The Offworld Legion is an armed force serving an alliance between the Abaddonian Kampfzengruppe and the Khattan Emirate of Sinai. Formed primarily to operate on the various Gateway Worlds, it sees some small action on Abaddon and Sinai as well -- particularly on Abaddon, where the Offworld Legion is sometimes employed to fight off hostile fauna in the disease-ridden canals that criss-cross the otherwise desert planet. The Offworld Legion is largely comprised of criminals that have been offered a chance at amnesty in lieu of execution ... provided they manage to survive a tour of duty with the Legion and perform admirably. There are also a number of volunteers as well -- typically outcasts and ne'er-do-wells who haven't any marketable skills other than being able to shoot or stop a bullet. The Legion tends to have a high turnover rate, especially amongst first-year members.