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(not common knowledge outside Babel and religious circles) One of the Sabaoth Seven, and also accepted as one of the original Sabaoth Six -- demon-warriors bound to the service of the ruler of Ashdod as well as the Seven Sisters. Ephasto is depicted as a mutant Eeee with eep-like features, easily the most grotesque of the Sabaoth Seven, with a disjointed, almost comical body characterized by bizarre proportions, a tiny head, and enormous, bugged-out eyes, with a vestigial beak. Ephasto is sometimes associated with Zakaro, though eeps are not particularly sacred to her. He is particularly bizarre in that his sole attack of note is to explode in a burst of bone shrapnel to fight the enemy. (The characters in these tales seem to be completely oblivious to the easy supposition, therefore, that Ephastos isn't going to get out of any battle alive, and if Ephastos shows up in a tale again after making this attack, no explanation is given for his miraculous return.) |
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