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In a world where magic is quite real and -- in most circles -- readily accepted, the term "witch" can have various meanings. In a "technical" sense, the term is used to describe an apparent practitioner of supernatural effects that is not a true mage, but rather is invoking (presumably sapient) powers for "favors". The distinction may seem unclear, but the presumption is that a true mage is invoking powers of Sinai through ritual, knowledge of magic, and willpower, and that only persons with a certain Magic Potential can hope to cast spells. A witch, on the other hand, need not necessarily have any Magic Potential at all, but rather casts magic indirectly, by calling upon spirits (naturally occuring or not) to do her bidding. This practice is frowned upon by the Mages' Guild. The difference between a priest or priestesses who calls upon a deity for divine favors and a "witch" is not clearly defined. It should be noted that a "witchdoctor" is in no way related to a "witch", despite the similarity in name. Also, "witch" may be applied to male conjurers as well, though in the latter case the term "warlock" is also used. In some circles, the term "witch" has become synonymous with "mage", but its usage usually implies the negative in most Sinai societies. |
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