The Sphere of Chaos, one of the recognized twelve Spheres of magic by the College Esoterica, deals with abstracts of chance and circumstance, whether by trying to divine the chances of something happening, or by trying to subtly increase or decrease such chances. Most of the magicks ascribed with Chaos can be described as "blessings" or "curses", and it is rarely an exact science. The Sphere of Chaos is also useful for the dispelling of magicks from other Colleges. Chaos Mages have no agreed-upon traditional color for their robes. Their rune is "The Burst", or "The Explosion", which is also the rune for the planet Fortunatis. The Sphere of Chaos is, according to the traditions of Rephidimite scholarship, closely associated with the Sphere of Air (Air, Sphere of), and diametrically opposed to the logical and orderly Sphere of Mind (Mind, Sphere of).