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(not common knowledge outside Babel and religious circles) One of the Sabaoth Seven, and also accepted as one of the original Sabaoth Six -- demon-warriors bound to the service of the ruler of Ashdod as well as the Seven Sisters. Skekos is depicted as a mutant Eeee with skedat-like features, including a chitinous black body and smooth, featureless faith, with sharp spines protruding all over, and segmented barbed whips extending from each forearm. Skekos is sometimes associated with Sunala in tales that attempt to tie the Sabaoth Seven to the Seven Sisters, but skedats are not particularly sacred to Sunala. Like a skedat, Skekos tends to charge blindly at an opponent, hoping to impale the foe upon his spikes, and to flail with his barbed whips. |
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