The Sphere of Illusion, one of the twelve recognized Spheres of magic by the College Esoterica, deals with, as it implies, the powers of illusion. Illusionists, by means of spells, can create simulations of reality by creating images of light, patterns of sound, and even hints of scent and other sensations. However, illusions of this nature affect sensations in the environment -- not by directly affecting the mind itself. More powerful "illusions" can have such potency as to create a magically solid construct that may last for the duration of the spell and even be able to act upon its surroundings, if the ritual is potent enough. The rune of this Sphere is "The Mirror", and Illusionists typically dress in robes of black (though, given their nature, they may opt for other attire so as to not give their true profession away). According to Rephidim scholarship, the Sphere of Illusion is most closely related to the Sphere of Shadow (Shadow, Sphere of), and diametrically opposed to the Sphere of Spirit (Spirit, Sphere of) - the latter often being associated with the sense of "truth", for purposes of this debated opposition scheme.