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Stonebarrow Timeline
A brief timeline of significant events in the history of Stonebarrow.
5903 RTR Old Stonebarrow conquered by the Bloodfurs out of Tursdi. Liberation of the Stonebarrow skeeks
5950 RTR Reign of the Necromancer King begins
5962 RTR Yewberry defeats the Frog King
5970 RTR Sir Gregor Snapfish II becomes landlord. Beginning of Snapfish dynasty.
5981 RTR Duke Phelix Kurai the First defeats the Necromancer King with the Light of Nala
6000 RTR Stonebarrow surrounded by remaining Necromancer Lords.
6037 RTR The Upheaval. Various natural disasters befall central Sylvania. Old Town submerged by flooding swamp. Chalks begin moving into their chalk mines. Mint Dam commissioned: formal formation of Clan Wingnut. Duke Phelix Kurai III takes up the Light of Nala, becoming the new Champion.
6040 RTR Lord Wulfgar Snapfish seeks aid from Lord Druagh, becomes a vampire. End of Snapfish dynasty, arrival of the Oggtons and Snifflers.
6041 RTR Completion of the Mint Dam, attempted town takeover by Abner Wingnut.
6042 RTR Stonebarrow Militia becomes mercenary force for hire. Elite assassination squad formed, referred to as the Bloodfurs.
6043 RTR Collapse of Sylvania into scattered fiefdoms. Stonebarrow ruled by Town Council made up of the heads of various clans.
6050 RTR End of the Reign of Necromancy. Bloodfurs destroy Lord Druagh.
6105 RTR Stonebarrow awarded to Chevalier Montagne von Richebeau by the Marquis of Gallis.
6106 RTR Erik von Richebeau accepted as landlord-in-name-only by Stonebarrow Town Council for political reasons, given no actual authority.
6107 RTR Amelia Blacktail becomes Frog Princess. Arrival of Gypsies. Arrival of Valicross the Necromancer.
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