Native to Lamu, but found in many areas all across Sinai, the fuff'nars are very odd creatures. Their appearance can best be described as 'cute'. They are about a foot to a foot and a half long, followed by a ringed tail that is equal to their bodies in length. Fur color is tawny beige, with reddish brown stripes marking their back and legs. Scavengers by nature, they usually travel in small packs and live off the pickings of larger predators. They are capable of bringing down their own prey if their numbers are great enough in a particular pack. For some reason, many nobles have taken to procuring fuff'nars as pets. If kept well fed, they've proven to be tame and affectionate -- although if they go for any length of time without food, there's an excellent chance they'll attack their owner. Thusly, when the fuff'nar owmer decides to take the pet for a walk... it's a good idea to keep them muzzled. Fuff'nars have one amazing trait; they can actually mimic a person's voice -- often repeating words said to it by the master. They tend to pick up words relating to their lifestyle and scavenger nature, usually words like "dead" and "kill".