with fertility and life, and traditionally became intertwined with rituals of courtship, a practice that eventually caused the festivals to be more associated with love -- to the point that the concept of Rinala was originally changed into Dinala ("Love"). From there, the festivals built around the celebration of love turned into hedonistic binges, and what evolved from that was that the goddess of "Love" eventually became Inala ("Pleasure").

Priestesses of Inala would, of course, find this history of the development of their religion to be utterly blasphemous, and this is not anything taught openly in Babel about the origins of their goddesses.

Encyclopedia Volumes:
1: A'Matu'd to Akwavi
2: Amazonia to Ashtoreth
3: Assassins' Guild to Berryswort
4: Blakat to Cantrip
5: Captain-Astromancer to Cloudmelon
6: Cold Shower to Desolate Band
7: Diagnostitorium to Emperor-Potentate
8: Ephasto to Flying Khattaman
9: Fnerf to Goliath
10: Gooshurm to Hammersong
11: Harvest Tide to Ihtoli Maqahamok
12: Ikara to K'trinzhai
13: Kadiban to Knights Templar
14: Kooshkie to Lapi
15: Learning Machine to Matu'd'arum
16: Maw to Nik-Nik
17: Niton to Pantheon
18: Paquebot to RTR
19: Rahktor to Roses, Sanctuary of
20: Rotbiter to Saskanar
21: Savanite Sign to Shadow, Sphere of
22: Shekelodeon to Skedat
23: Skeek to Squibbit
24: Srinala to The River Runs
25: Thistlebark to Underside
26: Unity Day to Wires
27: Witch to Yodhzakaro
28: Yodh to Zolk
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