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Rephidim Temple Reckoning is the standard by which the calendar for most events in Sinai's history is held, as time is measured by the Priests of Rephidim Temple. Since Sinai's language is not English, the exact "abbreviation" would represent different characters, but for the purpose of abstraction (and maintenance of sanity, lest everyone have to learn a new language just to roleplay), "RTR" represents the commonly-accepted acronym, and is often considered to represent "Rephidim Time Reckoning" by those who would not wish to give the Temple any more credit than is necessary. To calculate the current year from AD to RTR, you can roughly get by with adding 4100 to the real-world year. (Add 4099 if it is the month of January, because Sinai's "New Year" is February 1st.) So, for example, if it is, in our world, February 1st, 1997 AD, on Sinai it will be New Year's Day, 6097 RTR. On January 31st, 1997 AD, it would be 1 Day Before New Year's, 6096 RTR.
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