The Sinai Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia Volumes:
1: A'Matu'd to Akwavi
2: Amazonia to Ashtoreth
3: Assassins' Guild to Berryswort
4: Blakat to Cantrip
5: Captain-Astromancer to Cloudmelon
6: Cold Shower to Desolate Band
7: Diagnostitorium to Emperor-Potentate
8: Ephasto to Flying Khattaman
9: Fnerf to Goliath
10: Gooshurm to Hammersong
11: Harvest Tide to Ihtoli Maqahamok
12: Ikara to K'trinzhai
13: Kadiban to Knights Templar
14: Kooshkie to Lapi
15: Learning Machine to Matu'd'arum
16: Maw to Nik-Nik
17: Niton to Pantheon
18: Paquebot to RTR
19: Rahktor to Roses, Sanctuary of
20: Rotbiter to Saskanar
21: Savanite Sign to Shadow, Sphere of
22: Shekelodeon to Skedat
23: Skeek to Squibbit
24: Srinala to The River Runs
25: Thistlebark to Underside
26: Unity Day to Wires
27: Witch to Yodhzakaro
28: Yodh to Zolk
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(fauna) Horrib
Horrib Large insectoid creature found on the continent of Ur, primarily in the Ashdod Territories and surrounding areas, combining features of wasp, spider and other strange creatures into one large, violent package. Horribs generate a potent poison that they inject with their stingers - a poison that sees fairly widespread use amongst those who would use such things, to the point that antidotes are readily available in most civilized territories. Ironically, horrib poison also is used as a major ingredient as an antidote to several toxins.

Female horribs possess the ability to inject a paralyzing, non-lethal form of poison into their prey, so that they can plant their eggs in the still-conscious victim, which will then hatch into larvae and feed upon the host. The Babelites use horribs thus to condemn criminals to a particularly horrible fate, essentially being eaten alive by horrib larvae, and sustained during the whole and quite terrible ordeal.

Horribs are also carefully prepared as a delicacy of sorts (since improper preparation can result in poisoned food), and the fleshy tail is especially prized by Eeee diners.

Encyclopedia Volumes:
1: A'Matu'd to Akwavi
2: Amazonia to Ashtoreth
3: Assassins' Guild to Berryswort
4: Blakat to Cantrip
5: Captain-Astromancer to Cloudmelon
6: Cold Shower to Desolate Band
7: Diagnostitorium to Emperor-Potentate
8: Ephasto to Flying Khattaman
9: Fnerf to Goliath
10: Gooshurm to Hammersong
11: Harvest Tide to Ihtoli Maqahamok
12: Ikara to K'trinzhai
13: Kadiban to Knights Templar
14: Kooshkie to Lapi
15: Learning Machine to Matu'd'arum
16: Maw to Nik-Nik
17: Niton to Pantheon
18: Paquebot to RTR
19: Rahktor to Roses, Sanctuary of
20: Rotbiter to Saskanar
21: Savanite Sign to Shadow, Sphere of
22: Shekelodeon to Skedat
23: Skeek to Squibbit
24: Srinala to The River Runs
25: Thistlebark to Underside
26: Unity Day to Wires
27: Witch to Yodhzakaro
28: Yodh to Zolk
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