[Logged by Francisco in the FST3K room one night. The topic, after some
initial silliness, turns to what type of character Galand might play. We
realize that the character won't have any etiquette... he tries a fast one
on Buran, who rejects it. Hilarity ensues.]
[This is NOT an official log! Do not count it as one!]
Envoy suggests someone on a quest for the Holy Grail!
Buran says, "What.... is your name?"
Greywolf says, "Blue! Ack! I thought you asked what col--- AIEEEEEEEEE!"
Envoy says, "Sir Galahad!"
Buran says, "What.... is your quest?"
Envoy says, "I seek a pizza!"
Buran says, "What.... is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
Envoy says, "Rephidim swallow or Chronotopian swallow?"
Buran says, "Oh, I don't know tha---AAAAaaaaaaahhhhh!"
Greywolf hee hees!
Buran goes sailing off the temple roof.
Buran doesn't go crash, she just flies back up to the roof. :)
Galand tries the smooth-talking ladies' man aspect...he looks Buran over.
"Say, Madam Priestess...might I ask just how much I'd have to offer for you
to show me just where all your spots are? ;)
Greywolf says, "Hmm. I was about to suggest Etiquette, but that line makes
me change my line. =)"
John says, "Cheap Pickup lines 101!"
Greywolf says, "I think he just wrote #102. =)"
Buran looks askance at the gambler dude. "That ... would not be in keeping
with the Inner Mysteries. I must decline."
Galand quirks his eyebrows. "Well, I'll show you my Inner Mysteries if you
show me yours..." ;)
Greywolf covers his face. "Oogh!"
Lynxfluff yeahs. No etiquette for Galand's char. }:)
Buran sticks two fingers in her mouth and blows. A pair of Zelaks appear.
Greywolf says, "Most certainly no Etiquette. =)"
Buran says, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the temple
grounds immediately, sir."
Greywolf says, "might need Regeneration, after the Zelaks are done. =)"
The Zelaks clack.
Galand smiles, whipping out his crossbow. "Ah...bug-hunt!"
Francisco jumps! "Eep - Bugs? Where? Aiie!"
Lynxfluff hopes Galand remembers repeating crossbows are expensive. }:)
Galand whips out one in each hand, then. ;)
Buran says, "After, of course, you explain to the Arch-Inquisitor how you
got onto the roof."
Greywolf says, "Not to mention extremely rare. Turtle's crossbow is
supposed to be /special/."
"Suspect has produced lethal weapon," a Zelak rasps. "Shall we subdue the
suspect, Technopriestess?"
Galand smiles, holstering the twin crossbows. "Guys..>"
Buran crosses her arms, glaring at the gambler. "Get him out of here."
Galand mrrowls, "C'mon...I"m a gambler, not a fighter...you boys, you're
bred for fighting...."
The Zelaks advance toward Galand, wrist sabers raised.
Galand mrrowls, "Now, I was just trying to make some small talk with the
lady here, so if you'll both just bug off, I'll find my own way out...I
mean...what chance would I have of getting a shot off before you guys get
to me, hmm?"
Galand whips up his crossbows and fires point-blank. "None at all."
"Chance is irrelevant," a Zelak says. The crossbow bolt sinks into its
chiton chest plate, protruding like a decoration of some sort while the two
close in on Galand, reaching out to grasp for him.
Galand blinks. "Oh, er, um....crapola."
"Subject is showing resistance." the other Zelak marches forward.
Francisco hides behind some pillows.
Green ichor leaks from the bolthole.
Galand backs up, putting away the crossbows, and producing a small pouch.
"Toodles, guys...." He tosses down the pouch hard, producing a huge cloud
of smoke!
Buran wonders idly where Galand is going to go considering he's on the roof
of the temple.
The Zelaks pause, momentarily blinded. They swivel their heads around,
waiting patiently for the smoke to clear.
One of the Zelak claks to the other.
When the smoke clears, he is gone....
Buran looks at the char spot on the roof. "Oh, no. Yet another thing for me
to repair." She turns to the Zelaks. "Find him."
The first Zelak snuffles at the air, then bends down to sniff the ground.
More ichor leaks.
The technopriest notices that the Zelaks have not made a move to track that
... intruder. "Get moving!" she yells.
"Scent acquired," the first Zelak says to the second. They start walking
across the roof.
From one of the few windows below, a chorus of female screams
erupts....followed by a smooth voice: "Pardon me ladies...didn't mean to
interrupt. By all means keep bathing, and I'llfind my own way out...no
ma'am, I don't want your towel, but thank you for offering...here's the
hotel where I'm staying, if you want to deliver it in private..."
Buran cocks an ear. "Is that an Uzi I hear?"
That same smooth voice: "Err...umm...crapola!"
Same voice: "Heyheyhey!!! Watch the shirt! That's my lucky shirt!"
Buran thought there were some mentioned in a log taking place on the
Bridge. Oh well.
Galand eeps, and is suddenly clinging to the side of the building...
Buran peers over the edge of the roof, calling the Zelaks over. "There he
Galand blinks, looking up. "Um, hi."
The Zelaks pursue tirelessly, though the first one is showing less
tirelessness than the other.
Galand climbs down faster.
Galand mutters to himself as he searches for footholds and handholds, "Must
go faster...must go faster..."
Buran goes inside and alerts the front guard tower that there is an
intruder climbing down the wall.
Guards squawk startledly. Some Vartans step onto the roof with crossbows.
Lynxfluff 'gryns. Maybe you should have bought stealth, Galand. }:)
Galand mrrowls, "errr...ummm..crap." He thinks, then looks up, "Guys? What
would it take for you NOT to shoot me?""
"What have you got?" A black Vartan with white bars on his wings flutters
down to join Galand on a ledge.
The other wrinkles his nose, seeing Galand's outfit. "Besides bad taste in
Lynxfluff substitutes beak for nose. }:)
Galand rummages thru his beltpouch, pulling out a not-so-meager amount of
Shekels. "Well...here's my winnings from last night...." He looks at the
Vartan. "They're nice and /shiny/...see? I polished 'em last night."
Galand smiles. "I always like my money to be nice and /shiny/ and
clean...don't you agree?"
The first Vartan rubs under his beak. "Hmm. All right." He takes the
shekels, and then the other Vartan lays his hands around Galand's
The two Vartans ZOOM! off the Temple roof with Galand.
Galand yaaaaaaaahs!
Galand squeezes his eyes shut, saying, "Guys...just set me down
anywhere...gently, if possible."
They wing off behind a few warehouses and then set Galand back down. The
first Vartan winks as he splits the shekels with the second. "Don't come
back. We don't want to explain to the Technopriestess why you aren't